import { Symbol as LurchSymbol } from '../symbol.js'
import { Application } from "../application.js"
import { LogicConcept } from "../logic-concept.js"
import { metavariable } from "./metavariables.js"
import { Constraint } from "./constraint.js"
import { Substitution } from "./substitution.js"
import { Solution } from "./solution.js"
import {
constantEF, projectionEF, applicationEF, fullBetaReduce
} from './expression-functions.js'
import { NewSymbolStream } from "./new-symbol-stream.js"
import {
isEncodedBinding, adjustIndices, free as deBruijnFree,
decodeExpression, deBruijn
} from "./de-bruijn.js"
* This class expresses a matching problem, that is, a set of matching
* {@link Constraint Constraints}, and includes an algorithm for solving them
* simultaneously, producing a list of {@link Solution Solutions} (which may
* be empty). For more information on the concept of matching in general,
* see {@link module:Matching the documentation for the Matching module}.
export class Problem {
* Construct a new matching problem with no constraints in it. Then, if any
* argument are provided, they are passed directly to the
* {@link Problem#add add()} function. See its documentation for how they
* are processed.
* @param {...any} args constraints to add to this problem after its
* construction, in a wide variety of forms, as documented in this class's
* {@link Problem#add add()} function
* @see {@link Problem#add add()}
constructor ( ...args ) {
this.constraints = [ ]
this.add( ...args )
* Add constraints to this problem. Arguments are accepted in any of the
* following forms.
* * `p.add( p1, e1, p2, e2, ... )`, where `p1`,`p2`,... are patterns and
* `e1`,`e2`,... are expressions, as defined in the
* {@link Constraint Constraint} class, so that we might construct
* {@link Constraint Constraint} instances from them
* * `p.add( [ p1, e1, p2, e2, ... ] )`, same as the previous, but in array
* form rather than separate arguments
* * `p.add( [ [ p1, e1 ], [ p2, e2 ], ... ] )`, same as the previous, but
* as an array of pairs rather than flattened
* * `p.add( c1, c2, ... )`, where each of `c1`,`c2`,... is a
* {@link Constraint Constraint} instance
* * `p.add( [ c1, c2, ... ] )`, same as the previous, but in array form
* rather than separate arguments
* * `p.add( other )`, where `other` is another instance of the Problem
* class, and we are to add all of its constraints to `p`
* No {@link Constraint Constraint} is added if it is already present, in
* the sense of there being an {@link Constraint#equals equal Constraint}
* already stored in this object.
* {@link Constraint Constraints} are stored internally in increasing order
* of {@link Constraint#complexity complexity()}, and this function
* preserves that order when adding new constraints. This makes it easy for
* algorithms to find an easy constraint to process, by taking the first one
* off the internal list.
* @param {...any} args constraints to add to this problem, in any of the
* forms given above
add ( ...args ) {
// ensure there is an args[0] to ask questions about
if ( args.length == 0 ) return
// if args[0] looks like a pattern, build constraints and recur on them
if ( args[0] instanceof LogicConcept ) {
for ( let i = 0 ; i < args.length - 1 ; i += 2 )
this.add( new Constraint( args[i], args[i+1] ) )
// if args[0] is an array, there are many possibilities:
if ( args[0] instanceof Array ) {
// ensure non-empty
if ( args[0].length == 0 ) return
// if it looks like it might be p1,e1,..., or c1,c2,...,
// handle via recursion
if ( ( args[0][0] instanceof LogicConcept )
|| ( args[0][0] instanceof Constraint ) ) {
this.add( ...args[0] )
// if it looks like it might be [p1,e1],..., also recur, flattening
if ( args[0][0] instanceof Array ) {
this.add( ...args[0].flat() )
// else invalid arguments
throw 'Cannot add this type of data to a Problem'
// all that's left is to add Constraint instances; this is the main
// workhorse part of this function, to which all other cases devolve
args.forEach( constraint => {
// can add only constraints, and only if we don't already have it
if ( !( constraint instanceof Constraint ) )
throw 'Cannot add this type of data to a Problem'
if ( this.constraints.some(
already => already.equals( constraint ) ) )
return // no need to add two copies of a constraint
// find location to insert that preserves increasing complexity
const index = this.constraints.findIndex( already =>
already.complexity() >= constraint.complexity() )
index == -1 ? this.constraints.length : index, 0, constraint )
} )
* Construct a new Problem just like this one, except with the given
* {@link Constraint Constraints} added. In other words, just call this
* instance's {@link Problem#copy copy()} function, and then call
* {@link Problem#add add()} in the copy, then return the new object.
