API Reference

Getting started

In the browser

Import the minified JavaScript, which you can download from our repository directly or import from a CDN with the following one-liner.

<script src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/first-order-matching@1/first-order-matching.js'></script>

From the command line

Or install this package into your project the usual way:

npm install first-order-matching

Then within any of your modules, import it as follows.

M = require( "first-order-matching" );

After that, any of the example code snippets in this documentation should function as-is.

In a WebWorker

To place this script in a WebWorker, you will need to download two source files and place them in your project's web space.

Your script can then create the worker as follows.

W = new Worker( "path/to/first-order-matching.js" );
// it imports openmath.js itself, from the same folder

This exposes an asynchronous API documented below. See the test-worker.html file for a (very small) example.

Using OpenMath

In order to do work with mathematical expressions, there needs to be some data structure for storing and some algorithms for manipulating those expressions. To provide that need, this module depends upon an OpenMath JavaScript implementation.

If you're using this from the command line, and installing it via npm, then openmath-js will automatically be installed as a dependency of this one. Furthermore, it will be accessible through the first-order-matching module, as shown in the examples below. (If you import this module as M, then the OpenMath constructor is accessible as M.OM.)

If you're using this in the browser, be sure to import the OpenMath JavaScript code into your page before importing this one. You can access it from the same CDN that you can access this module, as documented on its homepage. (Follow the link above for the exact URL.)

The remainder of this documentation will assume that you know how to create and use OpenMath objects to represent mathematical expressions. See the documentation linked to above if needed.


Matching compares two expressions, one containing metavariables, and attempts to create a substitution (a mapping from metavariables to expressions) that, when applied to the expression containing metavariables, makes the two expressions equal.

Thus it is necessary to be able to flag certain variables in our expressions as metavariables, and to detect which variables are metavariables. The following functions are provided in this package for doing so.

  • setMetavariable(x) - takes an OpenMath variable as input and adds to it an attribute that marks it as a metavariable
  • clearMetavariable(x) - removes the attribute added by the previous function
  • isMetavariable(x) - true if and only if x is an OpenMath variable with the flag added by setMetavariable()


x = M.OM.var( 'x' ); M.setMetavariable( x ); M.isMetavariable( x );
y = M.OM.var( 'y' ); M.isMetavariable( y );

Expression Functions

This module supports patterns that express the application of a function to a parameter, where the function maps OpenMath expressions to OpenMath expressions, as described in the whitepaper accessible from the main documentation page. We provide the following API for dealing with such objects.

  • makeExpressionFunction(x,b) - makes a new expression function with the meaning λx.b, where x is a variable and b is any OpenMath expression. The x will be bound in the resulting expression. An error is thrown if x is not a variable.
  • isExpressionFunction(e) - returns true if e is an expression of the form created by the previous function, false otherwise.
  • makeExpressionFunctionApplication(f,a) - makes an expression whose meaning is the application of an expression function f to an argument a. Does not verify that f is an expression function; it need not be one, but can be a metavariable, for example.
  • isExpressionFunctionApplication(e) - returns true if e is an expression of the form created by the previous function, false otherwise.
  • applyExpressionFunction(f,a) - assumes that f has the form of an expression function (i.e., passes isExpressionFunction) and applies it to the OpenMath expression a.
  • alphaEquivalent(f,g) - returns true if and only if both f and g are expression functions and they are alpha equivalent
ef = M.makeExpressionFunction( M.OM.var( 'x' ), M.OM.simple( 'relation1.eq(x,x)' ) ); M.applyExpressionFunction( ef, M.OM.int( 2 ) ).simpleEncode();
M.makeExpressionFunctionApplication( M.OM.var( 'P' ), M.OM.var( 'x' ) ).simpleEncode();


A constraint is a single pattern-expression pair to be solved by the matching algorithm. A pattern is an expression containing metavariables, and a (plain) expression does not contain metavariables. We provide this API for dealing with constraints.

  • new Constraint(p,e) - creates a new constraint from pattern p and expression e
  • C.pattern, C.expression - access the pattern and expression given at construction time
  • C.copy() - copies constraint C deeply
  • C.equals(D) - returns true if and only if constraints C and D are structurally equal as pairs, ignoring any OpenMath attributes
C = new M.Constraint( M.OM.simple( 'a(b,c)' ), M.OM.simple( 'f(2,3)' ) ); D = C.copy(); [ C == D, C.equals( D ) ]

A constraint list is an array of constraints, typically used internally by the matching algorithm to break single constraints down into smaller parts to be solved as a set. Although the matching algorithm can be called on a set of constraints, it is typically called on a single constraint. Even so, this API exists, but is documented minimally, below, because it is of little interest to clients.


