* This file installs one tool into the user interface, a menu item for
* inserting an inline atom into the document, one that allows the user to write
* mathematical expressions and declarations in a variety of editing modes.
* Beginner mode uses the MathLive editor, which is probably easiest for new
* users. Intermediate mode has the greatest UI complexity, including drop-down
* menus for statements vs. assumptions vs. all types of declarations, and
* permitting expression input using Lurch notation or the MathLive editor.
* Advanced mode is a minimalistic dialog in which the user can enter only Lurch
* notation, and see a preview of it typeset before confirming their edits.
* @module ExpressionAtoms
import { Atom } from './atoms.js'
import { lookup } from './document-settings.js'
import {
Dialog, LongTextInputItem, TextInputItem, CheckBoxItem, SelectBoxItem
} from './dialog.js'
import { parse, represent } from './notation.js'
import { MathItem, getConverter } from './math-live.js'
import { appSettings } from './settings-install.js'
import {
Expression as LCExpression, Declaration as LCDeclaration
} from '../core/src/index.js'
import { DeclarationType } from './declarations.js'
import { copyHTMLToClipboard } from './utilities.js'
let converter = null
* Install into a TinyMCE editor instance a new menu item:
* "Expression," intended for the Insert menu. It creates an inline atom that
* can be inserted into the user's document, then initiates editing on it, so
* that the user can customize it and then confirm or cancel the insertion of it.
* The inline atom represents a mathematical expression or declaration.
* @param {tinymce.Editor} editor the TinyMCE editor instance into which the new
* menu item should be installed
* @function
export const install = editor => {
getConverter().then( result => converter = result )
// Define reusable function that initiates the insertion of an expression
const insertExpression = () => {
const mode = appSettings.get( 'expression editor type' )
const atom = Atom.newInline( editor, '',
mode == 'Beginner' ? {
type : 'expression',
latex : '',
given : false
} : mode == 'Intermediate' ? {
type : 'expression',
contentType : 'Statement',
latex : '',
lurchNotation : '',
symbol : ''
} : { // mode == 'Advanced'
type : 'expression',
lurchNotation : ''
} )
// Install that function as what happens when you use the Insert expression action
editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem( 'expression', {
text : 'Expression',
icon : 'superscript',
tooltip : 'Insert expression',
shortcut : 'Meta+E',
onAction : insertExpression
} )
* An Atom that represents a mathematical expression or declaration.
export class Expression extends Atom {
static subclassName = Atom.registerSubclass( 'expression', Expression )
// Internal use only
// Redirects the user to beginner, intermediate, or advanced editing mode,
// with the given explanation presented, returning a promise that resolves
// or rejects depending on what happens with the corresponding dialog.
redirectEditMode ( mode, explanation = '' ) {
return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
`${explanation} Redirecting you to ${mode} mode.`,
`Must edit in ${mode} mode`
).then( () => {
switch ( mode ) {
case 'beginner':
this.editInBeginnerMode().then( resolve ).catch( reject )
case 'intermediate':
this.editInIntermediateMode().then( resolve ).catch( reject )
case 'advanced':
this.editInAdvancedMode().then( resolve ).catch( reject )
} )
} )
// Internal use only
// Was this expression last edited (and thus is now saved) using the
// beginner mode of the editor?
// (The way to tell is that there is no Lurch notation metadata, since only
// intermediate and advanced modes use that.)
isInBeginnerMode () {
return typeof( this.getMetadata( 'lurchNotation' ) ) == 'undefined'
// Internal use only
// Was this expression last edited (and thus is now saved) using the
// intermediate mode of the editor?
// (The way to tell is that there is a contentType metadata, since only
// intermediate mode uses that.)
isInIntermediateMode () {
return !!this.getMetadata( 'contentType' )
// Internal use only
// Was this expression last edited (and thus is now saved) using the
// advanced mode of the editor?
// (Easy: neither of the previous two are true)
isInAdvancedMode () {
return !this.isInBeginnerMode() && !this.isInIntermediateMode()
// Internal use only
// Does this atom represent a statement?
