* This module defines the two classes for working with constraints:
* Constraint and ConstraintList.
"use strict"
// Import everything from the language module and expose it as well.
import {
isExpressionFunction, makeExpressionFunction,
isExpressionFunctionApplication, makeExpressionFunctionApplication,
canApplyExpressionFunctionApplication, getVariablesIn, occursFree, isFree,
applyExpressionFunctionApplication, getNewVariableRelativeTo,
replaceWithoutCapture, alphaConvert, alphaEquivalent, betaReduce,
checkVariable, makeConstantExpression, makeProjectionExpression,
makeImitationExpression, setAPI, getAPI
} from './language.js';
export {
setAPI, getAPI, isExpressionFunction, makeExpressionFunction,
isExpressionFunctionApplication, makeExpressionFunctionApplication,
canApplyExpressionFunctionApplication, getVariablesIn, occursFree, isFree,
applyExpressionFunctionApplication, getNewVariableRelativeTo,
replaceWithoutCapture, alphaConvert, alphaEquivalent, betaReduce,
makeConstantExpression, makeProjectionExpression, makeImitationExpression
// * The classes below allow us to represent constraints.
// * A constraint is an ordered pattern-expression pair.
// * A pattern is an expression containing metavariables.
// * A (plain) expression does not contain metavariables.
// * In some cases the pattern may not contain metavariables, but we would
// * look to remove this constraint from any lists it appeared in.
// * A special case of a constraint is a substitution.
// * In a substiution, the pattern is just a metavariable.
* @constant CASES an enum-like object to easily access cases.
* IDENTITY represents the case in which the pattern
* and expression are equal (and hence the pattern contains no metavariables)
* BINDING represents the case in which the pattern is
* just a metavariable
* SIMPLIFICATION represents the case in which both the pattern
* and the expression are functions and the 'head' of the pattern function is
* not a metavariable
* EFA represents the case in which the pattern is an expression function application,
* or a function with a metavariable as its 'head', and <code>SIMPLIFICATION</code>
* does not hold
* FAILURE represents the case of failure, when no other cases apply
export const CASES = {
EFA: 4,
* Represents a pattern-expression pair.
export class Constraint {
* Creates a new constraint with given pattern and expression.
* @param {OM} pattern - an expression which should contain a metavariable (but may not)
* @param {OM} expression - an expression which must not contain a metavariable
constructor(pattern, expression) {
if (!getAPI().isExpression(pattern) || !getAPI().isExpression(expression)) {
throw Error( 'Both arguments must be expressions' );
this.pattern = pattern;
this.expression = expression;
this.case = this.getCase(pattern, expression);
* @returns a deep copy
copy() {
return new Constraint(getAPI().copy(this.pattern),
* @param {Constraint} other - another Constraint
* @returns <code>true</code> if patterns and expressions are structurally equal
* OR alpha equivalent, <code>false</code> otherwise.
equals(other) {
return (
|| alphaEquivalent(this.pattern,other.pattern)
) && (
|| alphaEquivalent(this.expression,other.expression)
* @returns true if the pattern is a metavariable, false otherwise.
isSubstitution() {
return getAPI().isMetavariable(this.pattern);
* Returns the case, as described in the corresponding paper
* (and briefly in the case constant declarations)
* @param {OM} pattern
* @param {OM} expression
getCase(pattern, expression) {
if (getAPI().equal(pattern,expression)) {
} else if (getAPI().isMetavariable(pattern)) {
} else if (
&& !isExpressionFunctionApplication(pattern)
&& getAPI().isApplication(expression)
&& getAPI().getChildren(pattern).length == getAPI().getChildren(expression).length
&& getAPI().isBinding(expression)
&& getAPI().equal(getAPI().bindingHead(pattern),
&& getAPI().bindingVariables(pattern).length == getAPI().bindingVariables(expression).length
) {
} else if (
&& getAPI().isMetavariable(getAPI().getChildren(pattern)[1])
) {
return CASES.EFA;
} else {
* Calls <code>getCase</code> again, in case pattern or expression have changes
reEvalCase() {
this.case = this.getCase(this.pattern, this.expression);
* Applies this constraint, like a substitution, to a single pattern.
* Used by instantiate() in ConstraintList.