The API provides one function for matching, and it is iterative, in the sense that if finds the first possible match (if any), and can be called again and again to produce more matches (if there are more). For this reason, its return value is a structure with a few elements.

  • match(constraint) - yields a pair of values, one of three possibilities:
    • [ null, null ] - there are no solutions to the match (or no more solutions, if this is not the first call)
    • [ solution, null ] - there is one solution, given as the first element of the pair, and there are no more after it
    • [ solution, argsArray ] - there is more than one solution, but the first is given as the first element of the pair, and the second element of the pair is the array of additional arguments you can pass to match to get it to find more solutions, as documented below.
  • match(constraint,x,y) - if a previous call to match gave you an argsArray, as documented immediately above, it will contain two values (let's call them x and y) and if we pass them as extra arguments to match, it will seek further solutions to the same matching problem, returning one of the three possibilities above, as with the first call.

Values returned from match are ConstraintList instances in which every member is a pair whose left hand side is a unique metavariable and whose right hand side is an OpenMath expression, thus embodying the mapping that the algorithm is designed to produce. If R is such a result, you can get its list of constraints with R.contents.


Matching f(x) against f(2) should produce x=2 if x is a metavariable.

pattern = M.OM.simple( 'f(x)' ); M.setMetavariable( pattern.children[1] ); expression = M.OM.simple( 'f(2)' ); problem = new M.Constraint( pattern, expression ); pair = M.nextMatch( problem ); solution = pair[0].contents; for ( var i = 0 ; i < solution.length ; i++ ) console.log( solution[i].pattern.simpleEncode() + ' --> ' + solution[i].expression.simpleEncode() );

Matching f(x) against g(2) should produce f=g and x=2 if both f and x are metavariables.

pattern = M.OM.simple( 'f(x)' ); M.setMetavariable( pattern.children[0] ); M.setMetavariable( pattern.children[1] ); expression = M.OM.simple( 'g(2)' ); problem = new M.Constraint( pattern, expression ); pair = M.nextMatch( problem ); solution = pair[0].contents; for ( var i = 0 ; i < solution.length ; i++ ) console.log( solution[i].pattern.simpleEncode() + ' --> ' + solution[i].expression.simpleEncode() );

Matching f(x) against f(1,2) should produce no solutions.

pattern = M.OM.simple( 'f(x)' ); M.setMetavariable( pattern.children[1] ); expression = M.OM.simple( 'f(1,2)' ); problem = new M.Constraint( pattern, expression ); M.nextMatch( problem );

Matching f(2) against f(2) should produce an empty solution (i.e., they match without instantiating any metavariables).

pattern = M.OM.simple( 'f(2)' ); expression = M.OM.simple( 'f(2)' ); problem = new M.Constraint( pattern, expression ); pair = M.nextMatch( problem ); pair[0].contents

These have all been trivial examples. For more complex examples, see the dozens more examples in the unit test suite, here. Note that they construct expressions with the quick function, to make it easy to create patterns without calling setMetavariable. That function is defined at the very top of the same file.

Minimally Documented Code

The following routines are documented only minimally here, because they are almost never of use to the client of this package. They are, however, exposed by the package in its exports member, so that they can be subject to the unit tests in this repository.

The terms and concepts mentioned in this terse documentation are defined in the whitepaper accessible from the main documentation page.

  • consistentPatterns(p1,p2,...) - returns true if and only if the set of patterns p1, p2, etc. is consistent, as defined in the source code documentation here.
  • findDifferencesBetween(e1,e2) - an address set expressing the differences between the expressions, as defined in the paper cited above.
  • parentAddresses(addrs) - set of parent addresses for all addresses in a given set, as defined in the same paper.
  • partitionedAddresses(e) - all addresses for all subexpressions of e, partitioned by equality of the subexpressions at those addresses
  • expressionDepth(e), sameDepthAncestors(e,addrs), differenceIterator(e1,e2), subexpressionIterator(e), prefixIterator(e,iterator), suffixIterator(iterator,e), composeIterator(iterator,func), filterIterator(iterator,filter), concatenateIterators(first,second) - See the thorough documentation for these in the source code itself.
  • multiReplace(e,addrs,other), bindingConstraints1(pattern), satisfiesBindingConstraints1(solution,constraints), bindingConstraints2(pattern), satisfiesBindingConstraints2(solution,constraints) - See the thorough documentation for these in the source code itself.