// (That is, exactly one LC, which is an Expression-type LC and not a given.)
isStatement () {
const LCs = this.toLCs()
return LCs.length == 1
&& ( LCs[0] instanceof LCExpression )
&& !LCs[0].isA( 'given' )
// Internal use only
// Does this atom represent an assumption?
// (That is, exactly one LC, which is an Expression-type LC and a given.)
isAssumption () {
const LCs = this.toLCs()
return LCs.length == 1
&& ( LCs[0] instanceof LCExpression )
&& LCs[0].isA( 'given' )
// Internal use only
// Does this atom represent a declaration?
// (That is, exactly one LC, which is a Declaration-type LC.)
isDeclaration () {
const LCs = this.toLCs()
return LCs.length == 1
&& ( LCs[0] instanceof LCDeclaration )
// Internal use only
// Look at the metadata for this atom and try to deduce how to represent it
// in the data for beginner mode (that is, a single expr-given pair, as an
// object with just the fields `latex` and `given`). This throws an error
// if it's not possible, with a user-readable error message.
loadBeginnerModeData () {
if ( this.isInBeginnerMode() ) {
return {
latex : this.getMetadata( 'latex' ),
given : this.getMetadata( 'given' )
if ( this.isInIntermediateMode() ) {
if ( this.isDeclaration() )
throw new Error( 'Declarations cannot be edited in beginner mode.' )
return {
latex : this.getMetadata( 'latex' ),
given : this.isAssumption()
if ( this.isInAdvancedMode() ) {
if ( this.isStatement() ) {
const lurchNotation = this.getMetadata( 'lurchNotation' )
return {
latex : converter( lurchNotation, 'lurch', 'latex' ),
given : false
if ( this.isAssumption() )
throw new Error( 'Converting assumptions from advanced to beginner mode not yet implemented.' )
throw new Error( 'This type of content cannot be edited in beginner mode.' )
// Internal use only
// Look at the metadata for this atom and try to deduce how to represent it
// in the data for intermediate mode (that is, an object with the fields
// `contentType`, `latex`, `lurchNotation`, and `symbol`). This throws an
// error if it's not possible, with a user-readable error message.
loadIntermediateModeData () {
if ( this.isInBeginnerMode() ) {
const latex = this.getMetadata( 'latex' )
return {
// Phrased the following way so that empty LaTeX => Statement:
contentType : this.isAssumption() ? 'Assumption' : 'Statement',
symbol : '',
latex : latex,
lurchNotation : converter( latex, 'latex', 'lurch' )
if ( this.isInIntermediateMode() ) {
return {
contentType : this.getMetadata( 'contentType' ),
symbol : this.getMetadata( 'symbol' ),
latex : this.getMetadata( 'latex' ),
lurchNotation : this.getMetadata( 'lurchNotation' )
if ( this.isInAdvancedMode() ) {
if ( this.isStatement() ) {
const lurchNotation = this.getMetadata( 'lurchNotation' )
return {
contentType : 'Statement',
symbol : '',
latex : converter( lurchNotation, 'lurch', 'latex' ),
lurchNotation : lurchNotation
if ( this.isAssumption() )
throw new Error( 'Converting assumptions to intermediate mode not yet implemented.' )
throw new Error( 'This type of content cannot be edited in intermediate mode.' )
// Internal use only
// Look at the metadata for this atom and try to deduce how to represent it
// in the data for advanced mode (that is, just a single string in Lurch
// notation, though we store it in an object with the `lurchNotation` field,
// to be future-proof). This throws an error if it's not possible, with a
// user-readable error message.