* @param {...any} args the constraints to add to the problem, in any of
* the forms supported by the {@link Problem#add add()} function
* @returns {Problem} a new problem instance equal to this one plus the new
* constraints specified as arguments
plus ( ...args ) {
const result = this.copy()
result.add( ...args )
return result
* Most clients will not call this function; it is mostly for internal use.
* Various algorithms within this class occasionally need to remove a
* constraint, and this function is used to do so.
* @param {integer|Constraint} toRemove the caller can provide an integer
* between 0 and this problem's length minus 1, inclusive, to have this
* function remove the constraint at that index; or the caller can provide
* a {@link Constraint Constraint} instance, and this function will remove
* any constraint equal to that one, if this Problem contains such a copy
* @see {@link Problem#add add()}
* @see {@link Problem#empty empty()}
remove ( toRemove ) {
if ( toRemove instanceof Constraint )
toRemove = this.constraints.findIndex( constraint =>
constraint.equals( toRemove ) )
if ( /^\d+$/.test( toRemove ) && toRemove < this.length )
this.constraints.splice( toRemove, 1 )
* Construct a new Problem just like this one, except with the constraint at
* the given index removed. In other words, just call this instance's
* {@link Problem#copy copy()} function, and then call
* {@link Problem#remove remove()} in the copy, then return the new object.
* @param {integer|Constraint} toRemove the {@link Constraint Constraint}
* to remove, or a copy of it, or the index of it; this argument will be
* passed directly to {@link Problem.remove remove()}, so see the
* documentation there for details
* @returns {Problem} a new problem instance equal to this one minus the
* constraint at the given index
without ( toRemove ) {
const result = this.copy()
result.remove( toRemove )
return result
* The length of a problem is the number of constraints in it. Note that
* as a problem is solved, the algorithm successively removes constraints as
* it satisfies them (sometimes replacing them with one or more simpler
* ones), so this value may change over time, up or down.
* @returns {integer} the number of constraints in this problem
* @see {@link Problem#empty empty()}
get length () {
return this.constraints.length
* Is this problem empty? That is, does it have zero constraints? Return
* true if so, false otherwise
* @returns {boolean} whether this problem is empty (no constraints)
* @see {@link Problem#length length}
empty () {
return this.constraints.length == 0
* Create a shallow copy of this object, which will include a shallow copy
* of its constraint set.
* @returns {Problem} a shallow copy of this object
copy () {
const result = new Problem()
result.constraints = this.constraints.slice()
if ( this._stream )
result._stream = this._stream.copy()
result._debug = this._debug
return result
* Equality of two problems is determined solely by the content of their
* constraint sets. This function returns true if and only if the set of
* constraints is the same in both problems.
* @param {Problem} other another instance of the Problem class with which
* to compare this one
* @returns {boolean} whether the two instances are equal
equals ( other ) {
if ( this.constraints.length != other.constraints.length ) return false
return this.constraints.every( c1 =>
other.constraints.some( c2 => c1.equals( c2 ) ) )
* Alter this object by applying the given
* {@link Substitution Substitutions} to it, in-place.
* {@link Constraint Constraints} in this Problem whose patterns contain any
* of the metavariables on the LHS of any of the given
* {@link Substitution Substitutions} will be replaced with new
* {@link Constraint Constraints} whose patterns have been altered by those
* {@link Substitution Substitutions}.
