A useful tool for converting pure validation functions into validation tools (that is, functions with the side effect of writing their results into the target object).
For example, let's say you have a function that can take as input any
expression in a simple toy system and return a validation result, either
{ result:'valid', reason:'...' }
or { result:'invalid', reason:'...' }
Call this function on it to produce a validation tool that you can install
in this module, and that will write its results into the appropriate
attribute of any target on which it is called.
This is the corresponding getter function for the installTool() function. Anything installed with that function can later be looked up with this one.
A JSON stringification that is predictable. The standard JSON.stringify()
can produce different outputs unpredictably, because there is no required
ordering on the key-value pairs. This one requires keys to be output in
increasing string order, so it is predictable.