Customizable Parsing Test Repository



Class overview

A converter is an object in which you can define mathematical languages with greater ease than defining a grammar from scratch, because a lot of the work is already built into the class. After defining one or more languages, you can use the class to convert between any two of the languages, or between any one of the languages and an abstract syntax tree representing the meaning of the expression that was parsed.

The workflow for using the class is as follows.

  • Construct one using the constructor. Doing so automatically installs in the converter a language named "putdown".
  • Add any other languages you want by calling the Language constructor. (You almost certainly want to add at least one language, because otherwise you can parse only putdown, which is not interesting.)
  • Add all concepts that you want your language(s) to be able to represent by making repeated calls to addConcept(). (See below for detailed explanation of concepts.)
  • For each concept you add, specify how it is written in each of the language(s) you added, with calls to addNotation().
  • Convert between any two languages using the convert() function.

Core definitions

Using this class requires understanding the distinction among syntactic types, primitive concepts, and derived concepts. We explain these here. A key distinction in the definitions below is whether a concept has an assigned meaning. The Converter class (and all other classes in this repository) single out the putdown language as the one in which meaning will be represented, and thus any concept with an assigned putdown notation has a meaning, and any concept without an assigned putdown notation has no meaning. As you read the definitions below, you will need to remember that "having a meaning" is synonymous with "having an assigned putdown form."

  • Syntactic types are those that have no meaning. They exist to provide a skeleton that represents the relationships among the most common mathematical notations, so that defining a new language can just put flesh onto this skeleton and not have to start from scratch. For example, all common mathematical notations expect 1+2*3 to be interpreted with the 2*3 taking precedence and sitting inside the 1+.... For more details on syntactic types, see the SyntacticTypes module. The other two categories below have assigned meanings, and thus are disjoint from the syntactic types; we call those two categories together the semantic types, or for short, concepts. They come in two types, primitive and derived, which we will explain now.
  • A primitive concept is one whose putdown meaning introduces a new operator specifically for that concept. For example, if one of the concepts in our language were addition, and we expressed it in putdown as (+ arg1 arg2), where + had not been used before, then addition is a primitive concept. Other concepts later may choose to represent themselves in terms of addition (for example, perhaps subtraction will be represented as (+ arg1 (- arg2)), where unary negation is another primitive concept distinct from subtraction). But subtraction could also be its own primitive concept if its putdown form were specified as (- arg1 arg2), for example.
  • A derived concept is one whose putdown meaning uses the operators introduced by earlier primitive concepts. In the previous bullet point, we saw an example of how one could introduce subtraction in such a way. Here we provide two additional examples for why this feature can be useful.
    • Imagine you are creating a Converter that will translate among three languages, putdown and two others, called A and B. Now imagine that both A and B allow you to use the symbols * and x to both mean multiplication. When translating 7*4 from A to B, we want the result to use the * operator, but when translating 7x4 from A to B, we want the result to use the x operator, even though the meanings are the same. When translating either one into putdown, we want it to use the one, unique putdown operator that means multiplication (perhaps it is (mul 7 4), as an example). To solve this problem, create one primitive concept, multiplication, whose putdown form is (* arg1 arg2). Then create one derived concept, x-multiplication, whose putdown form is the same. Now when defining languages A and B, the notation 7*4 can map to the multiplication concept, while the notation 7x4 can map to the x-multiplication concept. When translating between A and B, those concepts will mediate correct conversion of notation, but when translating to putdown, to compute the meaning of either expression, both will render as (mul 7 4). Note that derived concepts will never be the target of a translation that comes out of putdown, and thus if you ask the Converter to translate (mul 7 4) into language A or B, it will always use the * operator, because that is the primitive concept associated with the mul operator.
    • Imagine you are creating a Converter that will translate LaTeX to and from putdown. You want x\in A to mean (in x A) in putdown, but you do not want a separate operator for x\notin A. Instead, you want that notation to be shorthand for the internal meaning (not (in x A)). To solve this, make a primitive setmembership concept whose putdown meaning is (in arg1 arg2), and assign the x\in A notation to map to that concept. Then create a derived notsetmembership concept whose putdown meaning is (not (in arg1 arg2)), and assign the x\notin A notation to map to that concept. As in the previous example, if you have the expression (not (in x A)) in putdown and ask the Converter to translate to LaTeX, because notsetmembership is a derived concept, it will not be used for parsing putdown. That is, the expanded form (not (in x A)) will not be collapsed back into the notation x\notin A, but rather the expanded form (which you can view as a canonical form) will be preserved in the conversion to LaTeX, presumably as something like \neg(x\in A), depending on the LaTeX notation you have specified for negation and grouping symbols.

Syntactic types are fixed, defined in the SyntacticTypes module, and are not designed to be altered by clients of this class. All semantic types (both primitive and derived concepts) are completely up to the user of this class to introduce, including which concepts to introduce, what notation to use for each, and thus which ones are primitive vs. derived. Each instance of this class is a separate semantic universe, in the sense that you can create one Converter instance and add to it one set of concepts, then create another Converter instance and add to it a completely different set of concepts. The two instances will not share concepts, but they will both share the same underlying set of syntactic types.


new Converter()

Creates a new converter. No arguments are required. To customize the converter to your needs, refer to the documentation at the top of the class, which lists a workflow for how you should call the other functions in this class to set an instance up for your needs.