loadAdvancedModeData () {
if ( this.isInBeginnerMode() ) {
const latex = this.getMetadata( 'latex' )
const lurchNotation = converter( latex, 'latex', 'lurch' )
const prefix = this.isStatement() ? '' : ':'
return {
lurchNotation : prefix + lurchNotation
if ( this.isInIntermediateMode() ) {
const contentType = this.getMetadata( 'contentType' )
if ( contentType == 'Statement' ) return {
lurchNotation : this.getMetadata( 'lurchNotation' )
if ( contentType == 'Assumption' ) return {
lurchNotation : ':' + this.getMetadata( 'lurchNotation' )
const declType = DeclarationType.fromTemplate( contentType )
const symbol = this.getMetadata( 'symbol' )
const lurchNotationForBody = this.getMetadata( 'lurchNotation' )
return {
lurchNotation : declType.lurchNotationForm( symbol, lurchNotationForBody )
if ( this.isInAdvancedMode() ) {
return {
lurchNotation : this.getMetadata( 'lurchNotation' )
// Internal use only
// Save the given data in the metadata for this atom, in such a way that we
// would then have isInBeginnerMode() true, and loadBeginnerModeData() would
// extract this data.
saveBeginnerModeData ( latex, given ) {
this.setMetadata( 'latex', latex )
this.setMetadata( 'given', given )
this.removeMetadata( 'contentType' )
this.removeMetadata( 'symbol' )
this.removeMetadata( 'lurchNotation' )
// Internal use only
// Save the given data in the metadata for this atom, in such a way that we
// would then have isInIntermediateMode() true, and loadIntermediateModeData()
// would extract this data.
saveIntermediateModeData ( contentType, symbol, latex, lurchNotation ) {
this.setMetadata( 'contentType', contentType )
this.setMetadata( 'symbol', symbol )
this.setMetadata( 'latex', latex )
this.setMetadata( 'lurchNotation', lurchNotation )
this.removeMetadata( 'given' )
// Internal use only
// Save the given data in the metadata for this atom, in such a way that we
// would then have isInAdvancedMode() true, and loadAdvancedModeData() would
// extract this data.
saveAdvancedModeData ( lurchNotation ) {
this.setMetadata( 'lurchNotation', lurchNotation )
this.removeMetadata( 'given' )
this.removeMetadata( 'contentType' )
this.removeMetadata( 'symbol' )
this.removeMetadata( 'latex' )
// Internal use only.
// Used by edit() if the user's settings are in beginner mode.
editInBeginnerMode () {
// Ensure that we can do this in beginner mode; if not, switch to another
// mode instead.
let loadedData
try {
loadedData = this.loadBeginnerModeData()
} catch ( e ) {
try {
return this.redirectEditMode( 'intermediate', e.message )
} catch ( e ) {
return this.redirectEditMode( 'advanced', e.message )
// set up dialog contents
const dialog = new Dialog( 'Edit math', this.editor )
const mathLiveInput = new MathItem( 'latex', '' )
mathLiveInput.setFocusWhenShown( true )
dialog.addItem( mathLiveInput )
dialog.addItem( new CheckBoxItem( 'given', 'Assumption', false ) )
// initialize dialog with data from the atom
dialog.setInitialData( {
latex : loadedData.latex,
given : loadedData.given
} )
// utilities used below
const convertToLurchNotation = () => {
try {
return converter( dialog.get( 'latex' ), 'latex', 'lurch' )
} catch {
return null
const latexIsValid = () => {
try {
const lurchNotation = convertToLurchNotation()
if ( lurchNotation === null ) return null
const LCs = parse( lurchNotation, 'lurchNotation' )
return ( LCs.length == 1 ) && ( LCs[0] instanceof LCExpression )
} catch {
return null
dialog.onChange = () =>
dialog.dialog.setEnabled( 'OK', latexIsValid() )
// Show it and if they accept any changes, apply them to the atom.
const result = dialog.show().then( userHitOK => {
if ( !userHitOK || !latexIsValid() ) return false
this.saveBeginnerModeData( dialog.get( 'latex' ), dialog.get( 'given' ) )
return true
} )
dialog.dialog.setEnabled( 'OK', latexIsValid() )
return result
// Internal use only.
