* Users who want to edit the invisible header inside of a Lurch document (which
* is stored in its metadata) can do so in one of two ways.
* First, they can extract the document header into the document, which brings
* all content *except for* dependencies into the document. They can edit this
* content and then push it back up into the document header. This module
* provides actions (menu items) for doing so.
* Second, they can edit the list of dependencies in the document header, which
* we refer to by the more mathematical term "background material." This module
* also provides an action (menu item) for editing that list of dependencies
* (background material).
* @module HeaderEditor
import { LurchDocument } from './lurch-document.js'
import { appSettings } from './settings-install.js'
import { Dialog, ButtonItem, ListItem, DialogRow, TextInputItem } from './dialog.js'
import { Dependency } from './dependencies.js'
import { Atom } from './atoms.js'
import { autoOpenLink, openFileInNewWindow } from './load-from-url.js'
import { FileSystem } from './file-system.js'
* The metadata element for a document is stored in the editor rather than the
* DOM, because we do not want TinyMCE to be able to edit it. It is sometimes
* useful to be able to extract the header element from that metadata, so that
* it can be treated like an entire document (fragment), since it effectively is
* one.
* @param {tinymce.Editor} editor - the editor from which to extract the
* document header
* @returns {HTMLElement} the HTMLElement that contains the document header
* for this editor
* @function
export const getHeader = editor =>
new LurchDocument( editor ).getMetadata( 'main', 'header' )
// For internal use only: Extract the header from the document metadata, as a
// string of HTML
const getHeaderHTML = editor => {
const result = getHeader( editor )
return result ? result.innerHTML : ''
// For internal use only: Save the given HTML text into the document metadata
// as the document's header
export const setHeader = ( editor, header ) =>
new LurchDocument( editor ).setMetadata( 'main', 'header', 'html', header )
* Install into a TinyMCE editor instance the menu items that can be used in
* the primary window to pop open the secondary window, or instead to move
* content between the header and the main document. The menu items in question
* are intended for the Document menu, but could be placed anywhere.
* @param {tinymce.editor} editor - the TinyMCE editor into which to install the
* tools
* @function
export const install = editor => {
// Utility functions and global-ish variables for dependency preview searching
const getPreviews = () => Atom.allIn( editor ).filter(
atom => atom.getMetadata( 'type' ) == 'preview' )
const previewExists = () => Atom.allIn( editor ).some(
atom => atom.getMetadata( 'type' ) == 'preview' )
let searchToolbar = null
let searchBox = null
let searchCounter = null
let doSearch = null
// Dependency preview search toolbar
editor.once( 'PostRender', () => {
// Install the toolbar and all of its elements
searchBox = document.createElement( 'input' )
searchBox.setAttribute( 'type', 'text' )
searchBox.classList.add( 'search-input' )
const searchLabel = document.createElement( 'p' )
searchLabel.classList.add( 'search-label' )
searchLabel.textContent = 'Search rules: '
searchLabel.appendChild( searchBox )
searchCounter = new Text( '' )
searchLabel.appendChild( searchCounter )
const searchGroup = document.createElement( 'div' )
searchGroup.classList.add( 'tox-toolbar__group' )
searchGroup.setAttribute( 'role', 'toolbar' )
searchGroup.appendChild( searchLabel )
searchToolbar = document.createElement( 'div' )
searchToolbar.classList.add( 'tox-toolbar__overflow' )
searchToolbar.classList.add( 'rule-search-toolbar' )
searchToolbar.setAttribute( 'role', 'group' )
searchToolbar.style.display = 'none'
searchToolbar.appendChild( searchGroup )
const toolbarParent = document.querySelector( '.tox-toolbar-overlord' )
toolbarParent.appendChild( searchToolbar )
// Define the search function
doSearch = () => {
const searchText = searchBox.value.toLowerCase()
let numShown = 0
const relevantText = rulenode => {
// start with the text content of the rule
let ans = rulenode.textContent
// get the elements with data-metadata_latex or
// data-metadata_lurchnotation attributes
const lurchnodes = rulenode.querySelectorAll(
const texnodes = rulenode.querySelectorAll(
// concatenate all of their values
lurchnodes.forEach( x => ans +=
x.getAttribute('data-metadata_lurch-notation') )
texnodes.forEach( x => ans +=
x.getAttribute('data-metadata_latex') )
return ans.toLowerCase()
const showRecursive = node => {
// Base case 1: The node is not an HTMLElement; ignore.
if ( node.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) return
// Base case 2: The node is a Rule atom; show iff filter applies.
if ( Atom.isAtomElement( node )
&& Atom.from( node, editor ).getMetadata( 'type' ) == 'rule' ) {
node.style.display = (
searchText == ''
|| relevantText(node).includes( searchText )
) ? '' : 'none'
numShown += node.style.display == '' ? 1 : 0
// Recursive case: Apply filter to all children, then show this
// node iff the filter is empty or it contains a descendant that
// was displayed as a rule that passed the filter.