* @param {OM} target - a single pattern
* @returns a copy of the pattern with any substitutions
applyInstantiation(target) {
var result = getAPI().copy(target);
replaceWithoutCapture(result, this.pattern, this.expression);
const properSubExprToChange = x =>
x != result && canApplyExpressionFunctionApplication(x)
getAPI().filterSubexpressions(result,properSubExprToChange).forEach(x =>
if ( canApplyExpressionFunctionApplication(result) )
result = applyExpressionFunctionApplication(result);
return result;
* Applies only to constraints that match the case where the pattern and
* expression are ordinary functions and their 'heads' are equal
* (CASES.SIMPLIFICATION). Calling it on other types of constraints
* gives undefined behavior.
* @returns {Constraint[]} a list of constraints (but not a constraint list) which is the
* result of 'zipping' the arguments of each function
breakIntoArgPairs() {
var arg_pairs = [];
if (getAPI().isApplication(this.pattern) && getAPI().isApplication(this.expression)) {
let pattern_children = getAPI().getChildren(this.pattern);
let expression_children = getAPI().getChildren(this.expression);
// In getting the case, we checked that the length of children was the same
for (let i = 0; i < pattern_children.length; i++) {
new Constraint(
} else if (getAPI().isBinding(this.pattern) && getAPI().isBinding(this.expression)) {
let pattern_vars = getAPI().bindingVariables(this.pattern);
let expression_vars = getAPI().bindingVariables(this.expression);
let pattern_body = getAPI().bindingBody(this.pattern);
let expression_body = getAPI().bindingBody(this.expression);
// In getting the case, we checked that the length of variables was the same
for (let i = 0; i < pattern_vars.length; i++) {
new Constraint(
// Also push the body of each binding to arg pairs
new Constraint(
return arg_pairs;
* Represents a list of constraints.
* However, most of the behaviour of this class mimics a set,
* except for a few cases in which we use indices.
export class ConstraintList {
* Creates an array from arguments.
* Also computes the first variable from the list <code>v0, v1, v2,...</code> such that neither it nor
* any variable after it in that list appears in any of the constraints.
* Call this <code>vN</code>. See <code>nextNewVariable</code> for the use.
* @param ...constraints - an arbitrary number of Constraints (can be zero)
constructor(...constraints) {
this.contents = [];
this.nextNewVariableIndex = 0;
this.bindingConstraints = [];
constraints.forEach(constraint => {
* @returns the length of the array of constraints.
get length() {
return this.contents.length;
* @returns a new variable starting at <code>vN</code> (see constructor for definition of <code>vN</code>).
nextNewVariable() {
return getAPI().variable('v' + this.nextNewVariableIndex++);
* @returns a deep copy of the list.
copy() {
var contents_copy = this.contents.map(c=>c.copy());
var result = new ConstraintList(...contents_copy);
result.bindingConstraints = this.bindingConstraints.map(bc => {
return { inner: getAPI().copy(bc.inner),
outer: getAPI().copy(bc.outer) };
} )
result.nextNewVariableIndex = this.nextNewVariableIndex;
return result;
* @returns the first index at which predicate is true when evaluated on contents, -1 otherwise.
indexAtWhich(predicate) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.contents.length; i++) {
if (predicate(this.contents[i])) return i;
return -1;
* Adds constraints only if they are not in the current list (as if we had a set).
* @param ...constraints - the constraints to be added
* @returns the new contents
add(...constraints) {
constraints.forEach(constraint => {
// Don't add if it's already in the list
if (this.indexAtWhich((c) => c.equals(constraint)) == -1) {
// Set the next new var index
var p_vars = getVariablesIn(constraint.pattern);
for (let j = 0; j < p_vars.length; j++) {
this.nextNewVariableIndex = checkVariable(p_vars[j], this.nextNewVariableIndex);
var e_vars = getVariablesIn(constraint.expression);
for (let k = 0; k < e_vars.length; k++) {
this.nextNewVariableIndex = checkVariable(e_vars[k], this.nextNewVariableIndex);
// Add the constraint
return this.contents;
* Removes constraints from the list and ignores any constraints not in the list.
