Customizable Parsing Test Repository



 * This module exports precisely one identifier, `builtInConcepts`, which
 * contains the JSON definition of all the built-in mathematical concepts in
 * this repository.  These concepts are chosen because they commonly appear in
 * introduction-to-proof courses, which is the inteded use of the
 * {@link Lurch application} for which this parsing
 * tool was designed.
 * @module BuiltInConcepts

 * The JSON definition of all the built-in concepts for this repository.  See
 * {@link module:BuiltInConcepts the top of this module} for what this means,
 * and view the source code at the link below for the full definition of all of
 * the concepts.
 * This JSON data structure is used whenever anyone {@link Converter#addBuiltIns
 * adds built-in concepts to a Converter instance}.  In particular, this happens
 * when constructing any instance of {@link module:ExampleConverter the example
 * converter}, but it can be used in other converter instances as well.
 * We expect that anyone defining a new language will probably begin by
 * constructing a {@link Converter} instance and then a {@link Language}
 * instance using {@link Language.fromJSON Language.fromJSON()}, which
 * automatically adds just the subset of built-in concepts that the user wants.
 * This is the strategy employed by the {@link module:ExampleConverter
 * example converter}.
 * This data structure is an array of objects with the following properties:
 *  - `name`: the name of the concept, which can be used in the putdown notation
 *    for other concepts when their structure depends upon this one (e.g., if
 *    this concept is for integers, and you name it `"Integer"`, then later when
 *    you define addition of integers, you may write its putdown representation
 *    as `"(+ Integer Integer)"` to refer to this concept by name).
 *  - `parentType`: the name of the parent type of this concept, which should be
 *    a syntactic type, as defined in {@link module:SyntacticTypes the
 *    syntactic types module}.
 *  - `regularExpression`: this field is included only if the concept is atomic,
 *    and we must define how to recognize an instance of that concept as a token
 *    before parsing.  For instance, if the concept is `"Integer"`, then we need
 *    to somehow specify the regular expression for integers.  Rather than
 *    include the code for it directly here, there are a set of predefined
 *    regular expressions for standard mathematical notations that appear in
 *    {@link Language.regularExpressions a static member of the Language class}.
 *    The value of this field should be the name of one of these predefined
 *    regular expressions.
 *  - `putdown`: this field is included only if the concept is non-atomic, and
 *    defines both how to write it in putdown notation and also what arguments
 *    are needed to construct it.  If we return to the example of addition of
 *    integers, written in putdown as `"(+ Integer Integer)"`, then that
 *    notation tells us that addition requires two integers as arguments, and
 *    that the way it should be represented in putdown is using the template
 *    `"(+ A B)"`, where `A` and `B` should be replaced with the putdown
 *    representations of the summands.
 *  - `options`: this field is optional and, if included, will be passed as the
 *    final argument in a call to {@link Converter#addConcept addConcept()}.
 *    See the documentation of that function for the possible options you can
 *    include in this options object, and the meaning of each.
export const builtInConcepts = [

	// Atomic number expressions
		"name": "NumberVariable",
		"parentType": "AtomicNumberExpression",
		"regularExpression": "oneLetterVariable",
		"name": "Number",
		"parentType": "AtomicNumberExpression",
		"regularExpression": "nonnegativeNumber",
		"name": "Infinity",
		"putdown": "infinity",
		"parentType": "AtomicNumberExpression",
		"name": "Pi",
		"putdown": "pi",
		"parentType": "AtomicNumberExpression",
		"name": "EulersNumber",
		"putdown": "eulersnumber",
		"parentType": "AtomicNumberExpression",

