import { AST } from './ast.js'
import SyntacticTypes from './syntactic-types.js'
import { putdownLeaves } from './utilities.js'
import { Language } from './language.js'
import { builtInConcepts } from './built-in-concepts.js'
import { Template } from './template.js'
* ## Class overview
* A converter is an object in which you can define mathematical languages with
* greater ease than defining a grammar from scratch, because a lot of the work
* is already built into the class. After defining one or more languages, you
* can use the class to convert between any two of the languages, or between any
* one of the languages and an {@link AST abstract syntax tree} representing the
* meaning of the expression that was parsed.
* The workflow for using the class is as follows.
* * Construct one using {@link Converter#constructor the constructor}. Doing
* so automatically installs in the converter a language named "putdown".
* * Add any other languages you want by calling the {@link Language}
* constructor. (You almost certainly want to add at least one language,
* because otherwise you can parse only putdown, which is not interesting.)
* * Add all concepts that you want your language(s) to be able to represent by
* making repeated calls to {@link Converter#addConcept addConcept()}. (See
* below for detailed explanation of concepts.)
* * For each concept you add, specify how it is written in each of the
* language(s) you added, with calls to {@link Language#addNotation
* addNotation()}.
* * Convert between any two languages using the
* {@link Converter#convert convert()} function.
* ## Core definitions
* **Using this class requires understanding the distinction among syntactic
* types, primitive concepts, and derived concepts.** We explain these here. A
* key distinction in the definitions below is whether a concept has an assigned
* meaning. The Converter class (and all other classes in this repository)
* single out the putdown language as the one in which meaning will be
* represented, and thus any concept with an assigned putdown notation has a
* meaning, and any concept without an assigned putdown notation has no meaning.
* As you read the definitions below, you will need to remember that "having a
* meaning" is synonymous with "having an assigned putdown form."
* * **Syntactic types are those that have no meaning.** They exist to provide
* a skeleton that represents the relationships among the most common
* mathematical notations, so that defining a new language can just put flesh
* onto this skeleton and not have to start from scratch. For example, all
* common mathematical notations expect `1+2*3` to be interpreted with the
* `2*3` taking precedence and sitting inside the `1+...`. For more details
* on syntactic types, see the {@link module:SyntacticTypes SyntacticTypes
* module}. The other two categories below have assigned meanings, and thus
* are disjoint from the syntactic types; we call those two categories
* together the *semantic* types, or for short, *concepts.* They come in two
* types, *primitive* and *derived,* which we will explain now.
* * **A *primitive concept* is one whose putdown meaning introduces a new
* operator specifically for that concept.** For example, if one of the
* concepts in our language were addition, and we expressed it in putdown as
* `(+ arg1 arg2)`, where `+` had not been used before, then addition is a
* primitive concept. Other concepts later may choose to represent
* themselves in terms of addition (for example, perhaps subtraction will be
* represented as `(+ arg1 (- arg2))`, where unary negation is another
* primitive concept distinct from subtraction). But subtraction could also
* be its own primitive concept if its putdown form were specified as
* `(- arg1 arg2)`, for example.
* * **A *derived concept* is one whose putdown meaning uses the operators
* introduced by earlier primitive concepts.** In the previous bullet point,
* we saw an example of how one could introduce subtraction in such a way.
* Here we provide two additional examples for why this feature can be
* useful.
* * Imagine you are creating a Converter that will translate among three
* languages, putdown and two others, called A and B. Now imagine that
* both A and B allow you to use the symbols `*` and `x` to both mean
* multiplication. When translating `7*4` from A to B, we want the result
* to use the `*` operator, but when translating `7x4` from A to B, we
* want the result to use the `x` operator, even though the meanings are
* the same. When translating either one into putdown, we want it to use
* the one, unique putdown operator that means multiplication (perhaps it
* is `(mul 7 4)`, as an example). To solve this problem, create one
* primitive concept, `multiplication`, whose putdown form is
* `(* arg1 arg2)`. Then create one derived concept, `x-multiplication`,
* whose putdown form is the same. Now when defining languages A and B,
* the notation `7*4` can map to the multiplication concept, while the
* notation `7x4` can map to the x-multiplication concept. When
* translating between A and B, those concepts will mediate correct
* conversion of notation, but when translating to putdown, to compute the
* meaning of either expression, both will render as `(mul 7 4)`. Note
* that derived concepts will never be the target of a translation that
* comes *out of* putdown, and thus if you ask the Converter to translate
* `(mul 7 4)` into language A or B, it will always use the `*` operator,
* because that is the primitive concept associated with the `mul`
* operator.