// Used by edit() if the user's settings are in intermediate mode.
editInIntermediateMode () {
// Ensure that we can do this in intermediate mode; if not, switch to
// advanced mode instead.
let loadedData
try {
loadedData = this.loadIntermediateModeData()
} catch ( e ) {
return this.redirectEditMode( 'advanced', e.message )
// set up dialog contents
const dialog = new Dialog( 'Edit math', this.editor )
dialog.addItem( new SelectBoxItem( 'contentType',
'Type of mathematical content',
...DeclarationType.allInSettings( true ).map( dt =>
dt.template )
) )
const symbolInput = new TextInputItem( 'symbol',
'Name of variable or constant', '' )
dialog.addItem( symbolInput )
const lurchInput = new TextInputItem( 'lurchNotation',
'Statement in plain text', '' )
dialog.addItem( lurchInput )
const mathLiveInput = new MathItem( 'latex',
'Statement in standard notation' )
dialog.addItem( mathLiveInput )
const mathLivePreview = new MathItem( 'preview', 'Preview of content' )
mathLivePreview.finishSetup = () => {
mathLivePreview.mathLiveEditor.readOnly = true
mathLivePreview.mathLiveEditor.style.border = 0
dialog.addItem( mathLivePreview )
// create functions for manipulating the contents of the dialog
const showGroup = ( element, visible ) => {
const group = element?.parentNode
if ( group ) group.style.display = visible ? '' : 'none'
const symbolElement = () => dialog.querySelector( 'input[type="text"]' )
const showSymbolGroup = visible => showGroup( symbolElement(), visible )
const expressionTextElement = () => dialog.querySelectorAll( 'input[type="text"]' )[1]
const expressionLatexElement = () => dialog.querySelector( '#math-latex' )
const showExpressionGroups = visible => {
showGroup( expressionTextElement(), visible )
showGroup( expressionLatexElement(), visible )
const expressionGroupsVisible = () =>
expressionTextElement()?.parentNode?.style?.display != 'none'
const showControlsForContentType = contentType => {
showSymbolGroup( contentType != 'Statement'
&& contentType != 'Assumption' )
showExpressionGroups( contentType == 'Statement'
|| contentType == 'Assumption'
|| DeclarationType.templateToBody( contentType ) != 'none' )
// initialize dialog with data from the atom
dialog.setInitialData( {
lurchNotation : loadedData.lurchNotation,
latex : loadedData.latex,
symbol : loadedData.symbol || '',
contentType : loadedData.contentType
} )
// place the cursor where it belongs
if ( loadedData.contentType != 'Statement'
&& loadedData.contentType != 'Assumption' )
dialog.setDefaultFocus( 'symbol' )
else if ( lookup( this.editor, 'notation' ) == 'latex' )
mathLiveInput.setFocusWhenShown( true )
dialog.setDefaultFocus( 'lurchNotation' )
// utilities used below
const convertToLatex = () => {
const lurchNotation = dialog.get( 'lurchNotation' )
if ( lurchNotation.trim() == '' ) return ''
try {
return converter( lurchNotation, 'lurch', 'latex' )
} catch {
return null
const convertToLurchNotation = () => {
const latex = dialog.get( 'latex' )
if ( latex.trim() == '' ) return ''
try {
return converter( latex, 'latex', 'lurch' )
} catch {
return null
let expressionIsValid = loadedData.latex.trim() != ''
const generatePreview = () => {
// console.log( 'gen prev with',
// dialog.get( 'contentType' ),
// dialog.get( 'symbol' ),
// dialog.get( 'lurchNotation' ),
// dialog.get( 'latex' )
// )
const contentType = dialog.get( 'contentType' )
const expressionLatex = convertToLatex()
if ( contentType == 'Statement' )
return expressionIsValid ? expressionLatex : null
if ( contentType == 'Assumption' )
return expressionIsValid ? `\\text{Assume }${expressionLatex}` : null
const symbol = dialog.get( 'symbol' )
if ( `${symbol}`.trim() == '' ) return null
