* This file defines several tools for loading Lurch documents from URLs on the
* web, specified in a dialog box or specified in the query string of the app on
* launch.
* @module ImportFromURL
import { LurchDocument } from './lurch-document.js'
import { appURL, isValidURL, makeAbsoluteURL } from './utilities.js'
import { Dialog } from './dialog.js'
// Internal use only
// A few routines for making a tiny, mock filesystem inside localStorage
// Note that this functions very much like what's implemented in the
// BrowserFileSystem class, except those are async, and these are synchronous.
const prefix = 'lurch-temp-file-'
const allFileNames = () => {
let result = [ ]
for ( let i = 0 ; i < window.localStorage.length ; i++ )
if ( window.localStorage.key( i ).startsWith( prefix ) )
result.push( window.localStorage.key( i ).substring( prefix.length ) )
return result
const fileExists = name => allFileNames().includes( name )
const readFile = name => window.localStorage.getItem( prefix + name )
const writeFile = ( name, content ) =>
window.localStorage.setItem( prefix + name, content )
const deleteFile = name => window.localStorage.removeItem( prefix + name )
* Download a file from the web asynchronously, returning a Promise that
* resolves when the download completes (passing the content of the file as a
* string) or rejects if the download fails. Note that many servers have
* cross-origin restrictions that will prevent this, but servers whose purpose
* is to share files publicly (e.g., GitHub) do not have this problem. So this
* may fail not only because the URL is invalid or the network is unreachable,
* but also because the server may reject the request.
* @param {string} url - URL from which to load data
* @returns {Promise} a Promise that resolves if the file downloaded correctly
* and rejects if an error occurred or a response with status other than 200
* was returned
* @see {@link module:ImportFromURL.loadFromQueryString loadFromQueryString()}
export const loadFromURL = url => new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
const request = new XMLHttpRequest()
request.addEventListener( 'load', event => {
if ( event.target.status != 200 )
reject( event.currentTarget.responseText )
resolve( event.currentTarget.responseText )
} )
request.addEventListener( 'error', reject )
request.open( 'GET', url )
request.setRequestHeader( 'Cache-Control', 'max-age=0' )
} )
* Check to see if the query string for the current page contains an instruction
* for loading a file. This can be in one of two formats.
* If the query string contains a "load=..." parameter, treat its value as
* either an URL (and try to load a Lurch document from that URL) or a filename
* in the browser's local storage (and try to load a Lurch document from there).
* Place the document in the given editor on success, and report an error with a
* notification on failure. The priority for how to treat the parameter is as
* follows.
* 1. If it is a file in the user's browser's local storage, load it and stop.
* 1. If it is a valid URL, load it and stop.
* 1. Try treating it as a relative URL and use the current page's URL as the
* base from which to make it into an absolute URL. If that produced a
* valid absolute URL, load it and stop.
* 1. Give up with an error notification.
* If the query string contains a "data=..." parameter, treat its value as the
* base-64 encoding of a document. Decode it into a string containing HTML, and
* load that document into the given editor.
* If the query string has both parameters (which it should not), the "load=..."
* parameter takes precedence and the "data=..." parameter is ignored.
* @param {tinymce.Editor} editor - the TinyMCE editor instance into which to
* load the document specified in the query string, if there is one
* @function
* @see {@link module:ImportFromURL.loadFromURL loadFromURL()}
* @see {@link module:ImportFromURL.autoOpenLink autoOpenLink()}
export const loadFromQueryString = editor => {
const params = new URL( window.location ).searchParams
// Handle the load=... case:
if ( params.has( 'load' ) ) {
let source = params.get( 'load' )
if ( fileExists( source ) ) {
new LurchDocument( editor ).setDocument( readFile( source ) )
if ( params.has( 'delete' ) && params.get( 'delete' ) == 'true' )
deleteFile( source )
// window.history.replaceState( null, null, appURL() )
// If it's not a full URL, it might be a relative URL; try that.
if ( !isValidURL( source ) )
source = makeAbsoluteURL( source )
// If reinterpreteing as a relative URL failed, give up now.
if ( !isValidURL( source ) ) {
Dialog.notify( editor, 'error', 'Not a valid file source: ' + source )
// It's a valid URL, so let's try to load from it.
loadFromURL( source )
.then( content => {
const LD = new LurchDocument( editor )
LD.setDocument( content )
LD.setFileID( source )
} ).catch( () =>
Dialog.notify( editor, 'error',
`Unable to import document from ${source}` )
// Not all servers permit downloads from other domains.
// window.history.replaceState( null, null, appURL() )
// Handle the data=... case:
if ( params.has( 'data' ) ) {
try {
const content = atob( decodeURIComponent( params.get( 'data' ) ) )
new LurchDocument( editor ).setDocument( content )
// window.history.replaceState( null, null, appURL() )
} catch ( _ ) {
Dialog.notify( editor, 'error', 'Could not load the encoded document.' )
* Open a new browser tab, and in that tab load another copy of the Lurch
* application, and have that copy load into its editor the document whose
* content is given as argument. This is done by saving that content to a
* temporary file in the browser's local storage, and using the query string of
* the new tab to direct it to that temporary file, which that new tab will also
* delete once it has read it.
* @param {string} content - the contents of a document to display in a new
* window
export const openFileInNewWindow = content => {
let i = 0
while ( fileExists( `temp_file_${i}` ) ) i++
writeFile( `temp_file_${i}`, content )
window.open( autoOpenLink( `temp_file_${i}`, true ), '_blank' )
* Create a URL that will load the Lurch app and then import a document from a
* given source immediately.
* @param {string} source - the URL or local filename referring to the document
* that should be opened ("local filename" means in the browser's local storage)
* @param {boolean} [andDelete=false] - whether to delete the file after opening
* it (which makes sense only for local files, not URLs)
* @returns {string} a URL that points to this Lurch app, but with the given
* source embedded in the query string, as an instruction to open it
* @function
* @see {@link module:ImportFromURL.loadFromQueryString loadFromQueryString()}
* @see {@link module:Utilities.appURL appURL()}
export const autoOpenLink = ( source, andDelete = false ) =>
appURL() + '?load=' + encodeURIComponent( source )
+ ( andDelete ? '&delete=true' : '' )
export default { loadFromQueryString, loadFromURL }