Lurch Deductive Engine



What is scoping?

The Lurch Deductive Engine supports the common notion of nested scopes for symbols, a notion that appears in various ways in both mathematical language and computer programming languages.

  • In mathematics, when we begin a proof by saying, "Let $x$ be an arbitrary real number," we do not expect that once the proof is over, we are still going to talk about $x$. There is a notion of what computer scientists call "variable scope" that would say that the symbol $x$ is no longer accessible, or "in scope," after the proof has closed.
  • In almost all programming languages, this same principle appears. For example, in JavaScript, the language in which the LDE is developed, one can write function ( x ) { ... } and the x is defined only within the curly brackets. That is its "scope."

Scoping in Lurch

In Lurch, we use Environments to delimit scope. But how do we know where a symbol's scope begins? Notice in the two examples above that explicit syntax marks the beginning of a variable's scope (in mathematics, " arbitrary" and in JavaScript function (...)). In Lurch, we have three methods for marking the beginning of a variable's scope, each of which could be used to represent mathematical content like the example above.

  1. A Declaration of a symbol marks the beginning of a scope for that symbol, and includes the declaration's body (if it has one) and any other LogicConcepts that follow the declaration in its parent environment.
    • We say that symbols declared in this way are explicitly declared.
    • You can find out which symbols a Declaration declares with its symbols() function.
  2. A BindingEnvironment that binds a symbol $x$ is itself the scope for $x$; that is, the scope lasts from the first through the last children of the environment, inclusive.
  3. A BindingExpression functions just like a BindingEnvironment, except within one single expression. These are used for quantification, indexed operators, dummy variables in integration and $\lambda$ notation, and more.
  4. Any LogicConcept can be marked as implicitly declaring a symbol. If the LogicConcept so marked is an Environment, then the implicit declaration functions just like case 2, above, and otherwise, it functions like case 1.
    • Naturally, we say that a symbol declared in this way is implicitly declared.
    • You can add implicit declarations to any LogicConcept with the addImplicitDeclaration() function in this module, but you should do so only during the appropriate phase of scope checking. Refer to the documentation of validate() for details.
    • You can find out which symbols a LogicConcept implicitly declares with this module's implicitDeclarations() function.

The fourth case may seem redundant, since it just repeats the functionality of the earlier cases, but we will use that case to represent in a natural way those mathematical situations in which it is typical to begin using symbols without declaring them, such as in an algebra exercise (where almost nobody says "let $x$ be arbitrary" before they solve for $x$), or a derivation in propositional logic (where almost nobody says "let $P$ and $Q$ be arbitrary propositions" before they write a propositional proof). There are many other cases where symbols are used without being introduced, but these are just two common examples.

Tools in this module

This module provides two types of functionality. First, while scoping information (including implicit symbol declarations and scoping error feedback) is stored in the attributes of LogicConcepts, and thus there is really no strict need for an API to manipulate such data, an API makes it easier, more readable, and less error-prone. So we provide the following functions to that end.

Second, the main workhorse function of this module is to run a scope checking algorithm on any given Environment. That function is called validate(), and you can read its documentation for greater details.

Note also that this module sort of shares a name with the function scope() (and its related functions) because for any Declaration D, the scope of the symbols introduced in that declaration is precisely D.scope(), as defined in the documentation of the scope() function.




addImplicitDeclaration(target, symbolName)

Given a LogicConcept in which we wish to mark some symbols as implicitly declared, this function writes that data into the appropriate attribute, merging it with any data already there. It is assumed that the implicit symbol declaration data is an array of symbol names, and that the new symbol given here is to be appended to the end of that array, if and only if it wasn't already on the array.

This function is made static so that any client can easily make use of the same convention for storing implicit declarations in a LogicConcept, but the standard way to compute and store such errors is by passing an implicit symbol declaration handler to validate().


  • target LogicConcept

    the LogicConcept in which to add a new implicitly declared symbol

  • symbolName Object

    the name of the symbol to mark implicitly declared



addScopeError(target, newData)

Given a LogicConcept in which we wish to save some data about its scoping errors, this function writes that data into the appropriate attribute, merging it with any data already there. It is assumed that the scoping error data is an object containing key-value pairs as is common in JSON data, and that the newData will be merged with any old data already in the target using Object.assign().

