import { Atom, className as atomClassName } from './atoms.js'
import { Shell } from './shells.js'
import { getHeader } from './header-editor.js'
import { Environment } from '../core/src/index.js'
import { isOnScreen } from './utilities.js'
import { lookup } from './document-settings.js'
* This class simplifies communication between the main thread and worker
* threads by encapsulating their communication protocol into a single class
* that can be used on both ends of the channel.
* To send a message to a worker, create an instance of this class and then call
* `message.send( worker )`. To send a message from a worker, create an
* instance and call `message.send()` (which therefore just goes "out"). In the
* message event handler on either end, you can construct a new `Message`
* instance from the event itself, and its data will be extracted appropriately.
* For example, the {@link module:ValidationWorker validation worker} has code
* something like this:
* ```js
* addEventListener( 'message', event => {
* const message = new Message( event )
* if ( 'putdown' ) ) { // check type
* const putdown = message.get( 'putdown' ) // read message content
* // validate document sent in putdown format
* } else {
* // send error message because we expected putdown
* }
* } )
* ```
* Having one class that's imported into both the main thread and the worker
* means not dividing the communication protocol code over multiple files, and
* thus improving consistency and reducing chances of logic errors.
* There are also some static members that make certain message-sending
* operations more concise and readable; see below.
export class Message {
* Construct a new message instance with the given content. The `content`
* may be any of the following:
* * An `Event` instance, as shown in the example at the top of this class
* documentation. In that case, the `data` attribute of the event will
* be stored as the `content` attribute of the new `Message` instance,
* because `` is where user-specific information is stored for
* message events.
* * A string, which will be interpreted as the text of the message, and
* thus the newly created instance will have as its `content` field an
* object with just a `text` field, this string.
* * An object, which will be used directly as the newly created instance's
* `content` field.
* Any other kind of `content` throws an error.
* @param {Object|string} content - the content of the message, as described
* above
constructor ( content ) {
this.content = content instanceof Event ? : content
if ( content instanceof Event ) {
this.content =
} else if ( typeof( content ) == 'string' ) {
this.content = { text : content }
} else if ( content instanceof Object ) {
this.content = content
} else {
throw new Error( `Cannot create a Message from this: ${content}` )
if ( 'feedback' ) || 'error' ) ) {
const id = || this.content.ancestorID
if ( id && Message.idToElement.has( id ) )
this.element = Message.idToElement.get( id )
* The content of a message, given at construction time, may include a
* `type` field, which should be a string, if present. It can indicate
* whether the message is a piece of feedback, an error, or some other type
* of message. Any string is permitted; there is no official list. A
* message is not required to have a `type` field.
* This function tests whether this instance has the given type. It simply
* compares the parameter passed to the `type` field in the instance's
* `content` field (which is undefined if absent).
* @param {string} type - the type to test this instance against
* @returns {boolean} whether this instance is of that type
is ( type ) { return this.content.type == type }
* Because a message's `content` field is an object, it can be used like a
* dictionary of key-value pairs. This function looks up the given key in
* the `content` member. It is just a more readable/convenient version of
* `message.content["key"]`.
* There is no corresponding setter function because messages are intended
* to be lightweight, short-lived objects. You provide their content when
* instantiating them, then you send them somewhere or react to them, and
* then let them be garbage collected.
* @param {string} key - the key whose value should be looked up
* @returns {*} the corresponding value (or undefined if the key is absent)
get ( key ) { return this.content[key] }
* Send this message to a worker or to the main thread. If you provide a
* target, we will attempt to send the message there, so if you are using a
* Message in the main thread and want to send it to a worker, call
* `message.send( worker )`. If you do not provide a target, we will
* attempt to send the message to the main thread. So workers can just call
* `message.send()`.
* Note that there are also static members of this class for sending common
* types of messages that let you write slightly more compact and readable
* code than constructing and sending a message in one line of code.
