* This module provides an `install()` function for use in the editor's setup
* routine, to add this module's validation functionality to the editor. The
* install routine does all the work of this module; there are no module-level
* variables. Each call to `install()` creates a new background Web Worker
* that will do validation, installs a new set of event handlers for it, etc.
* See {@link module:Validation.install install()} for details.
* This module creates a Web Worker to use for doing validation outside of the
* UI thread. It loads into that worker the code in
* {@link module:ValidationWorker the validation worker module}, and then
* provides related tools to clients.
* First, you can send a document to the worker for validation by calling the
* {@link module:Validation.run run()} function.
* Both this module and the {@link module:ValidationWorker validation worker
* module} make use of the {@link Message} class for communication, and any
* client who listens to the events from this module will receive instances of
* that class as well.
* @module Validation
import { Message } from './validation-messages.js'
import { Atom } from './atoms.js'
import { Dialog } from './dialog.js'
import { isOnScreen } from './utilities.js'
import { LurchDocument } from './lurch-document.js'
* This function should be called in the editor's setup routine. It installs
* two menu items into the editor:
* * one for running validation on the editor's current contents, and showing
* the results in the editor by placing suffixes on each atom that could be
* validated
* * one for removing all such validation suffixes from the editor's current
* contents
* In order to support the functionality of those two menu items, the
* `install()` function also constructs a web worker that will do the validation
* in the background, and that web worker loads the tools in the
* {@link module:ValidationWorker validation worker module}. This function also
* installs event handlers on the worker and on this window so that
* {@link Message Message instances} sent from the worker or from this window
* during parsing can be handled and used to create validation feedback in the
* editor.
* @param {tinymce.Editor} editor - the editor in which to install the features
* described above
* @function
export const install = editor => {
// Object for storing the progress notification we show during validation
let progressNotification = null
// Define utility function used below:
// Remove all validation markers from all atoms and shells in the editor
const clearAll = () => {
Atom.allIn( editor ).forEach( atom =>
atom.setValidationResult( null ) )
// Global(ish) variable used by the function below
let clearIsPending = false
// Same as previous utility function, but this one queues them up, so that
// (a) they don't happen immediately and (b) multiple calls can get
// compressed into a single result, for efficiency.
const queueClearAll = () => {
if ( clearIsPending ) return
clearIsPending = true
setTimeout( () => {
clearAll( editor )
clearIsPending = false
} )
// Install that validation clearing function as the event handler for any
// change made to the internal data of an atom or shell (or the creation of
// an atom or shell).
Atom.prototype.dataChanged = function () {
if ( this.editor == editor && isOnScreen( this.element )
&& editor.dom.doc.body.contains( this.element ) )
// Same as above, but now for the removal of an atom or shell.
// In this case, don't bother checking if it's on screen.
Atom.prototype.wasDeleted = function () {
if ( this.editor == editor ) queueClearAll()
// How to install event handlers so that we can decorate the document
// correctly upon receiving validation feedback. We will install these on
// both the worker and this window, because when parsing errors happen, we
// send feedback about them from this window itself before even sending
// anything to the worker.
const installEventHandlers = context =>
context.addEventListener( 'message', event => {
const message = new Message( event )
// console.log( JSON.stringify( message.content, null, 4 ) )
if ( message.is( 'feedback' ) || message.is( 'error' ) ) {
if ( message.element ) {
// console.log( message.element )
if ( Atom.isAtomElement( message.element ) ) {
Atom.from( message.element, editor )
.applyValidationMessage( message )
} else {
console.log( 'Warning: feedback message received for unusable element' )
// console.log( JSON.stringify( message.content, null, 4 ) )
} else if ( message.content.id == 'documentEnvironment' ) {
// feedback about whole document; ignore for now
} else {
console.log( 'Warning: feedback message received with no target element' )
console.log( JSON.stringify( message.content, null, 4 ) )
} else if ( message.is( 'progress' ) ) {
progressNotification.progressBar.value( message.get( 'complete' ) )
} else if ( message.is( 'done' ) ) {
Dialog.notify( editor, 'success', 'Validation complete', 2000 )
progressNotification = null
editor.dispatch( 'validationFinished' )
} else if ( message.content?.type?.startsWith( 'mathlive#' ) ) {
// Ignore messages MathLive is sending to itself
} else if ( event.data['lurch-embed'] ) {
// Ignore messages that initialize embedded Lurch instances
} else {
console.log( 'Warning: unrecognized message type' )
// console.log( JSON.stringify( message.content, null, 4 ) )
} )
installEventHandlers( window )
// Load the ValidationWorker module code so it can talk to us.
const newValidationWorker = () => {
const result = new Worker(
{ type : 'module' } )
installEventHandlers( result )
return result
let worker = newValidationWorker()
// Add menu item for toggling validation
editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem( 'validate', {
text : 'Show/Hide feedback ✔︎',
icon : 'preview',
tooltip : 'Run Lurch\'s checking algorithm on the document',
shortcut : 'meta+0',
onAction : () => {
// If there is validation in progress, terminate it and say so.
if ( progressNotification ) {
progressNotification = null
worker = newValidationWorker()
Dialog.notify( editor, 'warning', 'Validation stopped', 2000 )
editor.dispatch( 'validationFinished' )
// If there are validation results in the document, then clear them
// out and be done.
if ( Array.from(
editor.getBody().querySelectorAll( '[class^=feedback-marker]' )
).some( feedback => isOnScreen( feedback ) ) ) {
// Otherwise the user wants us to start validation now; do so.
// Clear old results just to be safe.
// Start progress bar in UI
progressNotification = editor.notificationManager.open( {
text : 'Validating...',
type : 'info',
progressBar : true
} )
// Send the document to the worker to initiate background validation
Message.document( editor, 'putdown' ).send( worker )
} )
// Add menu item for clearing validation results
editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem( 'clearvalidation', {
text : 'Clear feedback',
tooltip : 'Remove all feedback marks from the document',
shortcut : 'Meta+Shift+X',
onAction : () => clearAll()
} )
// Add developer menu item for debugging document meaning
editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem( 'downloaddocumentcode', {
text : 'Download document code',
icon : 'sourcecode',
tooltip : 'Download the putdown code for the document',
shortcut : 'Meta+Shift+D',
onAction : () => {
const code = Message.document( editor, 'putdown' ).content.code
const link = document.createElement( 'a' )
link.setAttribute( 'target', '_blank' )
const blob = new Blob( [ code ], { type: "text/plain" } )
link.href = URL.createObjectURL( blob )
const fileID = new LurchDocument( editor ).getFileID() ||
link.download = fileID
} )
// Add developer menu item for debugging document meaning
editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem( 'viewdocumentcode', {
text : 'View document code',
icon : 'sourcecode',
tooltip : 'View the putdown code for the document in a new tab',
onAction : () => {
const code = Message.document( editor, 'putdown' ).content.code
const link = document.createElement( 'a' )
link.setAttribute( 'target', '_blank' )
const blob = new Blob( [ code ], { type: "text/plain" } )
link.href = URL.createObjectURL( blob )
} )
export default { install }