const declType = DeclarationType.fromTemplate( contentType )
if ( declType.body != 'none'
&& ( !expressionIsValid || !expressionLatex ) )
return null
const symbolLatex = symbol.length == 1 ? symbol : `\\mathrm{${symbol}}`
const filled = contentType
.replace( '[statement]', `$${expressionLatex}$` )
.replace( '[variable]', `$${symbolLatex}$` )
.replace( '[constant]', `$${symbolLatex}$` )
return `\\text{${filled}}`
// if they edit the Lurch notation or latex, keep them in sync
let updatesEnabled = false
setTimeout( () => updatesEnabled = true ) // after dialog populates
dialog.onChange = ( _, component ) => {
if ( !updatesEnabled ) return
updatesEnabled = false // prevent syncing to fixed point/infinity
if ( expressionGroupsVisible()
&& ( component.name == 'lurchNotation' || component.name == 'latex' ) ) {
if ( component.name == 'lurchNotation' ) {
const converted = convertToLatex()
if ( converted !== null )
mathLiveInput.setValue( converted )
expressionIsValid = !!converted
} else if ( component.name == 'latex' ) {
const converted = convertToLurchNotation()
if ( converted !== null )
dialog.dialog.setData( { lurchNotation : converted } )
expressionIsValid = !!converted
if ( component.name == 'contentType' )
showControlsForContentType( dialog.get( 'contentType' ) )
if ( component.name != 'preview' ) {
const preview = generatePreview()
if ( preview )
mathLivePreview.setValue( preview )
mathLivePreview.setValue( '' )
dialog.dialog.setEnabled( 'OK', !!preview )
updatesEnabled = true
// Show it and if they accept any changes, apply them to the atom.
const result = dialog.show().then( userHitOK => {
if ( !userHitOK || !generatePreview() ) return false
dialog.get( 'contentType' ),
dialog.get( 'symbol' ),
dialog.get( 'latex' ),
dialog.get( 'lurchNotation' )
return true
} )
showControlsForContentType( loadedData.contentType )
const preview = generatePreview()
if ( preview ) {
const interval = setInterval( () => {
if ( mathLivePreview.mathLiveEditor ) {
mathLivePreview.setValue( preview )
clearInterval( interval )
}, 25 )
dialog.dialog.setEnabled( 'OK', !!generatePreview() )
return result
// Internal use only.
// Used by edit() if the user's settings are in advanced mode.
editInAdvancedMode () {
const { lurchNotation } = this.loadAdvancedModeData()
// set up dialog contents
const dialog = new Dialog( 'Edit math', this.editor )
dialog.hideHeader = dialog.hideFooter = true
const lurchInput = new LongTextInputItem( 'lurchNotation', '', '' )
dialog.addItem( lurchInput )
const mathLivePreview = new MathItem( 'latex', '' )
mathLivePreview.finishSetup = () => {
mathLivePreview.mathLiveEditor.readOnly = true
mathLivePreview.mathLiveEditor.style.border = 0
mathLivePreview.mathLiveEditor.style.padding = '0.5rem 0 0 0.5rem'
dialog.addItem( mathLivePreview )
// initialize dialog with data from the atom
dialog.setInitialData( {
lurchNotation : lurchNotation,
latex : converter( lurchNotation, 'lurch', 'latex' )
} )
dialog.setDefaultFocus( 'lurchNotation' )
// utility used below
const convertToLatex = () => {
try {
return converter( dialog.get( 'lurchNotation' ), 'lurch', 'latex' )
} catch {
return null
// if they edit the Lurch notation or latex, keep them in sync
dialog.onChange = ( _, component ) => {
if ( component.name == 'lurchNotation' ) {
const converted = convertToLatex()
if ( converted || converted === '' )
mathLivePreview.setValue( converted )
const lurchInputElement = dialog.querySelector( 'textarea' )
if ( lurchInputElement ) {
if ( typeof converted === 'string' ) {
} else {
dialog.dialog.setEnabled( 'OK', !!converted )
// Show it and if they accept any changes, apply them to the atom.