* @param {Worker?} target - the worker to which to send the message, if any
send ( target ) {
if ( target ) {
target.postMessage( this.content )
} else {
postMessage( this.content )
* A message may contain two types of feedback that need to be displayed to
* the user: either explicit feedback generated by the deductive engine or
* an error message indicating that something went wrong internally, which
* will explain to the user why they didn't get any other feedback. This
* function returns all the feedback messages in this object, if any,
* including treating an error as a single feedback message.
* Each entry in the resulting array is created by passing primitive
* feedback that the LDE generated through the function
* {@link Message.makeFeedbackPresentable makeFeedbackPresentable()}. See
* the documentation for that function to see what the format will be.
* @returns {Object[]} array of data for validation feedback, as defined
* above
* @see {@link Message.makeFeedbackPresentable makeFeedbackPresentable()}
getAllFeedback () {
if ( 'error' ) )
return [ Message.makeFeedbackPresentable( {
type : 'error',
result : 'error',
reason : this.get( 'reason' )
} ) ]
if ( 'feedback' ) )
return this.get( 'results' ).map( Message.makeFeedbackPresentable )
return [ ]
* This function is intended for use in workers, to communicate back to the
* main thread. It constructs a message instance, gives it the type
* `"feedback"`, also includes all of the fields in the parameter provided,
* and sends that message back to the main thread.
* This can be done in one line of code without this convenience function,
* but using this method makes the code more concise and readable.
* @param {Object} data - any type of data to include in the feedback
* message
static feedback ( data ) {
new Message( { type : 'feedback', } ).send()
* This function is intended for use in workers, to communicate back to the
* main thread. It constructs a message instance, gives it the type
* `"progress"`, and says what percentage of the total progress of
* validation has been accomplished, as an integer in the set
* $\{0,1,...,99,100\}$.
* This can be done in one line of code without this convenience function,
* but using this method makes the code more concise and readable.
* @param {integer} complete - the progress value, from 0 to 100 inclusive
static progress ( complete ) {
new Message( { type : 'progress', complete } ).send()
* This function is intended for use in workers, to communicate back to the
* main thread. It constructs a message instance, gives it the type
* `"done"`, and sends that message back to the main thread.
* This can be done in one line of code without this convenience function,
* but using this method makes the code more concise and readable.
static done () {
new Message( { type : 'done' } ).send()
* This function is intended for use in workers, to communicate back to the
* main thread. It constructs a message instance, gives it the type
* `"error"`, sets its text field to the parameter given, and sends that
* message back to the main thread. If the second parameter is provided,
* all of its fields are also included in the message's content.
* This can be done in one line of code without this convenience function,
* but using this method makes the code more concise and readable.
* @param {string} text - the contents of the error message
* @param {Object?} more - any other key-value pairs to be included in the
* message's content (optional)
static error ( text, more = { } ) {
new Message( { type : 'error', text, ...more } ).send()
// Internal use only
// Mapping for the most recent call to Message.document(), mapping IDs
// generated by that call to the in-editor elements they were attached to.
static idToElement = new Map()
* Convert the document inside the given editor into a serialized form and
* encapsulate it into a single Message instance, for transmitting to the
* {@link module:ValidationWorker validation worker}. Such a message, when
* received by the worker, is viewed as a command to begin validating the
* document, and sending feedback messages for all of its parts that are
* amenable to validation.
* The primary client of this function is the {@link
* run()} function in the {@link module:Validation validation module}. You
* probably do not need to call this function if you are using that one.
