* Functions for communicating with the Google Drive API. This file abstracts
* just the few key ways that Lurch wants to talk to a user's Google Drive, plus
* the few Google-owned popup windows that may need to be presented, and exposes
* them in a small API that makes it easier than making raw gapi calls.
* The app will not import this module directly, but will instead import the
* {@link module:GoogleDriveUI Google Drive UI module}, which uses this one
* under the hood.
* @module GoogleDriveUtilities
import { loadScript } from './utilities.js'
// Bring several constants to the top for better organization
const GoogleDriveAPI = 'https://apis.google.com/js/api.js'
const GoogleSignInAPI = 'https://accounts.google.com/gsi/client'
const fileScope = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file'
const uploadEndpoint = 'https://www.googleapis.com/upload/drive/v3/files?uploadType=multipart'
const googleFolderMIMEType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder'
const lurchMimeType = 'text/html'
// Internal use only
// Keeps track of whether we have user's Google credentials yet or not
let user = null
let tokenClient = null
let lastToken = null
const getToken = () => new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
if ( lastToken !== null ) {
resolve( lastToken )
if ( tokenClient == null )
tokenClient = google.accounts.oauth2.initTokenClient( {
client_id : window.LurchClientId,
scope : fileScope,
prompt : 'none',
callback : response => {
if ( response.error === undefined ) {
lastToken = response.access_token
() => lastToken = null,
( response.expires_in - 1 ) * 1000
resolve( response.access_token )
} else {
reject( response.error )
} )
tokenClient.requestAccessToken( { login_hint : user.sub } )
} )
// Ensure that we have loaded
// (a) our API and Client keys,
// (b) the Google sign-in API, and
// (c) the Google Drive API.
// Note that we load one API key if we are developing on localhost (a secret key
// we do not share with anyone or publish in our repo, because it could be
// misused by anyone who launches our app on their own machine) but we load a
// different API key if we are deploying the app on lurchmath.github.io (a public
// key we can share with anyone, because it will not function except on that one
// domain, which we control).
loadScript( window.location.hostname == 'localhost' ?
'google-api-key-secret.js' :
'google-api-key-public.js' ).then( () => {
loadScript( GoogleSignInAPI ).then( () => {
loadScript( GoogleDriveAPI ).then( () => {
google.accounts.id.initialize( {
client_id : window.LurchClientId,
auto_select : true,
use_fedcm_for_prompt : true,
callback : response => {
const parts = response.credential.split( '.' )
const payload = parts[1].replace( /\-/g, '+' ).replace( /_/g, '/' )
user = JSON.parse( atob( payload ) )
} )
gapi.load( 'client', () => gapi.client.load( 'drive', 'v3' ) )
} ) } ) } )
* Read a file from the current user's Google Drive. The client must pass a
* file ID, which can be obtained by allowing the user to select a file from
* their drive, using a function such as
* {@link module:GoogleDriveUtilities.showOpenFilePicker showOpenFilePicker()}.
* @param {string} fileId a file ID from Google Drive
* @returns {Promise} a promise that resolves if the file can be read, passing a
* response object whose `body` field contains the file's contents, or that
* rejects if the file cannot be read
* @function
* @see {@link module:GoogleDriveUtilities.writeNewFileToDrive writeNewFileToDrive()}
* @see {@link module:GoogleDriveUtilities.updateFileInDrive updateFileInDrive()}
* @see {@link module:GoogleDriveUtilities.listFilesFromFolder listFilesFromFolder()}
* @see {@link module:GoogleDriveUtilities.showOpenFilePicker showOpenFilePicker()}
export const readFileFromDrive = fileId => gapi.client.drive.files.get( {
fileId : fileId,
alt : 'media'
} )
* Write a new file to the current user's Google Drive. The client must pass a
* filename and folder ID, along with the content they want in the file. Note
* that in Google Drive, unlike many filesystems, you can have multiple files
* with the same name in the same folder, so this function always creates a new
* file. To get a folder ID, use a function such as
* {@link module:GoogleDriveUtilities.showSaveFolderPicker showSaveFolderPicker()}
* If you want to update/overwrite an existing file, use
* {@link module:GoogleDriveUtilities.updateFileInDrive updateFileInDrive()}
* instead.
* This function always creates files with MIME type text/html, because that is
* the MIME type we are currently using for files created by the Lurch app.
* @param {string} filename the name of the new file to create
* @param {string} folderId a folder ID from Google Drive
* @param {string} content the data to write into the new file
* @returns {Promise} a promise that resolves once the file is created, or
* rejects with an error message if the write attempt fails
* @function
* @see {@link module:GoogleDriveUtilities.readFileFromDrive readFileFromDrive()}
* @see {@link module:GoogleDriveUtilities.updateFileInDrive updateFileInDrive()}
export const writeNewFileToDrive = ( filename, folderId, content ) => {
const metadata = {
name : filename,
mimeType : lurchMimeType,
parents : [ folderId ]
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append( 'metadata', new Blob(
[ JSON.stringify( metadata ) ],
{ type : 'application/json' }
) )
formData.append( 'file', new Blob( [ content ], { type : lurchMimeType } ) )
getToken().then( token => {
fetch( uploadEndpoint, {
method : 'POST',
headers : new Headers( { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token } ),
body : formData
} )
} )
* Update an existing file in the user's Google Drive by replacing its old
* content with new content. The client must pass a file ID plus the new
* content to put into the file. To get a file ID, use a function such as
* {@link module:GoogleDriveUtilities.showOpenFilePicker showOpenFilePicker()}.