const result = dialog.show().then( userHitOK => {
if ( !userHitOK || !convertToLatex() ) return false
this.saveAdvancedModeData( dialog.get( 'lurchNotation' ) )
return true
} )
dialog.dialog.setEnabled( 'OK', !!convertToLatex() )
// prevent enter to confirm if the input is invalid
const lurchInputElement = dialog.querySelector( 'textarea' )
if ( lurchInputElement ) {
lurchInputElement.classList.add( 'advancedTextArea' )
// set the initial height based on the number of current lines
// of text in the initial value, plus wordwrap at 45 chars
const computeHeight = s => 10 + 24 * Math.max( 1,
s.split( '\n' ).reduce( ( total, line ) =>
total + Math.max( 1, Math.ceil( line.length / 45 ) ), 0 ) )
lurchInputElement.style.height = computeHeight( lurchNotation ) + 'px'
// it should be valid to start since it was saved in the first place
// give it focus, but if it ever loses focus, close the dialog
lurchInputElement.addEventListener( 'blur', () =>
setTimeout( () => dialog.close() ) )
lurchInputElement.addEventListener('input', () =>
lurchInputElement.style.height =
computeHeight (lurchInputElement.value ) + 'px' )
// listen for the Enter and Shift+Enter keys
lurchInputElement.addEventListener( 'keydown', event => {
if ( event.key == 'Enter' ) {
if ( event.shiftKey ) {
// allow Shift+Enter to add a line
} else if ( convertToLatex() ) {
// Plain enter submits if the input is valid
dialog.querySelector( 'button[title="OK"]' ).click()
} else {
// Plain enter does nothing if the input is invalid
} )
return result
* Shows a dialog for editing an expression atom, but it may show one of
* three different dialogs, depending on whether the user has chosen
* beginner, intermediate, or advanced mode in their settings.
* **Beginner mode does this:**
* Shows a dialog containing just a MathLive editor and a checkbox for
* given/claim status. The user can then confirm or cancel the edit, as
* per the convention described in
* {@link module:Atoms.Atom#edit the edit() function for the Atom class}.
* **Intermediate mode does this:**
* Shows a multi-part dialog for editing expression atoms using Lurch
* notation or a MathLive editor widget. The user can then confirm or
* cancel the edit, as per the convention described in
* {@link module:Atoms.Atom#edit the edit() function for the Atom class}.
* **Advanced mode does this:**
* The dialog is extremely minimalist, no title bar, no footer buttons, no
* miniature headings over each input/output, and the only input is the
* Lurch notation. The MathLive widget is a read-only preview. There is no
* checkbox for given/claim status, but that status is inferred from the
* Lurch notation.
* @returns {Promise} same convention as specified in
* {@link module:Atoms.Atom#edit edit() for Atoms}
edit () {
switch ( appSettings.get( 'expression editor type' ) ) {
case 'Beginner':
return this.editInBeginnerMode()
case 'Intermediate':
return this.editInIntermediateMode()
case 'Advanced':
return this.editInAdvancedMode()
* The behavior of this function depends on whether the atom was last edited
* using beginner mode, intermediate mode, or advanced mode.
* If it was created using beginner mode, then we check to ensure that the
* LaTeX version of the MathLive editor's contents represents a single
* mathematical expression, optionally marked as an assumption. If so, we
* return an array containing just that expression (possibly marked as a
* given). If not, we return an empty array.
* If it was created using intermediate mode, then it may represent a
* statement (i.e., claim expression), an assumption (i.e., given
* expression), or a declaration (of any of a variety of types, with or
* without body). As long as one of these holds true, we return a
* JavaScript array containing the single LogicConcept represented by this
* atom. If not, we return an empty array.
* If it was created using advanced mode, then we parse the Lurch notation
* that was typed into the advanced mode dialog. This will produce zero or
* more LogicConcepts, in an array, which we return.