* @param {tinymce.editor} editor - the editor containing the document to be
* converted
* @param {string} encoding - the name of the encoding to use (currently
* supporting only "putdown" and "json" options)
* @returns {Message} - the message that can be sent to the {@link
* module:ValidationWorker validation worker} to transmit the entire
* document, in serialized form
static document ( editor, encoding = 'json' ) {
// Ensure that the encoding is one of the valid ones; error if not.
encoding = encoding.toLowerCase()
if ( ![ 'putdown', 'json' ].includes( encoding ) )
throw new Error( `Invalid document encoding: ${encoding}` )
let counter = 1 // makes it easy to use || to check if valid
// Clear out the idToElement map and create a function to repopulate it.
const assignID = ( LC, element ) => {
LC.setID( counter )
Message.idToElement.set( `${counter}`, element )
// Convert an array of Atom or Shell instances into an LC representing
// the document. They must appear in the same order that their elements
// do in the document.
const documentLC = ( array, context = new Environment() ) => {
// ensure the document has an ID, to distinguish feedback about it
if ( !context.ID() ) context.setID( 'documentEnvironment' )
// no children? we're done.
if ( array.length == 0 ) return context
// first child is an atom? have it serialize itself, add IDs to all
// the results, and then recur on the rest of the children.
const head = array.shift()
if ( !( head instanceof Shell ) ) {
let LCs
try {
LCs = head.toLCs()
} catch ( e ) {
const tmp = new Environment() // any LC is fine
assignID( tmp, head.element )
setTimeout( () => Message.error( e.message, {
id : tmp.ID(),
errorType : 'parsing error',
reason : 'Could not parse this notation',
valid : false
} ) )
LCs = [ ]
LCs.forEach( LC => {
assignID( LC, head.element )
// Pass the lurchNotation as an attribute, because it is
// used for CAS validation. Right now beginner mode exprs
// are not supported. Remove the newlines because they
// cause invalid putdown JSON attributes.
const lurchNotation = head.getMetadata( 'lurchNotation' )
if ( lurchNotation )
LC.setAttribute( 'lurchNotation',
`${lurchNotation.replace(/\n/g,' ')}` )
context.pushChild( LC )
} )
return documentLC( array, context )
// first child is a shell, so first let's figure out which of the
// subsequent children are inside vs. outside it.
const after = array.findIndex( entry =>
!head.element.contains( entry.element ) )
const inside = after == -1 ? array : array.slice( 0, after )
const outside = after == -1 ? [ ] : array.slice( after )
// now let's convert the shell to an LC, then recur on the inside,
// then recur on the outside.
const headLCs = head.toLCs()
if ( headLCs.length != 1 ) {
setTimeout( () => Message.error(
`${head.className} must represent exactly one LC`,
id : head.ID(),
errorType : 'parsing error',
reason : `${head.className} must represent exactly one LC`,
valid : false
) )
return documentLC( outside, context )
const innerContext = headLCs[0]
assignID( innerContext, head.element )
const nextEnvironment = documentLC( inside, innerContext )
head.finalize( nextEnvironment )
context.pushChild( nextEnvironment )
return documentLC( outside, context )
// Run the documentLC function on all the elements in the document that
// represent atoms, including any that appear in the header.
// Note that, because dependencies are just hidden parts of the DOM,
// this will capture their contents just the same as it does any other
// document content.
const selector = `.${atomClassName}`
let LC = documentLC(
...( getHeader( editor )?.querySelectorAll( selector ) || [ ] ),
...editor.dom.doc.querySelectorAll( selector )
].filter( isOnScreen ).map(
element => Atom.from( element, editor )
// add LDE attributes obtained from document settings to the document LC
// that is passed to the LDE.
LC.setAttribute( 'instantiateEverything', lookup( editor, 'instantiateEverything' ) )
// Create a message that could be sent to the validation worker, including
// the encoding produced above of the document's atoms and shells.
return new Message( {
type : 'document',
encoding : encoding,
code : encoding == 'json' ? LC.toJSON() :
encoding == 'putdown' ? LC.toPutdown() :
undefined // should not happen; see check above
} )
* Feedback data from the Lurch Deductive Engine does not always come in
* human-readable form. This is partly because we want to keep the data
* small, and partly because we're still developing the LDE and thus its
* messages are not well-organized yet. This function converts any feedback
* object in JSON form from the LDE into something presentable, for use in
* the UI, as feedback to a human user.
