* This module defines and expoerts one object, called `converter`, which is a
* {@link Converter} instance that includes all of the
* {@link module:BuiltInConcepts built-in concepts} of this repository, together
* with the {@link module:LatexNotation standard LaTeX notation} for each, plus
* natural putdown notation for each as well. This module is used extensively
* in the test suite for this repository to ensure that a complex concept
* hierarchy with multiple languages defined on it is feasible.
* @module ExampleConverter
import { Converter } from './converter.js'
import { Language } from './language.js'
import { latexNotation } from './latex-notation.js'
* The Converter instance mentioned at
* {@link module:ExampleConverter the top of this module}.
export const converter = new Converter()
Language.fromJSON( 'latex', converter, latexNotation )