Lurch Deductive Engine



An Expression is a type of LogicConcept. (For the other types, see the documentation of that class.) Expressions are mathematical statements and their sub-parts, in the usual manner of organizing into tree form what many mathematicians informally call "mathematical expressions" as trees.

For instance, $3+k=9$ and $\frac{58}{1+x}<e$ are two mathematical expressions. Their subexpressions are also expressions, including, for example, $9$, $3+k$, $1+x$, and $\frac{58}{1+x}$. Even $+$ and $=$ are subexpressions; they are functions that are being applied to arguments.

When we speak of "tree form," we refer to the idea that every expression can be organized into a tree by following the order of operations. For example, $3+k=9$ might have $=$ at the root, with right child $9$ and left child a subtree with $+$ over $3$ and $k$. Although that is one way to organize expressions into trees, we actually choose a slightly different means of applying functions/operators to arguments, which is covered in the documentation for the Application class.

Expressions are analogous to what mathematicians typically write inside $...$ or $$...$$ math mode in LaTeX. This distinguishes them from larger structures that appear in mathematical writing, such as a proof, or a section, or an axiom, or an exercise.

There are three types of Expressions:

  1. Atomic expressions, also called Symbols, which can represent any mathematical symbol, such as $x$, $5$, $e$, $\pi$, $B_4$, $\in$, $\int$, etc. (Note that notation here is in math form just for the documentation; actual symbols may use a different style, such as B_4.)
  2. Applications, which represent the application of a function or operator to zero or more arguments, as in the example of $3 + k$, above, which applies $+$ to the arguments $3$ and $k$.
  3. Binding Expressions, which represent the use of a dummy variable in an expression. Specifically, if you have an expression such as $\exists x,(x^2=2)$ or $\int_a^b f(x);dx$, the $x$ is used as a "dummy" or "bound" variable in each case, and thus has a limited scope one cannot express with a mere function Application. See the documentation for the Binding Expression class for details on how to represent expressions like those examples.

We do not define these cases further here; see the documentation of each of the classes linked to above for details. The Expression class is an abstract base class, and every instance should be an instance of one of those three subclasses.


new Expression(…children)

Constructs an Expression from the given list of children, which may be empty. All children must also be instances of Expression; those that are not are filtered out.






getOutermost() → {Expression}

This function walks up the MathConcept hierarchy containing this Expression until it finds an ancestor satisfying isOutermost(), and then it returns that Expression.


  • Expression

    the outermost Expression ancestor of this Expression


isAConclusionIn(ancestor) → {boolean}

Based on the definition given in the conclusions() function, an Expression will be a conclusion in one of its ancestors if all of the following are true.

  • it is not marked with the "given" attribute
  • its parent is an Environment
  • neither that parent nor any other ancestor (up to and including the one specified as parameter) are marked with the "given" attribute

If no ancestor is provided, then the top-level MathConcept ancestor is used instead.


  • ancestor MathConcept

    the context in which this query is being made


  • boolean

    whether this expression is a conclusion in the given ancestor


isOutermost() → {boolean}

If this Expression has an Expression parent, then it is not the outermost expression in the hierarchy. However, if it has a parent that is some other kind of MathConcept or LogicConcept, then it is the outermost Expression in the hierarchy. If it has no parent, it is the outermost.


  • boolean

    Whether this expression is the outermost Expression in the MathConcept hierarchy in which it sits


value() → {*}

Many mathematical expressions have standard interpretations. We permit Expression instances to be marked with an attribute indicating that they have a standard interpretation, and what that interpretation is. This function looks for such attributes and applies them, computing the value of the Expression, if it has one, and returning undefined if it does not.

An Expression that has a value will have an attribute whose key is the string "evaluate as" and whose value is a string such as "integer" or "integer base 2" or "string" or "ordered pair" or any of a wide variety of other ways to evaluate the Expression's content.

It is intended that this list can grow over time, and this function be updated to support new types of simple mathematical values as they are needed. It is not intended that every kind of possible interpretation should show up on this list, but rather just those types that are common/standard across enough of mathematics that they will be used in any kind of mathematics software.

This initial implementation provides support for none of the types of valuation described above, because each is best implemented in one of this class's subclasses (Symbol or Application) instead. A stub is implemented here as a pure virtual method, to guarantee that the function exists for all Expression instances and returns undefined by default.


  • *

    any basic JavaScript value representing this Expression, or undefined if it there is no such value