	// Foundational arithmetic operations
		"name": "Exponentiation",
		"parentType": "FactorExpression",
		"putdown": "(^ AtomicNumberExpression AtomicNumberExpression)",
		"name": "Percentage",
		"parentType": "FactorExpression",
		"putdown": "(% AtomicNumberExpression)",
		"name": "Factorial",
		"parentType": "FactorExpression",
		"putdown": "(! AtomicNumberExpression)",
		"name": "Division",
		"parentType": "ProductExpression",
		"putdown": "(/ ProductExpression ProductExpression)",
		"name": "Multiplication",
		"parentType": "ProductExpression",
		"putdown": "(* ProductExpression ProductExpression)",
		"name": "NumberNegation",
		"parentType": "ProductExpression",
		"putdown": "(- ProductExpression)",
		"name": "Addition",
		"parentType": "SumExpression",
		"putdown": "(+ SumExpression SumExpression)",
		"name": "Subtraction",
		"parentType": "SumExpression",
		"putdown": "(- SumExpression SumExpression)",
		// Atomic propositional expressions
		"name": "LogicVariable",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"regularExpression": "oneLetterVariable",
		"name": "LogicalTrue",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "true",
		"name": "LogicalFalse",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "false",
		"name": "Contradiction",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "contradiction",
		// Propositional logic operators
		"name": "LogicalNegation",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(not AtomicPropositionalExpression)",
		"name": "Conjunction",
		"parentType": "ConjunctionExpression",
		"putdown": "(and ConjunctionExpression ConjunctionExpression)",
		"name": "Disjunction",
		"parentType": "DisjunctionExpression",
		"putdown": "(or DisjunctionExpression DisjunctionExpression)",
		"name": "Implication",
		"parentType": "ConditionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(implies ConditionalExpression ConditionalExpression)",
		"name": "LogicalEquivalence",
		"parentType": "ConditionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(iff ConditionalExpression ConditionalExpression)",

	// Predicate logic operations
		"name": "UniversalQuantifier",
		"parentType": "SentenceExpression",
		"putdown": "(forall (NumberVariable , SentenceExpression))",
		"name": "ExistentialQuantifier",
		"parentType": "SentenceExpression",
		"putdown": "(exists (NumberVariable , SentenceExpression))",
		"name": "UniqueExistentialQuantifier",
		"parentType": "SentenceExpression",
		"putdown": "(exists! (NumberVariable , SentenceExpression))",

	// Atomic set expressions
		"name": "SetVariable",
		"parentType": "AtomicSetExpression",
		"regularExpression": "oneLetterVariable",
		"name": "OneElementSequence",
		"parentType": "SequenceExpression",
		"putdown": "(elts NounExpression)",
		"name": "ElementThenSequence",
		"parentType": "SequenceExpression",
		"putdown": "(elts NounExpression SequenceExpression)",
		"name": "FiniteSet",
		"parentType": "AtomicSetExpression",
		"putdown": "(finiteset SequenceExpression)",
		"name": "EmptySet",
		"parentType": "AtomicSetExpression",
		"putdown": "emptyset",

	// Set theoretic operators for building sets
		"name": "SetIntersection",
		"parentType": "SetExpression",
		"putdown": "(intersection SetIntersectionExpression SetIntersectionExpression)",
		"name": "SetDifference",
		"parentType": "SetExpression",
		"putdown": "(setdiff SetIntersectionExpression SetIntersectionExpression)",
		"name": "SetUnion",
		"parentType": "SetExpression",
		"putdown": "(union SetUnionExpression SetUnionExpression)",
		"name": "SetComplement",
		"parentType": "SetIntersectionExpression",
		"putdown": "(complement AtomicSetExpression)",
		"name": "SetCartesianProduct",
		"parentType": "SetIntersectionExpression",
		"putdown": "(cartesianproduct AtomicSetExpression AtomicSetExpression)",

	// Set theoretic relations for building sentences
		"name": "Subset",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(subset SetExpression SetExpression)",
		"name": "SubsetOrEqual",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(subseteq SetExpression SetExpression)",
		"name": "NounIsElement",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(in NounExpression SetExpression)",
		"name": "PropositionIsElement",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(in AtomicPropositionalExpression SetExpression)",
		"name": "NounIsNotElement",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(not (in NounExpression SetExpression))",
		"options": {"primitive":false},
		"name": "PropositionIsNotElement",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(not (in ConditionalExpression SetExpression))",
		"options": {"primitive":false},