This function is made static so that any client can easily make use of the same convention for storing scoping errors in a LogicConcept, but the standard way to compute and store such errors is with validate().


  • target LogicConcept

    the LogicConcept in which to add data about scope errors

  • newData Object

    an object that can be treated as JSON data, to be merged with existing scope error data in the target




This function clears any data stored by addScopeError(). It could just as easily be done with clearAttributes() and the appropriate key, but this API makes it easy to remain consistent if the underlying data storage method were to change.

After this function has been run on the target, the result of scopeErrors() for that same target is guaranteed to be undefined.





This function clears any data stored by addScopeError(). It could just as easily be done with clearAttributes() and the appropriate key, but this API makes it easy to remain consistent if the underlying data storage method were to change.

After this function has been run on the target, the result of scopeErrors() for that same target is guaranteed to be undefined.




declareGlobal(symbolName, target)

A callback function that can be used with the validate() function, as in Scoping.validate(L,Scoping.declareGlobal). If used in that manner, for every free and undeclared symbol in L, this function will add an implicit declaration of it at the top-level ancestor (the "global" scope) for each free and undeclared symbol. Each symbol is added only once to that global scope, because implicit symbol declaration lists are actually sets, not lists.


  • symbolName string

    the name of the symbol to implicitly declare

  • target LogicConcept

    the location at which the symbol appears free and undeclared



declareInAncestor(symbolName, target)

A callback function that can be used with the validate() function, as in Scoping.validate(L,Scoping.declareInAncestor). If used in that manner, for every free and undeclared symbol in L, this function will add an implicit declaration of it at the smallest enclosing Environment in which the symbol was used free and undeclared. This behavior is complex enough that it bears illustrating with a few examples.

Example 1: If the symbol appears free and undeclared in only one expression, then that expression's parent environment is the one in which it will be marked implicitly declared.

Example 2: If the symbol appears free and undeclared in an expression, and then also in another expression that sits in an enclosing environment (an ancestor a few levels above the target), then it will be marked implicitly declared in that outer, ancestor environment, and not anywhere else. Because the implicit declaration acts as a declaration at the start of the enclosing ancestor, its scope includes all the descendants, including both expressions in which it appears free and undeclared.

Example 3: If the symbol appears free and undeclared twice, once in an expression in an environment $E_1$ and the other time in an expression in an environment $E_2$, and both $E_1$ and $E_2$ are children of the same parent, then implicit declarations will be added to both $E_1$ and $E_2$, because they are each the smallest enclosing environment for the free and undeclared instance of the symbol within them.


  • symbolName string

    the name of the symbol to implicitly declare

  • target LogicConcept

    the location at which the symbol appears free and undeclared



declareWhenSeen(symbolName, target)

A callback function that can be used with the validate() function, as in Scoping.validate(L,Scoping.declareWhenSeen). If used in that manner, for every free and undeclared symbol in L, this function will add an implicit declaration of it at the first occurrence of that symbol in any given scope. (The validate() routine calls the callback only on the first occurrence in any given scope, so this function just adds an implicit declaration every time it is called.)


  • symbolName string

    the name of the symbol to implicitly declare

  • target LogicConcept

    the location at which the symbol appears free and undeclared




A callback function that can be used with the validate() function, as in Scoping.validate(L,Scoping.doNotDeclare). Because this function does absolutely nothing, that code is equivalent to calling Scoping.validate(L), but we provide this function for those times when the caller wishes to make it obvious, in the code, that implicit declarations are being expressly omitted.



implicitDeclarations(target) → {Array|undefined}

This function reads the data stored by addImplicitDeclaration(). It could just as easily be done with getAttribute() and the appropriate key, but this API makes it easy to remain consistent if the underlying data storage method were to change.

The result will be an array of symbol names, possibly empty if no symbols are implicitly declared in the target.