Constraint list API:

  • new ConstraintList(c1,c2,...) - creates a constraint list given a list of constraints
  • CL.contents - the array used for internal storage, and which is publicly accessible, to be looped over/read/etc.
  • CL.length() - number of constraints in the constraint list CL
  • CL.copy() - a deep copy with the same order
  • CL.equals(other) - equality comparison that ignores order, and uses the equals member of the Constraint class
  • CL.plus(c1,c2,...) - a new constraint list created by adding the given constraints to the list CL (deep copy, not in-place modification)
  • CL.minus(c1,c2,...) - a new constraint list created by removing the given constraints from the list CL (if they were there, doing nothing if they were not -- deep copy, not in-place modification)
  • CL.indexAtWhich(P) - first index at which the predicate P holds of the constraint at that index in the list, or -1 if there is no such index
  • CL.firstSatisfying(P) - constraint at CL.indexAtWhich(P), or null
  • CL.firstPairSatisfying(P) - assuming P is a binary predicate accepting two constraints, yields the first pair of indices on whose constraints P returns true, by dictionary ordering the pair of the indices
  • CL.nextNewVariable() - generate a new variable that does not appear in any of the constraints in the list CL; this is an iterator that creates an infinite stream of results, different at each call
  • CL.isFunction() - whether CL is a function, when viewed as a mapping from the space of metavariables to the space of expressions. To be so, the constraint list must contain only constraints whose left hand sides are metavariables, and none msut appear in more than one constraint.
  • CL.lookup(x) - if CL.isFunction() then you can look up variables and get back expressions. Pass a variable as x and this routine does so, returning null if it finds no result.
  • CL.apply(e) - if CL.isFunction(), then you can apply the constraint list CL to the expression e and all metavariables x appearing in e will be replaced simultaneously with the respective result of CL.lookup(x)

WebWorker API

This section assumes that you have read and understood the API for the non-WebWorker use of the module, as given in the previous sections. It also assumes that you've read the getting started section so that you know how to import this module into a WebWorker.

See the test-worker.html file for a (very small) example.

Assuming you've created a worker W as in that section, you can then interact with it through four types of messages.

Create a new problem

W.postMessage( [ "newProblem", name, LHS, RHS ] );

This creates a new matching problem with the given name (which will be treated as a text string) and the given left and right hand sides, LHS and RHS. Each should be the JSON-serialized version of an OMNode instance, created by a call to N.encode(), for an OMNode instance N.

The LHS may contain metavariables and expression functions, but the RHS may not. To construct such objects, it may be useful to import the first-order matching package into the main thread as well, so that you have access to the functions documented earlier in this page, such as setMetavariable().

It does not attempt to solve the problem; it only sets it up for later solution. No return message is posted back to the main thread.


LHS = OM.int( 5 );
RHS = OM.str( "Hello" );
W.postMessage( [ "newProblem", "#1", LHS.encode(), RHS.encode() ] );
// A problem with no solutions has been posed.

Fetch the next solution for an existing problem

W.onmessage = function ( event ) {
    console.log( "Heard back from the worker with this:", event.data );
W.postMessage( [ "getSolution", name ] );

This instructs the worker to compute a solution to the matching problem with the given name, which must have been set up earlier by a message of the "newProblem" type. Because matching problems may have zero, one, or more solutions, this message may be passed repeatedly to generate as many solutions as the given problem has. Each sending of the message requests that only one solution be computed, and thus the message may need to be sent multiple times in succession if a problem has more than one solution, and the client wishes to see more than one.

The results are posted back to the main thread using postMessage() from within the worker thread, and thus the onmessage handler must be implemented, as shown in the example code above. The data in the event will be an object with these attributes:

  • name - the name of the problem, as passed to the message
  • success - true if a solution was computed, false if there are no more solutions to this problem (besides any yielded earlier)
  • count - the total number of solutions computed so far, a running total
  • solution - if success is true, then this contains the most recently generated solution, as an object mapping metavariable names to the JSON string representations of OMNode instances, which can be decoded into actual OMNode instances with OM.decode(); if success is false, then this field is undefined

Messages of the "getSolution" type can be passed over and over to generate new solutions until the result yields a false value for success.


function getAllSolutions ( name, LHS, RHS, callback ) {
    var results = [ ];
    W.postMessage( [ "newProblem", name, LHS.encode(), RHS.encode() ] );
    W.onmessage = function ( event ) {
        if ( event.data.success ) {
            results.push( event.data.solution );
            W.postMessage( [ "getSolution", name ] );
        } else {
            callback( results );
    W.postMessage( [ "getSolution", name ] );

Delete an old problem

W.postMessage( [ "deleteProblem", name ] );

Lets the worker reclaim memory by discarding problems about which no further messages will be passed.


W.postMessage( [ "deleteProblem", "#1" ] );