	// Atomic expressions for tuples and vectors
		"name": "Tuple",
		"parentType": "TupleExpression",
		"putdown": "(tuple ElementThenSequence)",
		"name": "OneNumberSequence",
		"parentType": "NumberSequenceExpression",
		"putdown": "(elts NumberExpression)",
		"name": "NumberThenSequence",
		"parentType": "NumberSequenceExpression",
		"putdown": "(elts NumberExpression NumberSequenceExpression)",
		"name": "Vector",
		"parentType": "TupleExpression",
		"putdown": "(vector NumberThenSequence)",

	// Functions and their application
		"name": "FunctionVariable",
		"parentType": "AtomicFunctionExpression",
		"regularExpression": "oneLetterVariable",
		"name": "FunctionSignature",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(function FunctionExpression SetExpression SetExpression)",
		"name": "PrefixFunctionApplication",
		"parentType": "FactorExpression",
		"putdown": "(apply PrefixFunctionExpression NumberExpression)",
		"name": "NumberFunctionApplication",
		"parentType": "FactorExpression",
		"putdown": "(apply FunctionExpression NounExpression)",
		"name": "PropositionFunctionApplication",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(apply FunctionExpression NounExpression)",
		"name": "SetFunctionApplication",
		"parentType": "AtomicSetExpression",
		"putdown": "(apply FunctionExpression NounExpression)",
		"name": "FunctionComposition",
		"parentType": "FunctionExpression",
		"putdown": "(compose FunctionExpression FunctionExpression)",
		"name": "FunctionInverse",
		"parentType": "FunctionExpression",
		"putdown": "(inverse FunctionExpression)",
		"name": "PrefixFunctionInverse",
		"parentType": "PrefixFunctionExpression",
		"putdown": "(inverse PrefixFunctionExpression)",

	// Trigonometric functions, which are special because they don't use parens
		"name": "SineFunction",
		"parentType": "PrefixFunctionExpression",
		"putdown": "sin",
		"name": "CosineFunction",
		"parentType": "PrefixFunctionExpression",
		"putdown": "cos",
		"name": "TangentFunction",
		"parentType": "PrefixFunctionExpression",
		"putdown": "tan",
		"name": "CotangentFunction",
		"parentType": "PrefixFunctionExpression",
		"putdown": "cot",
		"name": "SecantFunction",
		"parentType": "PrefixFunctionExpression",
		"putdown": "sec",
		"name": "CosecantFunction",
		"parentType": "PrefixFunctionExpression",
		"putdown": "csc",

	// Logarithms, like the trig funcs above, are special in the same way
		"name": "Logarithm",
		"parentType": "PrefixFunctionExpression",
		"putdown": "log",
		"name": "NaturalLogarithm",
		"parentType": "PrefixFunctionExpression",
		"putdown": "ln",
		"name": "LogarithmWithBase",
		"parentType": "PrefixFunctionExpression",
		"putdown": "(logbase NumberExpression)",

	// Equalities and inequalities
		"name": "Equals",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(= NounExpression NounExpression)",
		"name": "EqualFunctions",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(= FunctionExpression FunctionExpression)",
		"name": "NotEqual",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(not (= NounExpression NounExpression))",
		"options": {"primitive":false},
		"name": "NotEqualFunctions",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(not (= FunctionExpression FunctionExpression))",
		"options": {"primitive":false},
		"name": "LessThan",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(< NounExpression NounExpression)",
		"name": "LessThanOrEqual",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(<= NounExpression NounExpression)",
		"name": "GreaterThan",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(> NounExpression NounExpression)",
		"name": "GreaterThanOrEqual",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(>= NounExpression NounExpression)",