  • Array undefined

    the implicit symbol declaration data in the target, or undefined if none has been stored there



removeImplicitDeclaration(target, symbolName)

Given a LogicConcept in which we have marked some symbols as implicitly declared, this function modifies data in the target, removing the given symbol from the implicitly declared list in the target. If it isn't already there, this function takes no action.

This function is made static so that any client can easily make use of the same convention for storing implicit declarations in a LogicConcept, but the standard way to compute and store such errors is by passing an implicit symbol declaration handler to validate().


  • target LogicConcept

    the LogicConcept from which to remove the implicitly declared symbol

  • symbolName Object

    the name of the symbol to remove



scopeErrors(target) → {Object|undefined}

This function reads the data stored by addScopeError(). It could just as easily be done with getAttribute() and the appropriate key, but this API makes it easy to remain consistent if the underlying data storage method were to change.

The result will be an object, JSON data of key-value pairs, the keys of which will be the types of scoping errors, such as "invalid" for invalid symbol declarations or "undeclared" for variables that appear free and undeclared. If any such key is missing, there are no errors of that type.



  • Object undefined

    the scope error data in the target, or undefined if none has been stored there



validate(target, callbackopt)

Refer to the documentation at the top of this page for information on what scoping is in general. This function is the main workhorse that validates symbol scoping inside an arbitrary Environment. It will typically be called on the topmost environment provided as input to Lurch, so that all symbols in the entire input have been analyzed for where their scopes begin and end.

This function can be called in two ways. First, it can be called with just one argument, in which case only the following tasks are done:

  • Any symbol declaration (by a BindingEnvironment or a Declaration) that declares a symbol $x$ while sitting in the scope of some other declaration of the same symbol $x$ is marked with a scoping error of the form { redeclared : [ 'x' ] }. If more than one symbol is redeclared, the array may contain multiple entries.
  • Any symbol $x$ bound by a BindingExpression in the scope of a declaration of the same symbol $x$ or another binding of the same symbol $x$ is marked with a scoping error of the form { redeclared : [ 'x' ] }. If more than one symbol is redeclared by the binding, the array may contain multiple entries.
  • Any symbol $x$ used free in an Expression but not in the scope of any declaration (by a BindingEnvironment or a Declaration) is marked with a scoping error of the form { undeclared : [ 'x' ] }. If more than one symbol is used free and undeclared, the array may contain multiple entries. Such an error is placed only on the first use of the symbol in any given scope; later uses of the same symbol in the same scope are not also marked.

Note that a single LogicConcept might have more than one type of error. For instance, a Declaration that attempts to re-declare a symbol $x$, and whose body contains the symbols $y$ and $z$ free and undeclared might have an error of the form { redeclared : [ 'x' ], undeclared : [ 'y', 'z' ] }.

There are a variety of sensible ways to handle variables that are free and undeclared. On the permissive end of the spectrum, a client may wish to simply ignore them, in which case the error feedback under the undeclared headings can be ignored. On the strict end of the spectrum, a client may refuse to process input that contains free and undeclared symbols. Such clients can pay particular attention to the feedback under the undeclared headings. But many clients will take a middle road of some type, such as treating the first use of the symbol as an implicit declaration of the symbol, either at that location, or at the beginning of its parent environment, or something else.

To help clients who wish to take this middle road, this function has an optional second argument. If a function is provided as the second argument, it will be called on the first instance of every free and undeclared symbol before the validation work described above is executed. The function will be passed two parameters at each call: the name of the symbol that appears free and undeclared, and the LogicConcept in which it appears. These calls will take place in tree-traversal order (that is, earlier nodes first).

The callback function will often want to mark some LogicConcept as the location of the implicit declaration of the symbol in question. It can do so by calling addImplicitDeclaration(). Note that an implicit declaration marked in a LogicConcept L takes effect exactly at L, in the sense that the scope of the declaration includes L itself and continues on through the rest of L's scope.

While callers can provide a callback function for whatever behavior they desire, we also provide some pre-built callback functions, for common actions the caller may desire: declareWhenSeen(), declareInAncestor(), declareGlobal(), and doNotDeclare().


  • target LogicConcept

    the LogicConcept in which to do the work

  • callback function <optional>

    the handler for all symbols that are eligible for implicit declaration, as described above