* @param {...Substitution|...Substitution[]} subs one or more
* substitutions to apply to this Problem, or Arrays of substitutions
* @see {@link Problem#afterSubstituting afterSubstituting()}
substitute ( ...subs ) {
// flatten arrays of substitutions into the main list
subs = subs.flat()
// figure out which constraints in this object actually need processing
const metavars = s => s.metavariable.text() )
const toReplace = this.constraints.filter( c =>
c.pattern.hasDescendantSatisfying( d =>
( d instanceof LurchSymbol ) && metavars.includes( d.text() )
&& d.isA( metavariable ) ) )
if ( toReplace.length > 0 ) {
// remove those constraints
toReplace.forEach( c => this.remove( c ) )
// compute new patterns for each one by doing substitutions
const patternsWrapper = new Application( c => c.pattern.copy() ) )
subs.forEach( s => s.applyTo( patternsWrapper ) )
// add the new constraints built from the new patterns, same expressions
for ( let i = 0 ; i < patternsWrapper.numChildren() ; i++ )
this.add( new Constraint( patternsWrapper.child( i ),
toReplace[i].expression ) )
* This function behaves the same as
* {@link Problem#substitute substitute()}, except that it works on and
* returns a copy of the Problem, rather than altering the original.
* @param {...Substitution|...Substitution[]} subs one or more
* substitutions to apply, or Arrays of substitutions
* @see {@link Problem#substitute substitute()}
afterSubstituting ( ...subs ) {
const result = this.copy()
result.substitute( ...subs )
return result
* The string representation of a Problem is simply the comma-separated list
* of string representations of its {@link Constraint Constraints},
* surrounded by curly brackets to suggest a set. For example, it might be
* "{(A,(- x)),(B,(+ 1 t))}" or "{}".
* @returns {string} a string representation of the Problem, useful in
* debugging
* @see {@link Constraint#toString toString() for individual Constraints}
toString () {
const maybeWithDeBruijn = c => {
if ( !this._deBruijnEncoded
|| ( c.pattern instanceof LurchSymbol )
&& c.pattern.text() == deBruijn ) return c.toString()
return c.toString() + '\n\t '
+ ( '(' + decodeExpression( c.pattern ).toPutdown()
+ ',' + decodeExpression( c.expression ).toPutdown() + ')' )
.replace( /\n /g, '' )
.replace( / \+\{"_type_LDE MV":true\}\n/g, '__' )
.replace( /"LDE EFA"/g, '@' )
.replace( /"LDE lambda"/g, '𝝺' )
return '{\n\t'
// x => `${x.complexity()} ${maybeWithDeBruijn(x)}`
+ '\n}'
// For internal use. Applies beta reduction to all the patterns in all the
// problem's constraints.
betaReduce () {
this.constraints.slice().forEach( con => {
const reduced = fullBetaReduce( con.pattern, false )
if ( reduced != con.pattern ) {
this.remove( con )
this.add( new Constraint( reduced, con.expression ) )
} )
* Compute all solutions to this Problem instance, one at a time, using this
* generator function. This function implements the matching algorithm;
* it calls an internal workhorse function, `allSolutions()`, to do the
* heavy lifting. Clients should first populate the Problem instance with
* {@link Constraint Constraints} using {@link Problem#add add()}, then call
* this function to compute the set of {@link Solution Solutions}.
* @yields {Solution} the next solution to this Problem
* @see {@link Problem#firstSolution firstSolution()}
* @see {@link Problem#isSolvable isSolvable()}
* @see {@link Problem#numSolutions numSolutions()}
*solutions () {
const solutionsSeen = [ ]
const proxy = this.copy()
for ( let solution of proxy.allSolutions( new Solution( proxy ) ) ) {
// Is this really a solution? Only if no capture would occur...
if ( [ ...solution.domain() ].some( metavar =>
solution.get( metavar ).copy().hasDescendantSatisfying(
d => deBruijnFree( d ) === true ) ) ) {
if ( this._debug )
console.log( 'xxx - That solution would include variable capture' )
// It's acceptable, so we can now convert it out of de Bruijn form:
// When we find a solution, though, yield it iff we have not seen it
// before (nor any other solution to which it's alpha-equivalent):
if ( !solutionsSeen.some( old => old.equals( solution ) ) ) {
solutionsSeen.push( solution.copy() )
yield solution
} else {
if ( this._debug )
console.log( 'xxx - That solution is a repeat' )
// For debugging purposes, at the end, show all solutions found.