A set of common mathematical concepts are built into this repository. (See the file built-in-concepts.js.) This function can import all or some of those concepts into this converter.

If you call it with no arguments, all the built-in concepts are imported, including basic operators and concepts from arithmetic, algebra, logic, naive set theory, functions, relations, and more.

If you call it with an array of strings, they are treated as the names of the concepts you want imported. If those concepts are defined in terms of other concepts, then the others are also imported, and so on, recursively. (For example, even if you do not import the concepts of variables, if you were to import the concept of quantifiers, they require variables, and thus those concepts would be imported also.)


  • names Array.<String> <optional>

    the names of those concepts to import, or leave empty to import all


addConcept(name, parentType, putdown, optionsnullable)

The SyntacticTypes module defines a set of types called "syntactic types" (explained in greater detail in that module) that make it easier to define a language. Converter instances define their own set of "semantic types" that sit within the hierarchy established by those syntactic types. Such "semantic types" are called "concepts" and you add them to a converter using this function.

The most complex parameter here is the third one, which specifies the putdown notation for the concept. This can be one of two things:

  • If it is a regular expression, it will be used during tokenization, to find portions of input in this language that represent this concept. For example, if you want your language to include integers, you might call this function, passing the word "integer" as the concept name, "atomicnumber" as the parent type, and a regular expression like /-?[0-9]+/ as the putdown notation. This not only makes that regular expression the putdown notation, but it also makes it the default notation for all future languages added to this converter. Clients can override that default with later calls to addNotation().
  • If it is a string, it should be appropriate putdown code for an application or binding, and its leaves may include any syntactic or semantic type name, to restrict parsing appropriately. For example, if you want your language to include addition of integers, you might call this function, passing the word "intsum" as the concept name, "sum" as the parent type, and the putdown notation "(+ integer integer)".

Note that this function does not allow you to specify how the concept is written in any language other than putdown. To do so, you must make calls to addNotation().

The final parameter is an options object, which supports the following fields.

  • primitive - this allows you to specify whether this concept is a primitive concept (the default) or a derived concept (by setting the option to false). See the documentation for this class for an overview of primitive vs. derived concepts. The final parameter is ignored in the case where putdown is a regular expression, because such a value makes sense only if the concept is primitive.
  • associative - this allows you to specify whether this concept functions as an associative operator, in the sense that nested copies of it should be flattened out into a single copy with more arguments. The default is that the concept is not associative, which will cause most operators to associate to the right, so that, for example, A -> B -> C is stored internally as A -> (B -> C). You can change this behavior by setting the option to a list of other concepts that, if they show up as children of this one, will be flattened into this one. For example, for a concept "add" you might use ["add"] to say that it only flattens into itself. But if you have multiple ways to add numbers, you can add all the concepts to the list. You typically want to do this in the definitions for all of those concepts, forming an equivalence class, so all will merge with one another in any order in which they might be nested.
  • associates - this allows you to specify, for concepts that are binary operators, how they should be parsed when they are nested without groupers to disambiguate. For example, in the case of ordinary addition, if we write 1+2+3, does it mean (+ (+ 1 2) 3) or (+ 1 (+ 2 3))? The default is to permit both forms, and whichever is alphabetically sooner will be the default returned by parsing. (Also, varioius parsing functions like parse() and convertTo() allow you to specify whether to return all parsings in the case of ambiguity, or stick with the default of returning just one.) If you set the associates option to "left", then all parsings that contain structures of the form (+ x (+ y z)) will be omitted from the possible results. If you set it to "right" then all parsings with (+ (+ x y) z) are omitted. If you do not set this option, then all parsings are permitted.


  • name String

    the name of the concept to add

  • parentType String

    the name of the parent type, which must be a syntactic type

  • putdown String | RegExp

    the notation for this concept in the putdown language

  • options Object <nullable>

    see supported fields above


concept(name) → {Object}

Returns the concept with the given name, if any. Concepts are added by calls to addConcept().


  • name String

    the name of the concept to retrieve


  • Object

    the concept with the given name


convert(sourceLang, destLang, text, ambiguousopt) → {String|Array.<String>}

Use this converter to convert text in any language it knows into text in any of the other languages it knows. For example, converter.convert( 'putdown', 'latex', input ) parses the given input as putdown notation and returns LaTeX (assuming that you have defined a LaTeX language in this converter; you can use any language you have defined in place of LaTeX). Similarly, you can convert into putdown from LaTeX, or between two non-putdown languages.


  • sourceLang String

    the name of the language in which the input is expressed

  • destLang String

    the name of the language into which to convert the input

  • text String

    the input to be converted

  • ambiguous boolean <optional>

    passed to the parse() function, and thus determines whether the result of this is a string or an array thereof (default is false)


  • String Array.<String>

    the converted output(s)


isConcept(name) → {boolean}

Does this converter know a concept with the given name?


  • name String

    the name of the concept to check


  • boolean

    whether a concept with that name has been added to this converter


isLanguage(name) → {boolean}

Does this converter have a language of the given name?


  • name String

    the name of the language to check


  • boolean

    whether a language with that name has been added to this converter


language(name) → {Language}

Returns the language with the given name, if any. Languages are added by calls to the Language constructor.


  • name String

    the name of the language to retrieve


  • Language

    the language with the given name
