API Reference

Getting started

In the browser

Import the JavaScript, which you can download from our repository directly or import from a CDN with the following one-liner.

<script src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/openmath-js@1/openmath.js'></script>

From the command line

Or install this package into your project the usual way:

npm install openmath-js

Then within any of your modules, import it as follows.

OM = import( "openmath-js" ).OM;

After that, any of the example code snippets in this documentation should function as-is.

Creating OpenMath objects

The prototype for OpenMath data structures (that is, expression trees) is named OMNode in the global namespace (the browser window) and is also named OM for convenience; they are the same object. It is defined as an ES6 class.

Rather than use its constructor, there are a number of factory functions that create OM instances, as follows.

  • OM.integer(i) creates a new OpenMath integer object from the given JavaScript integer i. If you want to store a big integer, pass it as a string instead of an integer, as in OM.integer('583257320489234290').
  • OM.float(f) creates a new OpenMath float object from the given JavaScript number f which cannot be infinite or NaN
  • OM.string(s) creates a new OpenMath string object from the given JavaScript string s
  • OM.bytearray(a) creates a new OpenMath bytearray object from the given JavaScript Uint8Array a
  • OM.symbol(name,cd[,uri]) creates a new OpenMath symbol with the given name (name) and content dictionary (cd), which are both strings. An optional base uri can also be passed.
  • OM.variable(x) creates a new OpenMath variable whose name is given in the string x
  • OM.application(c1,c2,...,cn) creates a new OpenMath application whose children are the OM instances c1 through cn. This represents an application of c1 as a function to the arguments c2 through cn, where n may be 1. Note that this makes copies of all the children given to it, rather than removing them from their current contexts. This allows the function to be called on the same argument several times, for instance.
  • OM.attribution(x,k1,v1,k2,v2,...,kn,vn) creates a copy of the OM instance x with new attribute pairs added. Each (ki,vi) pair is a key-value pair, in which ki must be an OpenMath symbol (an OM instance) and each vi must be any OM instance.
  • OM.binding(h,v1,v2,...,vn,b) creates a new OpenMath binding in which the head symbol h (which must be an OpenMath symbol node, an OM instance) binds the variables v1 through vn (which must be OpenMath variable nodes, also OM instances) in the body b (which can be any OM instance).
  • OM.error(s,c1,c2,...,cn) creates a new OpenMath error object in which s is the head symbol (an OM instance representing an OpenMath symbol) and there are zero or more other children c1 through cn that can be any OM instances

Example use:

Because the above method can easily become annoyingly lengthy, we also provide a shorthand for writing OpenMath expressions as strings and having them parsed in a convenient way. Full details are covered in a separate page about simple encoding and decoding. Here is a brief summary.

  • OM.simpleDecode(string) creates a new OM instance decoded from the given string. If your input is invalid (not a string, or a string not containing a valid simple encoding) then the return value will be a string error message, rather than an OM instance.

Example usage:

Each of the functions in this section have nicknames. For each factory function given above, it has a three-letter nickname to help you write shorter code that builds OpenMath tree structures. The nicknames are all in the OM namespace, and include int, flo, str, byt, sym, var, app, att, bin, and err. Thus, for instance, you can write the following code to build a valid OpenMath expression.

Finally, the simpleDecode function also has the nickname simple, so the most compact form is the following.

The OM objects are just wrappers around JSON tree structures that provide methods for interacting with those tree structures. You can get access to the tree structur itself with myInstance.tree. It is not quite JSON, because it has circular references, as children nodes point to their parent nodes, but it is close to JSON.

The specification for how OpenMath expressions are stored as JSON trees is given in comments at the top of the source code, should you need it. The following methods are available for working with such structures, but these are rarely used by the client, and are mostly for internal purposes.

  • OM.checkJSON(jsonObject) returns null if the object is valid JSON that represents and OpenMath data structure, and thus could be wrapped in an OM instance, or a string error message if it is not
  • OM.decode(jsonObject) creates an OM instance by wrapping the given object in an OM object, if possible, or throws an error if OM.checkJSON fails on the given input
  • OM.decode(string) parses the string as JSON and then calls the previous function.
  • OM(tree) creates a new OM instance wrapping the given JSON tree; this is the same as OM.decode, but more compact. Note that you can thus get two instances that refer to the same internal data via OM(otherInstance.tree).