	// Other simple relations and applications of them
		"name": "Divides",
		"parentType": "BinaryRelationExpression",
		"putdown": "|",
		"name": "GenericBinaryRelation",
		"parentType": "BinaryRelationExpression",
		"putdown": "~",
		"name": "ApproximatelyEqual",
		"parentType": "BinaryRelationExpression",
		"putdown": "~~",
		"name": "BinaryRelationHolds",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(relationholds BinaryRelationExpression NounExpression NounExpression)",
		"name": "EquivalentModulo",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(=mod NumberExpression NumberExpression NumberExpression)",

	// Equivalence classes using the relations above
		"name": "EquivalenceClass",
		"parentType": "AtomicSetExpression",
		"putdown": "(equivclass NounExpression BinaryRelationExpression)",
		"name": "GenericEquivalenceClass",
		"parentType": "AtomicSetExpression",
		"putdown": "(equivclass NounExpression ~)",
		"name": "EquivalenceClassModulo",
		"parentType": "AtomicSetExpression",
		"putdown": "(modclass NumberExpression NumberExpression)",

	// Phrases and sentences for types, such as "S is a set"
		"name": "SetType",
		"parentType": "TypePhraseExpression",
		"putdown": "settype",
		"name": "NumberType",
		"parentType": "TypePhraseExpression",
		"putdown": "numbertype",
		"name": "RelationType",
		"parentType": "TypePhraseExpression",
		"putdown": "relationtype",
		"name": "PartialOrderType",
		"parentType": "TypePhraseExpression",
		"putdown": "partialordertype",
		"name": "EquivalenceRelationType",
		"parentType": "TypePhraseExpression",
		"putdown": "equivalencerelationtype",
		"name": "HasType",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(hastype NounExpression TypePhraseExpression)",

	// Expression Function Applications, used only for rule-building
		"name": "NumberEFA",
		"parentType": "FactorExpression",
		"putdown": "(efa FunctionExpression NounExpression)",
		"name": "PropositionEFA",
		"parentType": "AtomicPropositionalExpression",
		"putdown": "(efa FunctionExpression NounExpression)",
		"name": "SetEFA",
		"parentType": "AtomicSetExpression",
		"putdown": "(efa FunctionExpression NounExpression)",

	// Givens (assumptions)
	// (We use multiple variants here to permit alternative spellings/notations)
		"name": "Given_Variant1",
		"parentType": "Expression",
		"putdown": ":SentenceExpression",
		"name": "Given_Variant2",
		"parentType": "Expression",
		"putdown": ":SentenceExpression",
		"options": {"primitive":false},
		"name": "Given_Variant3",
		"parentType": "Expression",
		"putdown": ":SentenceExpression",
		"options": {"primitive":false},
		"name": "Given_Variant4",
		"parentType": "Expression",
		"putdown": ":SentenceExpression",
		"options": {"primitive":false},

	// Variable declarations (both let and for some, with and without body)
	// (We use multiple variants here to permit alternative spellings/notations)
		"name": "Let_Variant1",
		"parentType": "Expression",
		"putdown": ":[NumberVariable]",
		"name": "Let_Variant2",
		"parentType": "Expression",
		"putdown": ":[NumberVariable]",
		"options": {"primitive":false},
		"name": "LetBeSuchThat_Variant1",
		"parentType": "Expression",
		"putdown": ":[NumberVariable , SentenceExpression]",
		"name": "LetBeSuchThat_Variant2",
		"parentType": "Expression",
		"putdown": ":[NumberVariable , SentenceExpression]",
		"options": {"primitive":false},
		"name": "ForSome_Variant1",
		"parentType": "Expression",
		"putdown": "[NumberVariable , SentenceExpression]",
		"name": "ForSome_Variant2",
		"parentType": "Expression",
		"putdown": "[NumberVariable , SentenceExpression]",
		"options": {"primitive":false},
		"name": "ForSome_Variant3",
		"parentType": "Expression",
		"putdown": "[NumberVariable , SentenceExpression]",
		"options": {"primitive":false},
		"name": "ForSome_Variant4",
		"parentType": "Expression",
		"putdown": "[NumberVariable , SentenceExpression]",
		"options": {"primitive":false},