* @returns {LogicConcept[]} an array containing zero or one LogicConcepts
toLCs () {
const ensureOneExpression = LCs => {
if ( LCs.message ) {
console.log( 'Input did not parse:' )
console.log( LCs.message )
return [ ]
if ( LCs.length != 1 ) {
console.log( 'Input yielded more than one LC:' )
console.log( LCs.map( LC => LC.toPutdown() ) )
return [ ]
if ( !( LCs[0] instanceof LCExpression ) ) {
console.log( 'Input yielded a non-Expression LC:' )
console.log( LCs[0].toPutdown() )
return [ ]
return LCs
if ( this.isInBeginnerMode() ) {
const { latex, given } = this.loadBeginnerModeData()
if ( latex.trim() == '' ) return [ ]
const lurchNotation = converter( latex, 'latex', 'lurch' )
const prefix = given ? ':' : ''
const result = parse( prefix + lurchNotation, 'lurchNotation' )
return ensureOneExpression( result )
if ( this.isInIntermediateMode() ) {
const { contentType, symbol, lurchNotation } = this.loadIntermediateModeData()
if ( contentType == 'Statement' )
return ensureOneExpression( parse( lurchNotation, 'lurchNotation' ) )
if ( contentType == 'Assumption' )
return ensureOneExpression(
parse( ':' + lurchNotation, 'lurchNotation' ) )
const declType = DeclarationType.fromTemplate( contentType )
if ( declType.body == 'none' )
return [ declType.toLC( symbol ) ]
const parsed = ensureOneExpression( parse( lurchNotation, 'lurchNotation' ) )
if ( parsed.length == 0 ) return [ ]
return [ declType.toLC( symbol, parsed[0] ) ]
if ( this.isInAdvancedMode() ) {
const { lurchNotation } = this.loadAdvancedModeData()
const ans = parse( lurchNotation, 'lurchNotation' )
const results = this.getValidationResults()
// there might be more than one result, e.g for transitive chains,
// so show the worst one
const result =
(results.includes('inapplicable')) ? 'inapplicable' :
(results.includes('invalid')) ? 'invalid' :
(results.includes('indeterminate')) ? 'indeterminate' :
(results.includes('valid')) ? 'valid' : 'error'
// if this atom produces only one LC expression, then assign its
// ExpectedResult attribute. If it produces multiple expressions
// then we don't know which validation result in the span class came
// from which LC so it is useless for testing.
if (results.length>0 && ans.length==1) {
ans.forEach( x => x.setAttribute('ExpectedResult',result) )
return ans
* The behavior of this function depends on whether the atom was last edited
* using beginner mode, intermediate mode, or advanced mode.
* If it was created using beginner mode, then we place its HTML
* representation in the body of the atom, and possibly place the word
* "Assume" into the prefix of the atom, iff the atom is marked as an
* assumption. The atom suffix is not involved.
* If it was created using intermediate mode and is a statement or
* assumption, then we treat it as in beginner mode. However, if it is a
* declaration, we use {@link DeclarationType#documentForm documentForm()}
* to convert it to HTML and use that as the body of the atom. Any former
* prefix in the atom is removed. The atom suffix is not involved.
* If it was created using advanced mode, then we apply a Lurch notation to
* LaTeX conversion function, followed by a rendering of that LaTeX as HTML,
* which goes into the body of the atom. Any former prefix in the atom is
* removed. The atom suffix is not involved.