if ( this._debug ) {
console.log( 'Final solution set:' ) ( solution, index ) =>
console.log( `${index}. ${solution}` ) )
// for internal use only, by *solutions()
deBruijnEncode () {
this._deBruijnEncoded = true
this.constraints =
constraint => constraint.copy() )
this.constraints.forEach( constraint => constraint.deBruijnEncode() )
} //
// for internal use only, by *solutions()
*allSolutions ( soFar ) {
// const dbg = ( ...args ) => { if ( this._debug ) console.log( ...args ) }
// dbg( `solve ${this} w/soFar = ${soFar}` )
// We need our own personal symbol stream that will avoid all symbols in
// this matching problem. If we don't have one yet, create one.
if ( !this._stream ) this._stream = new NewSymbolStream( c => c.pattern ), c => c.expression )
// If this problem is empty, the solution set contains exactly one
// entry, the soFar solution passed to us.
if ( this.empty() ) {
yield soFar
// But if it isn't empty, then consider the first constraint. Note that
// constraints are ordered so that the easiest to process come first, so
// index 0 is the right place to start.
const constraint = this.constraints[0]
const complexity = constraint.complexity()
// If that constraint says that this problem is unsolvable, stop now.
if ( complexity == 0 ) return
// If that constraint is already satisfied, remove it and recur on the
// rest. This modifies this object in place.
if ( complexity == 1 ) {
this.remove( 0 )
yield* this.allSolutions( soFar )
// If that constraint is a metavariable instantiation, remove it from
// the problem, add it to the solution, and apply it to the remaining
// constraints. If doing so is impossible, stop. Otherwise, recur on
// what remains.
if ( complexity == 2 ) {
const newSub = new Substitution( constraint )
try { soFar.add( newSub ) } catch { return }
this.remove( 0 )
this.substitute( newSub )
yield* this.allSolutions( newSub, false ) )
// If that constraint is one that can be broken up into multiple,
// smaller constraints, one for each pair of children from the pattern
// and expression, do so, updating this problem object and recurring.
if ( complexity == 3 ) {
this.remove( 0 )
const toAdd = constraint.children()
// Special case: If we're about to recur inside a binding encoded as
// an Application, we may need to decrease the indices before we
// enter and then increase them again in any solution we find, to
// compensate for the disassembly of the binding necessary for
// recursion. This does not apply if the pattern is also an encoded
// binding, but only if there is a disbalance between the two.
const mustAdjust = isEncodedBinding( constraint.expression )
&& !isEncodedBinding( constraint.pattern )
if ( mustAdjust ) {
adjustIndices( toAdd[1].expression, -1, 0 )
// dbg( '! decreasing indices ! -> ' + toAdd[1].toString() )
this.add( ...toAdd )
for ( let solution of this.allSolutions( soFar ) ) {
// Reverse the adjustment mentioned above here:
if ( mustAdjust )
d => d.isA( metavariable )
).forEach( toAdjust => {
const instantiation = solution.get( toAdjust )
if ( instantiation ) {
adjustIndices( instantiation, 1, 0 )
// dbg( '! increasing indices ! -> '
// + solution._substitutions[toAdjust.text()] )
} )
yield solution
// Finally, the complicated case. If the constraint is an expression
// function application case, then we may generate multiple solutions,
// in all the ways documented below.
if ( complexity >= 4 ) {
// We need a utility function for extending recursively computed
// solutions with new constraints.
const problem = this
function* addEF ( metavar, expressionFunction ) {
const newSub = new Substitution( metavar, expressionFunction )
// dbg( `try this EF: ${newSub}` )
let extended
try {
extended = newSub )
} catch {
// dbg( `\tcannot add to current solution:\n\t${soFar}` )
const copy = problem.afterSubstituting( newSub )
// dbg( `gives this problem: ${copy}` )
// dbg( `\t=β=>` )
for ( let solution of copy.allSolutions( extended ) ) {
// dbg( `recursive solution: ${solution}` )
yield solution.restricted()
// Remove this constraint and lift out its various components,
// because we know it is an expression function application
// constraint.
const head = constraint.pattern.child( 1 )
const args = constraint.pattern.children().slice( 2 )
const expr = constraint.expression
// Do some quick sanity checks to be sure the structure is as
// expected.
if ( !head.isA( metavariable ) )
throw 'Invalid head of expression function application'
if ( args.length == 0 )
throw 'Empty argument list in expression function application'
// Solution method 1: Head instantiated with a constant function.