* * Imagine you are creating a Converter that will translate LaTeX to and
* from putdown. You want `x\in A` to mean `(in x A)` in putdown, but you
* do not want a separate operator for `x\notin A`. Instead, you want
* that notation to be shorthand for the internal meaning
* `(not (in x A))`. To solve this, make a primitive `setmembership`
* concept whose putdown meaning is `(in arg1 arg2)`, and assign the
* `x\in A` notation to map to that concept. Then create a derived
* `notsetmembership` concept whose putdown meaning is
* `(not (in arg1 arg2))`, and assign the `x\notin A` notation to map to
* that concept. As in the previous example, if you have the expression
* `(not (in x A))` in putdown and ask the Converter to translate to
* LaTeX, because `notsetmembership` is a derived concept, it will not be
* used for parsing putdown. That is, the expanded form `(not (in x A))`
* will not be collapsed back into the notation `x\notin A`, but rather
* the expanded form (which you can view as a canonical form) will be
* preserved in the conversion to LaTeX, presumably as something like
* `\neg(x\in A)`, depending on the LaTeX notation you have specified for
* negation and grouping symbols.
* Syntactic types are fixed, defined in the {@link module:SyntacticTypes
* SyntacticTypes module}, and are not designed to be altered by clients of this
* class. All semantic types (both primitive and derived concepts) are
* completely up to the user of this class to introduce, including which
* concepts to introduce, what notation to use for each, and thus which ones are
* primitive vs. derived. Each instance of this class is a separate semantic
* universe, in the sense that you can create one Converter instance and add to
* it one set of concepts, then create another Converter instance and add to it
* a completely different set of concepts. The two instances will not share
* concepts, but they will both share the same underlying set of syntactic
* types.
export class Converter {
* Creates a new converter. No arguments are required. To customize the
* converter to your needs, refer to the documentation {@link Converter at
* the top of the class}, which lists a workflow for how you should call the
* other functions in this class to set an instance up for your needs.
constructor () {
this.languages = new Map()
this.concepts = new Map()
SyntacticTypes.hierarchies.forEach( hierarchy => {
const last = hierarchy[hierarchy.length-1]
if ( SyntacticTypes.isAtomic( last ) )
this.addConcept( `Grouped${last}`, last, hierarchy[1] )
} )
new Language( 'putdown', this, null, x =>
x.replaceAll( '( ', '(' ).replaceAll( ' )', ')' ) )
* Does this converter have a language of the given name?
* @param {String} name - the name of the language to check
* @returns {boolean} whether a language with that name has been added to
* this converter
* @see {@link Language}
* @see {@link Converter#language language}
isLanguage ( name ) {
return this.languages.has( name )
* Returns the language with the given name, if any. Languages are added by
* calls to the {@link Language} constructor.
* @param {String} name - the name of the language to retrieve
* @returns {Language} the language with the given name
* @see {@link Language}
* @see {@link Converter#isLanguage isLanguage()}
language ( name ) {
return this.languages.get( name )
* The {@link module:SyntacticTypes SyntacticTypes module} defines a set of
* types called "syntactic types" (explained in greater detail in that
* module) that make it easier to define a language. Converter instances
* define their own set of "semantic types" that sit within the hierarchy
* established by those syntactic types. Such "semantic types" are called
* "concepts" and you add them to a converter using this function.
* The most complex parameter here is the third one, which specifies the
* putdown notation for the concept. This can be one of two things:
* * If it is a regular expression, it will be used during tokenization, to
* find portions of input in this language that represent this concept.