const numShownBefore = numShown
Array.from( node.childNodes ).forEach( showRecursive )
node.style.display = (
searchText == ''
|| numShown > numShownBefore
) ? '' : 'none'
getPreviews().forEach( preview => showRecursive( preview.element ) )
searchCounter.textContent = searchText == '' ? '' :
numShown == 1 ? '1 rule found' :
`${numShown} rules found`
// Install the search function
searchBox.addEventListener( 'input', doSearch )
} )
// Whenever anything in the document changes (even the cursor position),
// decide whether to show the search toolbar
editor.on( 'input NodeChange Paste Change Undo Redo', () => {
if ( searchToolbar ) {
const show = previewExists()
const wasShown = searchToolbar.style.display == ''
searchToolbar.style.display = show ? '' : 'none'
// If the toolbar just appeared, clear its search box
if ( show && !wasShown ) {
searchBox.value = ''
} )
// Add menu items for moving the (non-dependency portions of the) header
// into the document and back into the header
editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem( 'extractheader', {
text : 'Move header into document',
icon : 'chevron-down',
tooltip : 'Extract header to top of document',
onAction : () => {
// Get the header, then move all of its dependencies into a holding
// location. Note that none of this modifies the document; this is
// all operating on a COPY of the actual document header.
const headerCopy = getHeader( editor ) // a copy
const justDependencies = headerCopy.ownerDocument.createElement( 'div' )
Dependency.topLevelDependenciesIn( headerCopy, editor ).forEach( dependency => {
justDependencies.appendChild( dependency.element )
} )
// Now see if there's anything left to extract
const headerHTML = headerCopy.innerHTML
if ( headerHTML == '' )
return Dialog.notify( editor, 'warning',
'This document\'s header is currently empty.' )
// There is, so ask the user if we can proceed, and if so, put the
// header (without dependencies) into the document and then put the
// extracted dependencies, alone, back into the header.
// The reason we show a warning is because this action cannot be
// undone (since it edits the header, which is not in the document).
appSettings.showWarning( 'warn before extract header', editor )
.then( userSaidToProceed => {
if ( !userSaidToProceed ) return
editor.selection.setCursorLocation() // == start of document
editor.insertContent( headerHTML )
setHeader( editor, justDependencies.innerHTML )
editor.undoManager.clear() // cannot be undone
} )
} )
editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem( 'embedheader', {
text : 'Move selection to end of header',
icon : 'chevron-up',
tooltip : 'Embed selection from document to end of header',
onAction : () => {
// Get the current selection, or give an error if there isn't one
const toEmbed = editor.selection.getContent()
if ( toEmbed == '' )
return Dialog.notify( editor, 'error',
'You do not currently have any content selected.' )
// Ask the user if we can proceed, and if so, append the selection
// onto the end of the curent document header.
// The reason we show a warning is because this action cannot be
// undone (since it edits the header, which is not in the document).
appSettings.showWarning( 'warn before embed header', editor )
.then( userSaidToProceed => {
if ( !userSaidToProceed ) return
setHeader( editor, getHeaderHTML( editor ) + toEmbed )
editor.execCommand( 'delete' )
editor.undoManager.clear() // cannot be undone
} )
} )
// Add a menu item for editing the "background material" (list of
// dependencies) in the header. This list of dependencies never leaves the
// header, so this is the only way to edit it.
editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem( 'editdependencyurls', {
text : 'Edit background material',
tooltip : 'Edit the list of documents on which this one depends',
icon : 'edit-block',
onAction : () => {
// Get all dependencies from the document
let header = getHeader( editor ) // NOTE! this is a clone!
const dependencies = !header ? [ ] :
Dependency.topLevelDependenciesIn( header, editor ).map( atom => {
return {
filename : atom.getMetadata( 'filename' ),
dynamic : atom.getMetadata( 'autoRefresh' )
} )
// Create the dialog, but do not populate it with dependencies yet.
const dialog = new Dialog( 'Edit background material', editor )
dialog.json.size = 'medium'
const listItem = new ListItem( 'dependencies' )
listItem.onSelectionChanged = () => {
dialog.dialog.setEnabled( 'View', !!listItem.selectedItem )
dialog.dialog.setEnabled( 'Remove', !!listItem.selectedItem )
dialog.addItem( listItem )
const staticButton = new ButtonItem( 'Add static' )
const dynamicButton = new ButtonItem( 'Add dynamic' )
const viewButton = new ButtonItem( 'View' )
const removeButton = new ButtonItem( 'Remove' )
dialog.addItem( new DialogRow(
staticButton, dynamicButton, viewButton, removeButton ) )
// Define what happens when the dialog is closed, then show it
dialog.show().then( userHitOK => {
if ( !userHitOK ) return
// Ensure the document has a header, even if it's empty.
if ( !header ) {
setHeader( editor, '' )
header = getHeader( editor )
// (NOTE: At this point, "header" is a CLONE of the actual
// document header, so changes made to it do NOT update the doc.)