update () {
const setContent = ( lurchNotation, given ) => {
if ( given )
this.fillChild( 'prefix', 'Assume ' )
this.removeChild( 'prefix' )
const repr = `${represent( lurchNotation, 'lurchNotation' )}`
this.fillChild( 'body', repr )
if ( this.isInBeginnerMode() ) {
const { latex, given } = this.loadBeginnerModeData()
setContent( converter( latex, 'latex', 'lurch' ), given )
} else if ( this.isInIntermediateMode() ) {
const { contentType, symbol, lurchNotation } = this.loadIntermediateModeData()
if ( contentType == 'Statement' )
setContent( lurchNotation, false )
else if ( contentType == 'Assumption' )
setContent( lurchNotation, true )
else {
const declType = DeclarationType.fromTemplate( contentType )
const repr = `${represent( lurchNotation, 'lurchNotation' )}`
this.fillChild( 'body', declType.documentForm( symbol, repr ) )
this.removeChild( 'prefix' )
} else { // advanced mode
const { lurchNotation } = this.loadAdvancedModeData()
setContent( lurchNotation, false )
* All atoms must be able to represent themselves in LaTeX form, so that the
* document (or a portion of it) can be exporeted for use in a LaTeX editor,
* such as Overleaf. This function overrides the default implementation
* with a representation suitable to expression atoms. It wraps the LaTeX
* representation of the expression in dollar signs.
* @returns {string} LaTeX representation of an expression atom
toLatex () {
const withPrefix = ( latex, given ) => {
// Don't wrap in dollar signs if it's got an align or something:
latex = /\\begin\{/.test( latex ) ? latex : `$${latex}$`
return given ? 'Assume ' + latex : latex
if ( this.isInBeginnerMode() ) {
const { latex, given } = this.loadBeginnerModeData()
return withPrefix( latex, given )
} else if ( this.isInIntermediateMode() ) {
const { contentType, symbol, latex } = this.loadIntermediateModeData()
if ( contentType == 'Statement' )
return withPrefix( latex, false )
if ( contentType == 'Assumption' )
return withPrefix( latex, true )
const declType = DeclarationType.fromTemplate( contentType )
return declType.latexForm( symbol, latex )
} else { // advanced mode
const { lurchNotation } = this.loadAdvancedModeData()
const latex = converter( lurchNotation, 'lurch', 'latex' )
return withPrefix( latex, false )
* Items to be included on the TinyMCE context menu if an atom of this class
* is right-clicked. For information on the format of the returned data,
* see the TinyMCE v6 manual on custom context menus.
* In this case, it adds one item, for viewing the meaning of the expression
* in a pop-up dialog, either as a hierarchy of bullet points and sections,
* or as a block of putdown code.
* @param {Atom} forThis - the atom that received the right-click action that
* led to the creation of the context menu
* @returns {Object[]} data representing the contents of a TinyMCE context
* menu
contextMenu ( forThis ) {
const result = super.contextMenu( forThis )
if ( forThis == this ) {
result.unshift( {
text : 'View meaning',
onAction : () => Dialog.meaningOfAtom( this )
} )
result.unshift( {
text : 'Copy expression',
onAction : () => copyHTMLToClipboard( this.element.outerHTML )
} )
return result
* When embedding a copy of the Lurch app in a larger page, users will want
* to write simple HTML describing a Lurch document, then have a script
* create a copy of the Lurch app and put that document into it. We allow
* for representing expressions using `<lurch>...</lurch>` elements, which
* contain Lurch notation. This function can convert any expression atom
* into the corresponding `lurch` element, as a string.
* @returns {string} the representation of the atom as a `lurch` element
toEmbed () {
const wrap = lurchNotation => `<lurch>${lurchNotation}</lurch>`
if ( this.isInBeginnerMode() ) {
const { latex, given } = this.loadBeginnerModeData()
if ( latex.trim() == '' ) return ''
const lurchNotation = converter( latex, 'latex', 'lurch' )
const prefix = given ? ':' : ''
return wrap( prefix + lurchNotation )
if ( this.isInIntermediateMode() ) {
const { contentType, symbol, lurchNotation } = this.loadIntermediateModeData()
if ( contentType == 'Statement' ) return wrap( lurchNotation )
if ( contentType == 'Assumption' ) return wrap( ':' + lurchNotation )
const declType = DeclarationType.fromTemplate( contentType )
return wrap( declType.lurchNotationForm( symbol, lurchNotation ) )
if ( this.isInAdvancedMode() ) {
const { lurchNotation } = this.loadAdvancedModeData()
return wrap( lurchNotation )
export default { install }