* For example, if you want your language to include integers, you might
* call this function, passing the word "integer" as the concept name,
* "atomicnumber" as the parent type, and a regular expression like
* `/-?[0-9]+/` as the putdown notation. This not only makes that
* regular expression the putdown notation, but it also makes it the
* default notation for all future languages added to this converter.
* Clients can override that default with later calls to
* {@link Language#addNotation addNotation()}.
* * If it is a string, it should be appropriate putdown code for an
* application or binding, and its leaves may include any syntactic or
* semantic type name, to restrict parsing appropriately. For example,
* if you want your language to include addition of integers, you might
* call this function, passing the word "intsum" as the concept name,
* "sum" as the parent type, and the putdown notation
* `"(+ integer integer)"`.
* Note that this function does not allow you to specify how the concept is
* written in any language other than putdown. To do so, you must make
* calls to {@link Language#addNotation addNotation()}.
* The final parameter is an options object, which supports the following
* fields.
* * `primitive` - this allows you to specify whether this concept is a
* primitive concept (the default) or a derived concept (by setting the
* option to `false`). See the documentation for this class for an
* overview of primitive vs. derived concepts. The final parameter is
* ignored in the case where `putdown` is a regular expression, because
* such a value makes sense only if the concept is primitive.
* * `associative` - this allows you to specify whether this concept
* functions as an associative operator, in the sense that nested copies
* of it should be flattened out into a single copy with more arguments.
* The default is that the concept is not associative, which will cause
* most operators to associate to the right, so that, for example,
* `A -> B -> C` is stored internally as `A -> (B -> C)`. You can change
* this behavior by setting the option to a list of other concepts that,
* if they show up as children of this one, will be flattened into this
* one. For example, for a concept "add" you might use `["add"]` to say
* that it only flattens into itself. But if you have multiple ways to
* add numbers, you can add all the concepts to the list. You typically
* want to do this in the definitions for all of those concepts, forming
* an equivalence class, so all will merge with one another in any order
* in which they might be nested.
* * `associates` - this allows you to specify, for concepts that are
* binary operators, how they should be parsed when they are nested
* without groupers to disambiguate. For example, in the case of
* ordinary addition, if we write `1+2+3`, does it mean `(+ (+ 1 2) 3)`
* or `(+ 1 (+ 2 3))`? The default is to permit both forms, and
* whichever is alphabetically sooner will be the default returned by
* parsing. (Also, varioius parsing functions like
* {@link Language#parse parse()} and {@link Converter#convertTo
* convertTo()} allow you to specify whether to return all parsings in
* the case of ambiguity, or stick with the default of returning just
* one.) If you set the `associates` option to `"left"`, then all
* parsings that contain structures of the form `(+ x (+ y z))` will be
* omitted from the possible results. If you set it to `"right"` then
* all parsings with `(+ (+ x y) z)` are omitted. If you do not set this
* option, then all parsings are permitted.
* @param {String} name - the name of the concept to add
* @param {String} parentType - the name of the parent type, which must be a
* {@link module:SyntacticTypes syntactic type}
* @param {String|RegExp} putdown - the notation for this concept in the
* putdown language
* @param {Object?} options - see supported fields above
* @see {@link Converter#concept concept()}
* @see {@link Converter#isConcept isConcept()}
* @see {@link Converter#addBuiltIns addBuiltIns()}
addConcept ( name, parentType, putdown, options = { } ) {
options = Object.assign( {
primitive : true,
associative : [ ]
}, options )
const conceptData = {
associative : options.associative,
associates :,
typeSequence : putdown instanceof RegExp ? [ ] :
putdownLeaves( putdown ).filter( leaf => this.isConcept( leaf )
|| SyntacticTypes.types.includes( leaf ) )
this.concepts.set( name, conceptData )
if ( this.isLanguage( 'putdown' ) ) {
if ( putdown instanceof RegExp ) {
this.languages.get( 'putdown' ).addNotation( name, putdown )
} else if ( typeof( putdown ) == 'string' ) {
const variables = Array.from( Template.defaultVariableNames )
let putdownForParsing = putdown.replace( /([()])/g, ' $1 ' ).trim()
conceptData.typeSequence.forEach( ( type, index ) =>
putdownForParsing = putdownForParsing.replace(
new RegExp( `\\b${type}\\b` ), variables[index] ) )
this.languages.get( 'putdown' ).addNotation( name,
putdownForParsing, {
writeOnly : !options.primitive
} )
} else {
throw new Error( 'Invalid putdown content: ' + putdown )
* Does this converter know a concept with the given name?
