Lurch Deductive Engine



The CNF namespace includes tools for constructing nested JavaScript arrays suitable for use in the satisfiability solver stored in the dependencies folder in this repository. (Credits to the author of that tool appear in the documentation for isSatisfiable(), below.)

The format used by that tool is as follows. Assume that we have a number for every propositional variable, so that we might refer to them as $p_1,p_2,p_3,\ldots$. Then an expression such as

$$ (p_1\vee p_2)\wedge(\neg p_2\vee p_3\vee\neg p_4) $$

gets encoded as follows.

[ [ 1, 2 ], [ -2, 3, 4 ] ]

The inner arrays are disjunctions, the outer array is conjunction (as is the definition of CNF), and the integers represent propositions, or the negations of them, depending on the sign of the integer.

Tools in this namespace let you construct CNFs for atomic propositions, including:

and non-atomic propositional expressions as well, including:

You can then check satisfiability of any constructed CNF with isSatisfiable().



and(args) → {Array}

The conjunctive normal form (CNF) for the conjunction of the inputs. Each input must itself be a CNF, and consequently they can be conjoined just by concatenating the arrays (which is the same as flattening the argument list by one level).



  • Array

    if the args contain $a_1,\ldots,a_n$, the result is a conjunctive normal form representing "$a_1$ and $\cdots$ and $a_n$"



constantFalse() → {Array}

The conjunctive normal form (CNF) for the constant true is an array containing exactly one entry, itself an empty array. The reason for this is that a CNF is a conjunction of disjunctions, so the inner array represents an empty disjunction, which is vacuously false. Consequently, the outer conjunction is also false.


  • Array

    the conjunctive normal form representing the constant "false"



constantTrue() → {Array}

The conjunctive normal form (CNF) for the constant true is simply the empty array, because CNF means "all these things must be true," and so an empty list is vacuously true.


  • Array

    the conjunctive normal form representing the constant "true"



isSatisfiable(CNF, maxVariableIndexopt) → {boolean}

Checking the satisfiability of a propositional logic expression is an NP-hard problem. We use, internally, a tool built by Gregory Duck that has many efficiencies built in, though of course, in the worst-case scenario, it still runs in exponential time. But in practice, it is very fast.

The CNF provided should be one in the form described at the top of this page (an array of arrays of integers, with the meaning documented there). Such CNFs can be built using the other functions in this module.

Professor Duck's satisfiability checker has a website here and a GitHub repository here.


  • CNF Array.<Array>

    the conjunctive normal form whose satisfiability should be tested

  • maxVariableIndex integer <optional>

    the highest index variable mentioned in the CNF (which will be computed if not provided, but providing it saves a little time)


  • boolean

    whether the given expression is satisfiable



or(P, Q, getNewSymbolopt) → {Array}

The conjunctive normal form (CNF) for the disjunction of the two inputs, although this is not quite true. It is extremely inefficient to compute actual disjunction of two CNFs, and thus we adopt here a method that does not create the actual disjunction, but rather a CNF that is equisatisfiable with the actual disjunction. Since our purpose here is only for creating CNFs for use in satisfiability checking, that shortcut is good enough.

The third parameter is a callback function that will be used to generate a new, unused symbol (that is, an integer not appearing in $P$ or $Q$ or anywhere else in the larger problem into which these may fit) if one is needed as a so-called "switch variable." If this function is not provided, we will simply use the smallest positive integer not appearing (as itself or its negation) in $P$ or $Q$. This fallback may not be what the caller wants; it is only a fallback.


  • P Array

    the first CNF of the two to conjoin

  • Q Array

    the second CNF of the two to conjoin

  • getNewSymbol function <optional>

    the callback for generating new symbols (which must take no inputs and return a positive integer if called, and which may have side effects, such as recording that integer as "used").


  • Array

    the conjunctive normal form representing an expression equisatisfiable with "$P$ or $Q$"



proposition(index) → {Array}

The conjunctive normal form (CNF) for a single propositional letter $p_i$ is an array containing exactly one entry, itself also an array containing exactly one entry, the index $i$ of the propositional letter. The reason for this is that a CNF is a conjunction of disjunctions, so the inner array represents a degenerate disjunction that is equivalent to $p_i$, and thus the outer conjunction represents the exact same thing.

To express the negation of a propositional letter, $\neg p_i$, simply use the negation of its integer index, $-i$. That is, the CNF for $\neg p_i$ can be computed with CNF.proposition( -i ).


  • index Number

    the index of the propositional letter whose CNF should be returned (must be a positive integer) or the negation of such an index if you wish to represent the propositional letter's negation


  • Array

    the conjunctive normal form representing the propositional letter with the given index (or its negation, respectively)