// Remove all dependencies from the header (clone):
Dependency.topLevelDependenciesIn( header, editor ).forEach(
atom => atom.element.remove() )
// Add new dependencies to the end of the header (clone),
// representing the current contents of this dialog:
dependencies.forEach( dependency => {
const newDependency = Atom.newBlock( editor, '', {
type : 'dependency',
description : 'none',
filename : dependency.filename,
source : dependency.fileSystem || 'the web',
autoRefresh : dependency.dynamic
} )
if ( dependency.contents )
newDependency.setHTMLMetadata( 'content', dependency.contents )
header.appendChild( newDependency.element )
} )
// Now use that header clone we've been editing to change the
// actual document header for real:
setHeader( editor, header.innerHTML )
// Now use a bit of a hack (the private method findMetadataElement())
// to find the dependency atoms inside the header, to refresh them.
const savedHeader = new LurchDocument( editor )
.findMetadataElement( 'main', 'header' )
// Refresh any dependency that is marked as web-based and auto-refresh:
Dependency.refreshAllIn( savedHeader, true ).then( () => {
Dialog.notify( editor, 'success',
'Reloaded any web-based background material.',
5000 )
} ).catch( error => {
Dialog.notify( editor, 'error',
'Failed to reload some web-based background material.' )
console.log( 'Error when refreshing background material',
error )
} )
} )
// Now define a function that will populate it with dependencies.
const updateList = () => {
// If there are no dependencies, print a special "empty" message.
if ( dependencies.length == 0 ) {
const message = 'No background material defined yet.'
`<span style="color:gray;">${message}</span>` )
// If there are dependencies, show each with all its info.
listItem.showList( dependencies.map( dependency => {
return `${dependency.filename} (${dependency.dynamic ? 'dynamic' : 'static'})`
} ), dependencies )
// Add actions to all buttons in dialog
dynamicButton.action = () => {
const urlDialog = new Dialog( 'Add dynamic background document',
editor )
urlDialog.addItem( new TextInputItem(
'URL for background document',
) )
urlDialog.show().then( userHitOK => {
if ( !userHitOK ) return
const url = urlDialog.get( 'url' )
if ( url == '' ) return
dependencies.push( { filename : url, dynamic : true } )
} )
staticButton.action = () => {
FileSystem.openFile( editor, document => {
if ( !document ) return
dependencies.push( {
filename : document.filename,
source : document.fileSystem,
contents : document.contents,
dynamic : false
} )
} )
viewButton.action = () => {
const dependency = listItem.selectedItem
if ( dependency.dynamic )
window.open( autoOpenLink( dependency.filename ), '_blank' )
else if ( dependency.contents )
openFileInNewWindow( dependency.contents )
console.error( 'No contents in dependency: ' + dependency )
removeButton.action = () => {
const dependency = listItem.selectedItem
dependencies.splice( dependencies.indexOf( dependency ), 1 )
} )
// Add a menu item for moving into the document non-editable versions of
// the *contents of* the background material, so that student users who need
// to see a list of all axioms, theorems, and rules in force can do so.
// Revealing these previews also shows a search/filter box in the toolbar.
editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem( 'viewdependencyurls', {
text : 'Show/Hide rules',
icon : 'preview',
shortcut : 'meta+alt+0',
tooltip : 'View the mathematical content on which this document depends',
onAction : () => {
// If there are preview atoms in the document, remove them and be done
const existingPreviews = getPreviews()
if ( existingPreviews.length > 0 ) {
existingPreviews.forEach( preview => preview.element.remove() )
editor.selection.setCursorLocation( editor.getBody(), 0 )
// Also, if we have a cursor location stored from before we
// showed this preview, put the user's cursor location back
// there for convenience. (See more comments on this below.)
if ( editor.selectionBeforePreview ) {
editor.selection.setRng( editor.selectionBeforePreview )
editor.selectionBeforePreview = null
// If not, we have to create them from the content in the header.
// If there is no content in the header, report that and be done.
const header = getHeader( editor )
if ( !header ) {
Dialog.notify( editor, 'warning',
'This document does not import any background material.',
5000 )
// Accumulate the HTML representation of all previews of all
// dependencies in the header.
let allPreviewHTML = ''
Dependency.topLevelDependenciesIn( header ).forEach( dependency => {
const preview = Atom.newBlock( editor, '', { type : 'preview' } )
preview.imitate( dependency )
allPreviewHTML += preview.element.outerHTML
} )
// Remember where the user's cursor was before we insert the preview,
// because it may be large and require them to scroll to see it.
// If they then hide it, it's nice to jump back to where they were.
editor.selectionBeforePreview = editor.selection.getRng()
// Insert it into the document.
editor.selection.setCursorLocation() // == start
editor.insertContent( allPreviewHTML )
editor.selection.setCursorLocation() // deselect new insertions
} )
export default { install }