Writing/saving OpenMath objects

  • instance.encode() is the inverse of OM.decode(), and yields a JSON string useful for serializing instances in a compact way
  • instance.simpleEncode() is the inverse of OM.simpleDecode(), and converts instances into the simple encoding mentioned above. Note that it does not support errors, byte arrays, or attributions.
  • instance.toXML() yields the XML encoding defined in the OpenMath standard.

Properties of OpenMath Objects

  • instance.type yields the type of an OM instance, a string containing just one or two letters, one of i, f, st, ba, sy, v, a, bi, e, which mean integer, float, string, bytearray, symbol, variable, application, binding, and error, respectively. These come directly from the JSON encoding documented in the source.
  • instance.value yields the value of those atomic types that have one, as an atomic JavaScript datum. Integers and floats yield a JavaScript number, strings yield a JavaScript string, and bytearrays yield a JavaScript UInt8Array. This property is undefined in all other cases.
  • instance.name yields the string name of a variable or symbol, and is undefined in all other cases.
  • instance.cd yields the content dictionary of a symbol, and is undefined in all other cases.
  • instance.uri yields the base URI of a symbol, if one was provided, and is undefined in all other cases.
  • instance.symbol yields the head symbol for a binding or error object, and is undefined in all other cases.
  • instance.body yields the body of a binding object, and is undefined in all other cases.
  • instance.children yields a JavaScript array containing the child nodes for application or error objects, and is an empty array in all other cases. It may be an empty array in the case of error objects as well, if they have only a head symbol.
  • instance.variables yields the list of variables bound by a binding object, as a JavaScript array, and is undefined in all other cases.

Note that each of these properties is actually produced by a getter function, and thus is not always as efficient as you might think. For instance, you may not wish to write loops like this:

for ( var i = 0 ; i < anOMinstance.children.length ; i++ )
    process( anOMinstance.children[i] ); // calls getter many times

Rather, you might do better with a loop like this:

for ( var i = 0, ch = anOMinstance.children ; i < ch.length ; i++ )
    process( ch[i] ); // doesn't call getter at all on this line

As mentioned at the end of the first section, it is possible to create two different OM instances that refer to the same internal tree structure. And as mentioned immediately above, calling instance.children[i] produces a new instance each time you call it. Thus instance.children[0] and instance.children[0] will refer to the same internal JSON structure, but will be different OM instances. We can thus check equality in two ways.

  • instance.sameObjectAs(otherInstance) asks whether two OM instances refer to the same internal JSON data, the same node in the same tree.
  • instance.equals(other[,checkAttributes]) compares structural equality only, and does not care whether the two instances are the same tree. It includes attributes in the comparison if and only if the second argument is set to true, which is its default.
  • instance.copy() makes a structural deep copy of an OM instance.


You can also modify tree structures as follows.

  • instance.remove() returns no value, but removes the instance from its parent tree, if that does not break the parent tree's validity. If it does, this function takes no action. For instance, you cannot remove the head symbol from a binding or error structure.
  • instance.replaceWith(other) replaces the instance in its parent structure with the given other OM object, if the resulting tree would be valid, or does nothing otherwise. The original is returned on success, and undefined is returned on failure.
  • instance.getAttribute(keySymbol) returns the corresponding value for the given key symbol (an OM instance) in the instance's attributes, if there is one, or undefined if there is not.
  • instance.setAttribute(keySymbol,value) adds or changes an attribute on the instance. The key symbol must be an OM symbol instance, and the value must be any OM instance.

Searching OpenMath Trees

We have devised a way for indexing and addressing children and descendants within parent/ancestor trees, and the following functions use that convention. You can read about the indexing/addressing convention in the source code documentation, the section entitled "Parent-Child Relationships."