* @param ...constraints - the constraints to be removed
* @returns the new contents
remove(...constraints) {
for (let i = 0; i < constraints.length; i++) {
var constraint = constraints[i];
var index = this.indexAtWhich((c) => c.equals(constraint));
if (index > -1) {
this.contents.splice(index, 1);
return this.contents;
* Makes the list empty by removing all constraints
empty() {
this.contents = [];
* @returns the first constraint in the list satisfying the given predicate, otherwise null.
firstSatisfying(predicate) {
var index = this.indexAtWhich(predicate);
return (index == -1 ? null : this.contents[index]);
* @returns an array of length two containing the first two constraints satisfying the given binary predicate,
* or null if there is not one.
firstPairSatisfying(predicate) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.contents.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < this.contents.length; j++) {
if (i != j) {
var constraint1 = this.contents[i];
var constraint2 = this.contents[j];
if (predicate(constraint1, constraint2)) {
return [constraint1, constraint2];
return null;
* Returns the constraint with the 'best' case from the start of the list.
* The cases are defined in the corresponding paper.
* @returns {Constraint} the constraint with the best case
getBestCase() {
var constraint;
if ((constraint = this.firstSatisfying(c => c.case == CASES.FAILURE)) != null) {
return constraint;
} else if ((constraint = this.firstSatisfying(c => c.case == CASES.IDENTITY)) != null) {
return constraint;
} else if ((constraint = this.firstSatisfying(c => c.case == CASES.BINDING)) != null) {
return constraint;
} else if ((constraint = this.firstSatisfying(c => c.case == CASES.SIMPLIFICATION)) != null) {
return constraint;
} else if ((constraint = this.firstSatisfying(c => c.case == CASES.EFA)) != null) {
return constraint;
} else {
return null;
* Some constraint lists are functions from the space of metavariables to the space of expressions.
* To be such a function, the constraint list must contain only constraints
* whose left hand sides are metavariables (called substitutions above),
* and no metavariable must appear in more than one constraint.
isFunction() {
var seen_so_far = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.contents.length; i++) {
var constraint = this.contents[i];
if (!constraint.isSubstitution()) {
return false;
if (seen_so_far.includes(getAPI().getVariableName(constraint.pattern))) {
return false;
return true;
* If the constraint list is a function, this routine returns the expression associated with a given metavariable.
* @param variable - a string or expression
* @returns the expression of the constraint with the pattern that equals
* the variable, null otherwise.
lookup(variable) {
if (!getAPI().isExpression(variable)) {
variable = getAPI().variable(variable);
for (let i = 0; i < this.contents.length; i++) {
var constraint = this.contents[i];
if (getAPI().equal(constraint.pattern,variable)) {
return constraint.expression;
return null;
* @returns true only if both lists contain the same constraints.
equals(other) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.contents.length; i++) {
let constraint = this.contents[i];
if (!other.firstSatisfying((c) => c.equals(constraint))) {
return false;
for (let i = 0; i < other.contents.length; i++) {
let constraint = other.contents[i];
if (!this.firstSatisfying((c) => c.equals(constraint))) {
return false;
return true;
* Extracts from each pattern a list of metavariable pairs (m1,m2).
* Such a pair means the restriction that a solution S cannot have S(m1) appearing free in S(m2).
* Pairs are represented by an object with <code>inner: m1</code> and <code>outer: m2</code> properties.
computeBindingConstraints() {
this.contents.forEach(constraint =>
getAPI().filterSubexpressions(constraint.pattern,getAPI().isBinding).forEach(binding =>
getAPI().filterSubexpressions(binding,getAPI().isMetavariable).forEach(innerMV => {
if (getAPI().variableIsFree(innerMV,binding)) {
getAPI().bindingVariables(binding).forEach(outerV => {
if (!this.bindingConstraints.find(existing =>
&& getAPI().equal(existing.inner,innerMV))
) {
this.bindingConstraints.push({ inner: innerMV, outer: outerV });
* Takes a ConstraintList object containing the patterns that the
* substiutions in this object will be applied to. Each substitution is
* applied to the pattern satisfying the conditions described in the summary
* paper (section 3).
* @param {ConstraintList} patterns - a non empty constraint list
instantiate(patterns) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
var substitution = this.contents[i];
for (let j = 0; j < patterns.length; j++) {
var pattern = patterns.contents[j].pattern;
patterns.contents[j].pattern = substitution.applyInstantiation(pattern);
// Re-evaluate case