* If you want to create a new file, use
* {@link module:GoogleDriveUtilities.writeNewFileToDrive writeNewFileToDrive()}
* instead.
* This function always creates files with MIME type text/html, because that is
* the MIME type we are currently using for files created by the Lurch app.
* @param {string} filename the name of the new file to create
* @param {string} folderId a folder ID from Google Drive
* @param {string} content the data to write into the new file
* @returns {Promise} a promise that resolves once the file is created, or
* rejects with an error message if the write attempt fails
* @function
* @see {@link module:GoogleDriveUtilities.readFileFromDrive readFileFromDrive()}
* @see {@link module:GoogleDriveUtilities.writeNewFileToDrive writeNewFileToDrive()}
export const updateFileInDrive = ( fileId, newContent ) => {
const URL = uploadEndpoint.replace( 'files?', `files/${fileId}?` )
getToken().then( token => {
fetch( URL, {
method : 'PATCH',
headers : new Headers( { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token } ),
body: new Blob( [ newContent ], { type : lurchMimeType } )
} )
} )
* This function retrieves a list of all files in a given Google Drive folder
* that are of the MIME type used by this app (text/html). The files may be
* fetched in multiple pages, but this function fetches all necessary pages and
* passes the concatenated files list to its promise resolution function.
* @param {string} folderId the folder whose contents should be listed
* @returns {Promise} a promise that resolves when the full list of files has
* been fetched, passing the array of filenames to the resolve function, or
* rejects if an error occurs during the reading process
* @function
* @see {@link module:GoogleDriveUtilities.readFileFromDrive readFileFromDrive()}
export const listFilesFromFolder = ( folderId = 'root' ) => new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
const parameters = {
pageSize : 10,
fields : 'nextPageToken, files(id, name)',
q : `'${folderId}' in parents and mimeType = '${lurchMimeType}'`
const result = [ ]
const collect = response => {
response.result.files.forEach( file => result.push( file ) )
if ( !response.nextPageToken ) return resolve( result )
parameters.pageToken = response.nextPageToken
gapi.client.drive.files.list( parameters ).then( collect ).catch( reject )
gapi.client.drive.files.list( parameters ).then( collect ).catch( reject )
} )
* Show the user a file picker designed by Google, showing all text/html files
* in their Google Drive. The user may navigate among folders to choose files.
* If they select one, the resulting promise resolves with that file's ID.
* @returns {Promise} a promise that resolves with the selected file ID if the
* user chooses one, or never resolves if they cancel
* @function
* @see {@link module:GoogleDriveUI.showFileOpenDialog showFileOpenDialog()}
* @see {@link module:GoogleDriveUI.showSaveFolderPicker showSaveFolderPicker()}
* @see {@link module:GoogleDriveUtilities.readFileFromDrive readFileFromDrive()}
export const showOpenFilePicker = () => new Promise( ( resolve, _ ) => {
getToken().then( token => {
gapi.load( 'picker', () => {
const view = new google.picker.DocsView()
view.setMode( google.picker.DocsViewMode.LIST )
view.setIncludeFolders( true )
view.setMimeTypes( lurchMimeType )
const picker = new google.picker.PickerBuilder()
.setTitle( 'Choose a file to open' )
.setDeveloperKey( window.LurchAPIKey )
.setAppId( window.LurchClientId )
.setOAuthToken( token )
.addView( view )
.setCallback( event => {
if ( event[google.picker.Response.ACTION] === google.picker.Action.PICKED ) {
const file = event[google.picker.Response.DOCUMENTS][0]
const fileId = file[google.picker.Document.ID]
resolve( fileId )
} )
picker.setVisible( true )
} )
} )
} )
* Show the user a folder picker designed by Google, allowing the user to pick
* a folder (other than the root folder) from their Google Drive.
* @returns {Promise} a promise that resolves with the selected folder ID if the
* user chooses one, or never resolves if they cancel
* @function
* @see {@link module:GoogleDriveUI.showOpenFilePicker showOpenFilePicker()}
* @see {@link module:GoogleDriveUI.showFileOpenDialog showFileOpenDialog()}
* @see {@link module:GoogleDriveUtilities.writeNewFileToDrive writeNewFileToDrive()}
export const showSaveFolderPicker = () => new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
getToken().then( token => {
console.log( 'gonna show save picker with', token )
gapi.load( 'picker', () => {
const view = new google.picker.DocsView( google.picker.ViewId.FOLDERS )
view.setMode( google.picker.DocsViewMode.LIST )
view.setIncludeFolders( true )
view.setSelectFolderEnabled( true )
view.setMimeTypes( googleFolderMIMEType )
const picker = new google.picker.PickerBuilder()
.setTitle( 'Choose a folder in which to save your file' )
.setDeveloperKey( window.LurchAPIKey )
.setAppId( window.LurchClientId )
.setOAuthToken( token )
.addView( view )
.setCallback( event => {
if ( event[google.picker.Response.ACTION] === google.picker.Action.PICKED ) {
const pickedItems = event[google.picker.Response.DOCUMENTS]
if ( pickedItems.length == 0 ) return reject()
resolve( {
id : pickedItems[0][google.picker.Document.ID],
name : pickedItems[0][google.picker.Document.NAME]
} )
} )
picker.setVisible( true )
} )
} )
} )