* @param {String} name - the name of the concept to check
* @returns {boolean} whether a concept with that name has been added to
* this converter
* @see {@link Converter#addConcept addConcept()}
* @see {@link Converter#concept concept()}
isConcept ( name ) {
return this.concepts.has( name )
* Returns the concept with the given name, if any. Concepts are added by
* calls to {@link Converter#addConcept addConcept()}.
* @param {String} name - the name of the concept to retrieve
* @returns {Object} the concept with the given name
* @see {@link Converter#addConcept addConcept()}
* @see {@link Converter#isConcept isConcept()}
concept ( name ) {
return this.concepts.get( name )
* A set of common mathematical concepts are built into this repository.
* (See the file {@link built-in-concepts.js}.) This function can import
* all or some of those concepts into this converter.
* If you call it with no arguments, all the built-in concepts are imported,
* including basic operators and concepts from arithmetic, algebra, logic,
* naive set theory, functions, relations, and more.
* If you call it with an array of strings, they are treated as the names of
* the concepts you want imported. If those concepts are defined in terms
* of other concepts, then the others are also imported, and so on,
* recursively. (For example, even if you do not import the concepts of
* variables, if you were to import the concept of quantifiers, they require
* variables, and thus those concepts would be imported also.)
* @param {String[]} [names] - the names of those concepts to import, or
* leave empty to import all
* @see {@link Converter#addConcept addConcept()}
* @see {@link Converter#isConcept isConcept()}
* @see {@link Converter#concept concept()}
addBuiltIns ( names ) {
// If they provided a list of names, ensure it contains all
// prerequisites, recursively.
if ( names ) {
names = names.slice() // Don't mess with caller's copy
for ( let i = 0 ; i < names.length ; i++ ) {
const concept = builtInConcepts.find( concept => == names[i] )
if ( !concept )
throw new Error( `Not a built-in concept name: ${names[i]}` )
if ( !concept.hasOwnProperty( 'putdown' ) ) continue
putdownLeaves( concept.putdown ).forEach( leaf => {
if ( builtInConcepts.some( concept => == leaf )
&& !names.includes( leaf ) )
names.push( leaf )
} )
// Add all requested concepts (or all built-ins if none were requested)
builtInConcepts.forEach( concept => {
if ( !names || names.includes( ) )
concept.putdown ||
} )
* Use this converter to convert text in any language it knows into text in
* any of the other languages it knows. For example,
* `converter.convert( 'putdown', 'latex', input )` parses the given input
* as putdown notation and returns LaTeX (assuming that you have defined a
* LaTeX language in this converter; you can use any language you have
* defined in place of LaTeX). Similarly, you can convert into putdown from
* LaTeX, or between two non-putdown languages.
* @param {String} sourceLang - the name of the language in which the input
* is expressed
* @param {String} destLang - the name of the language into which to convert
* the input
* @param {String} text - the input to be converted
* @param {boolean} [ambiguous] - passed to the {@link Converter#parse
* parse()} function, and thus determines whether the result of this is a
* string or an array thereof (default is false)
* @returns {String|String[]} the converted output(s)
* @see {@link Language#convertTo convertTo()}
convert ( sourceLang, destLang, text, ambiguous = false ) {
if ( sourceLang == destLang ) return text
const source = this.language( sourceLang )
if ( !source )
throw new Error( 'Unknown language: ' + sourceLang )
const destination = this.language( destLang )
if ( !destination )
throw new Error( 'Unknown language: ' + destLang )
return source.convertTo( text, destination, ambiguous )