* The result is guaranteed to have these three fields, and possibly more:
* - `type` - a human-readable string categorizing the feedback into one of
* these possible types:
* - `'inference'`, meaning the logical inferences from earlier
* expressions and environments to this expression
* - `'scoping'`, meaning the scopes of variables, including
* declarations and the lack thereof
* - `'instantiation'`, or what the LDE calls "basic instantiation
* hints" (BIHs)
* - `'error'`, meaning an internal error took place in the LDE or the
* communication with the LDE
* - `result` - a human-readable string that is one of three possible
* values: `'valid'`, `'invalid'`, or `'indeterminate'`, meaning,
* respectively, correct work, incorrect work, and work that may or may
* not be correct, but the LDE doesn't have enough information; these
* correspond to the types of icons shown in the UI, respectively, green,
* red, and yellow
* - `reason` - a human-readable string that is short enough to show in a
* pop-up message when hovering over the validation icon in the UI. In
* fact, this string is not only human-readable, but written in a simple
* and informal style that we aim to be natural and simple for students
* to read.
* - `code` - a brief, English summary of the feedback, from which most of
* the rest of the data could be deduced. Examples include:
* - `'undeclared variable'` (or more than one undeclared variables)
* - `'redeclared variable'` (or more than one redeclared variables)
* - `'valid inference'`
* - `'indeterminate inference'`
* - `'invalid inference'`
* - `'valid instantiation'`
* - `'invalid instantiation'` (for now, there are no indeterminate
* instantiations)
* - `'error'` (for now, all errors are lumped into one category)
* @param {Object} data - the feedback data from the deductive engine, in
* JSON form
static makeFeedbackPresentable ( data ) {
const listify = names => names.length == 1 ? names[0] :
names.length == 2 ? names.join( ' and ' ) :
names.slice( 0, -1 ).join( ', ' ) + ', and ' + names[names.length - 1]
if ( data.type == 'scoping' ) {
if ( data.hasOwnProperty( 'undeclared' ) ) {
const verb = data.undeclared.length > 1 ? 'are' : 'is'
return {
type : 'scoping',
result : 'invalid',
reason : `What ${verb} ${listify(data.undeclared)} here?`,
code : 'undeclared variable'
} else if ( data.hasOwnProperty( 'redeclared' ) ) {
return {
type : 'scoping',
result : 'invalid',
reason : `But you have already used ${listify(data.redeclared)}.`,
code : 'redeclared variable'
} else if ( data.type == 'BIH' ) {
return {
type : 'instantiation',
result : data.result,
reason : data.result == 'valid' ?
'Yes, you substituted correctly.' :
'No, you did not substitute correctly here.',
code : data.result == 'valid' ?
'correct instantiation' : 'incorrect instantiation'
} else if ( data.type == 'propositional' ) {
return {
type : 'inference',
result : data.result,
reason : data.result == 'valid' ? 'Good work!' :
data.result == 'invalid' ?
'Based on what you have above, this cannot be true.' :
'You have not yet convinced me of this.',
code : `${data.result} inference`
} else if ( data.type == 'algebra' ) {
return {
type : 'algebra',
result : data.result,
reason : data.result == 'valid' ? 'Nice algebra!' :
'As far as I can tell, this is not algebraically correct.',
code : `algebraically ${data.result}`
} else if ( data.type == 'arithmetic' ) {
return {
type : 'arithmetic',
result : data.result,
reason : data.result == 'valid' ? 'Nice arithmetic!' :
data.result == 'inapplicable' ? 'Arithmetic in the number system specified by the rule does not apply here.' :
'As far as I can tell, this is not correct by arithmetic.',
code : `arithmetically ${data.result}`
} else if ( data.type == 'error' ) {
return {
type : 'error',
result : 'invalid',
reason : 'So sorry, Lurch is broken! Not your fault.',
message : data.reason,
code : 'error'