// dbg( '--1--' )
yield* addEF( head, constantEF( args.length, expr ) )
// If it can't be anything but a constant function, stop here.
if ( constraint.canBeOnlyConstantEFA() ) {
// dbg( '-- complexity=4 => constant function --' )
// Solution method 2: Head instantiated with a projection function.
// dbg( '--2--' )
for ( let i = 0 ; i < args.length ; i++ ) {
if ( constraint.canBeAProjectionEFA( i ) ) // slight speedup
yield* addEF( head, projectionEF( args.length, i ) )
// else
// dbg( `-- arg ${i} is an expr with ${copies} copies (not 1)`
// + ' => not a projection function --' )
// Solution method 3: If the expression is compound, we could
// imitate each child using a different expression function,
// combining the results into one big answer. Because we have
// already converted bindings to applications with removeBindings(),
// we know this case will involve only applications.
// dbg( '--3--' )
const numChildren = expr.children().length
if ( numChildren > 0 ) {
const metavars = this._stream.nextN( numChildren )
.map( symbol => symbol.asA( metavariable ) )
const ef = applicationEF( args.length, metavars )
// If the expression is an encoded binding, do not let the matching
// algorithm attempt to synthesize its first child, (de Bruijn
// constant with embedded codes). Just let that one match always:
if ( isEncodedBinding( expr ) )
ef.child( 1 ).body().child( 0 ).replaceWith( expr.child( 0 ).copy() )
yield* addEF( head, ef )
} // else dbg( 'case 3 does not apply' )
// Those are the only three solution methods for the EFA case.
// We should never get here, because complexity should be only 0,1,2,3,
// or 4. So the following is just a sanity check.
throw `Invalid value for constraint complexity: ${complexity}`
* Sometimes it is useful to just get one example solution for the
* problem, rather than computing all solutions. Although that can be
* done efficiently using the {@link Problem#solutions solutions()}
* iterator, this function is a convenience to make it easier. It returns
* either the first solution, as an instance of the {@link Solution
* Solution} class, or it returns undefined if the problem has no
* solutions.
* Note that this function operate completely independently of the
* {@link Problem#solutions solutions()} iterator, in that if you are
* partway through computing the list of solutions with that iterator,
* you can still ask for the *first* solution using this function, and it
* will give that first solution and will have no effect on the ongoing
* iterator.
* Caching of solutions is not implemented for problems, so the work of
* finding and computing the first solution is done again when you call
* this function, even if it has been computed in the past. One could
* implement a cache, which would need to be invalidated by functions
* like {@link Problem#add add()}, but that has not been done.
* @returns {Solution} the first solution to this matching problem, or
* `undefined` if the problem has no solutions
* @see {@link Problem#solutions solutions()}
* @see {@link Problem#isSolvable isSolvable()}
* @see {@link Problem#numSolutions numSolutions()}
firstSolution () {
for ( let solution of ) return solution
* If you do not need to fetch any solutions, but rather just check to see
* whether any exist, this function is more efficient than running the
* full {@link Problem#solutions solutions()} iterator, which computes all
* possible solutions. This function returns a boolean, whether any
* solutions exist. Calling `P.isSolvable()` is equivalent to computing
* `!!P.firstSolution()`, but is more readable, and more efficient than
* computing `P.numSolutions() > 0`.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if and only if there is at least one solution
* to this matching problem, and `false` otherwise
* @see {@link Problem#solutions solutions()}
* @see {@link Problem#firstSolution firstSolution()} (including comments about
* caching)
* @see {@link Problem#numSolutions numSolutions()}
isSolvable () {
return !!this.firstSolution()
* If you do not need the solution set, but just need to know its size,
* call this function instead of the {@link Problem#solutions solutions()}
* iterator. Note that the full iterator will be traversed to compute its
* size, which is thus the same amount of computational effort as finding
* and returning all the solutions, so no time is saved. This function is
* provided for those cases where `P.numSolutions()` is more readable than
* computing the full array of solutions and then asking for its length.
* @returns {integer} the number of solutions to this matching problem
* @see {@link Problem#solutions solutions()}
* @see {@link Problem#isSolvable isSolvable()}
* @see {@link Problem#firstSolution firstSolution()} (including comments about
* caching)
numSolutions () {
return Array.from( ).length