  • instance.findInParent() returns a single string indicating the index of the node in its parent. The return value will be one of five types:
    • a string containing "c" followed by a number, as in 'c7' - this means that the node is in it's parent's children array, and is at index 7
    • a string containing "v" followed by a number, as in 'v0' - this is the same as the previous, but for the parent's variables array
    • the string "b" - this means that the node is the body and its parent is a binding
    • the string "s" - this means that the node is a symbol for its parent, which is either an error or a binding
    • a lengthier string beginning with "{" - this is the JSON encoded version of the attribute key for which the node is the corresponding value
    • undefined if none of the above apply (e.g., no parent, or invalid tree structure)
  • instance.findChild(indexString) is the inverse of the previous, in that it takes as input a string that the previous might give as output, and finds the corresponding child tree by that index.


  • instance.address(inThisAncestor) is a generalization of indexInParent to arbitrary depth. It returns an array of indices that one would need to follow, as a path, to walk from the given ancestor node, down through the tree, to reach this instance. If no ancestor is given (or a non-ancestor is given) then the topmost ancestor is used instead.
  • instance.index(indexArray) is the inverse of the previous function, taking an array of indices and walking that path into its descendants, returning the resulting subtree, or undefined if one or more of the steps were invalid.


You can filter children or descendants by predicates.

  • instance.childrenSatisfying(P) returns an array of all immediate children c for which P(c) returns true. This array may be empty. For the purposes of this function, immediate children include not only what is returned by instance.children, but also head symbols of bindings and errors, and bodies of bindings.
  • instance.descendantsSatisfying(P) is the same as the previous, but considers indirect descendants as well. Note that original subtrees are returned, not copies, so modifying them will change the original instance.
  • instance.hasDescendantSatisfying(P) returns true or false, equal to calling instance.descendantsSatisfying(P).length > 0, except this is faster because it can stop searching once it has found one.

Free and Bound Variables

Many applications of OpenMath relate to logic and/or programming, in which variable binding and substitutin plays a critical role. The following functions make it easy to ask questions and perform the most common operations related to variable binding and substitution.

  • instance.freeVariables() returns and array of free variable names, as strings, that appear anywhere as descendants of the instance. Each name is only reported once, even if it occurs many times. This does not recur into attributes or error children.
  • instance.isFree(inThisAncestor) returns true if all variables free in the instance are free in the given ancestor. An invalid (or omitted) ancestor causes the routine to use the top-most ancestor as well. If any variable free in the instance is not free in the ancestor, return false.
  • instance.occursFree(other) returns true if there exists a descendant of the instance that's structurally equivalent to other and that is free where it occurs in the given instance, or returns false if there is not.
  • instance.isFreeToReplace(subtree,inThisAncestor) returns true if replacing the given subtree with the given instance would make any variables free in the instance become bound in the given ancestor. As before, an invalid or omitted ancestor will use the topmost ancestor of the subtree instead.
  • instance.replaceFree(original,replacement,inThisAncestor) recursively searches through all descendants D of the instance that are structurally equiavlent to the given original, and whenever replacement.isFreeToReplace(D,inThisAncestor) yields true, call D.replaceWith(replacement). It does not recur into attributes.


Sometimes it is useful to be able to take any JavaScript string and convert it into a string that could be used as a valid OpenMath identifier (such as a variable or symbol name). Because only a subset of Unicode is permitted, we provide an injection (although not a very compact one) from all strings into the set of strings accepted as valid OpenMath identifiers. The range of the function is strings of the form "id_[many decimal digits here]".

  • OM.encodeAsIdentifier(anyString) performs the encoding
  • OM.decodeIdentifier(encodedString) inverts the previous function


Some applications find it useful to be able to evaluate simple numerical OpenMath expressions.

  • instance.evaluate() attempts to evaluate a numerical expression that uses the basic operations of arithmetic, powers, roots, trigonometry, pi, e, and a few other simple concepts. It returns a JavaScript object with two members, value contains the numerical value (if one was able to be computed) and message is a string that may contain some details, such as when rounding needed to occur.


More Examples

In addition to the brief examples shown in this file, the test suite in the source code repository is (naturally) a large set of examples of how the module works, and they become useful approximately where "factory functions" are tested.