What are de Bruijn indices?
One way to express bound variables without giving them explicit names is to
use de Bruijn indices, a technique that replaces symbols with numbers. The
standard version of this method applies to the
For example,
- The inner
of the original expression is replaced with a 2, because one must walk out two " levels" to find the that originally bound . - The inner
is now a 1 because it was bound by the first above it. - The bound variable names are not needed, because the order of quantification is clear from the indices.
Had the example been something like
Purpose of this module
This module provides tools to encode MathConcept instances using de Bruijn indices, but we make the following changes to extend the method from the standard version introduced above to a version that supports the full range of MathConcepts.
- It is not only
expressions that are supported, but any kind of BindingExpression. For example, we can encode as . - Because a BindingExpression can bind multiple variables, we must
distinguish them, so our indices will be pairs, one index for the binding
level (as above) and one index for which position within that binding was
occupied by the symbol being encoded. For example,
can be encoded as , where I'm using the standard notation for pairs. This applies even if the binder binds only one variable, so the example from item 1., above, would actually be encoded as . - Unlike the original de Bruijn notation, we will use zero-based indexing,
to be consistent with everything else in our codebase, which uses
zero-based indexing. Thus the two examples from item 2., above, would
actually be encoded as
and , respectively.
The notation used above is to illustrate the general concept of the de Bruijn
conversion only. Obviously pairs like
Functions in this module
Given a Symbol, we can compute its encoding as a pair of de Bruijn indices with encodeSymbol(). We represent that pair as another Symbol whose name is a JSON encoding that includes the pair of indices, and that has the original symbol name stored as an attribute, so that the conversion can be inverted later (with decodeSymbol()). However, if you wish to fetch just the indices of the encoded symbol, you can do so with encodedIndices().
The encodeSymbol() function is not, however, of much use to clients, who typically want to encode entire Expressions, not just individual symbols within them. Given an Expression, we can compute its de Bruijn encoding using encodeExpression(). It yields another expression with the following properties.
- At each position where a Symbol had sat, its encoding (under encodeSymbol()) will sit instead.
- The entire resulting expression contains no BindingExpressions.
- At each position where a BindingExpression had sat as a
subexpression, instead an Application now sits, of the form
(A B)
, whereA
is a special symbol indicating that a BindingExpression has been encoded, andB
is the encoding of the body of the original BindingExpression. - Each such
will be decorated with an attribute that records the original names of the bound symbols, so that this encoding is invertible (using decodeExpression()).
To give one full, explicit example, consider the Expression (in
putdown notation)
(forall (x y) , (> x y))
. Its de Bruijn encoding, according to this
module, would be the following. I will use the symbol "LDE DB"
as the
special symbol meaning "encoded binding" and also as the attribute key for
all de Bruijn attributes. Some JSON encodings have been simplified for
readability, as you can see below.
("LDE DB" +{"LDE DB":"['x','y']"} // list of bound variable names
"['LDE DB',0,0]" +{"LDE DB":"JSON encoding of original x symbol"}
"['LDE DB',0,1]" +{"LDE DB":"JSON encoding of original y symbol"}
The module also provides a freeness test for de
Bruijn indices, which returns true for an index
Coordinating with matching
There are two exceptions to the above encoding description, each of which helps this module integrate correctly with the larger module in which it sits, the Matching module.
First, when encoding a symbol, if the symbol is a metavariable, then don't encode it at all, but leave it in its original form.
Second, one of the special symbols in the matching package, the one that marks Expression Functions Applications, is not encoded, but is left unchanged under the de Bruijn encoding. That way, Expression Function Applications retain their meanings under the de Bruijn encoding.
Finally, we do not need to apply the same protection to the Expression Function symbol, because we will not be applying the de Bruijn encoding to Expression Functions, and it would break them anyway, since it removes all bindings. But when decoding the image of a metavariable in a solution, an Expression Function may be present, so the decodeExpression() function recurs inside such structures.
Expression equality
As mentioned above, one of the benefits of de Bruijn indices is that two
expressions are
// Encoding of (lambda x , x):
("LDE DB" +{"LDE DB":['x']}
"['LDE DB',0,0]" +{"LDE DB":"JSON encoding of the symbol x"}
// Encoding of (lambda y , y):
("LDE DB" +{"LDE DB":['y']}
"['LDE DB',0,0]" +{"LDE DB":"JSON encoding of the symbol y"}
Without the attributes, we would be comparing
(lambda ("LDE DB" "['LDE DB',0,0]"))
to itself. With the attributes, we
can still distinguish formerly-
Thus we need a way to compare two expressions for equality, but ignore these hidden attributes that are present only to enable the inversion of the de Bruijn encoding. We define the equal() function for this purpose. It simply calls the equals() function in the MathConcept class, passing an optional argument that tells it to ignore the attributes in question when doing its comparison.
This string is used for several purposes in this module.
- Encoded Symbols use this string as the key for the attribute that stores their original text.
- Encoded BindingExpressions use this string as the key for the attribute that stores their original list of bound symbol names.
- Encoded BindingExpressions are Applications whose operator is a symbol with this string as its text.
A de Bruijn index, as defined at the top of this module, is a symbol encoding a pair of natural numbers, the first of which says how many bindings one must pass as one walks up the ancestor chain of this symbol before we encounter the binding that binds this symbol. Thus a de Bruijn index is free if the number of bindings in its ancestor chain is greater than or equal to that first index.
This function tests that and returns true if that freeness condition is met, false if the first component of the de Bruijn index is smaller than the number of bindings above the symbol, and undefined if the argument given is not a de Bruijn index. Note that, because we are working with Expressions that have been encoded with encodeExpression(), a binding is not a BindingExpression, but an encoded version thereof.
adjustIndices(target, deltaI, deltaJ)
Alter the name of a de Bruijn index (an encoded Symbol) so that it
still encodes a de Bruijn index, but the two components have been adjusted
(up or down) by the differences given in the latter two arguments. That is,
a de Bruijn index
If the first argument is an Application, this function distributes itself across the Application's children. If it is neither a Symbol nor an Application, this function does nothing.
an encoded de Bruijn index
the amount by which to adjust the first component of the index
the amount by which to adjust teh second component of the index
decodeExpression(symbol) → {Symbol}
This function takes an Expression encoded by the encodeExpression() function and returns (a copy of) the original expression that was passed to the encoding function.
an expression that was de Bruijn-encoded
a copy of the original Expression that was encoded to produce the input
decodeSymbol(symbol) → {Symbol}
This function takes a Symbol encoded by the encodeSymbol() function and returns (a copy of) the original symbol that was passed to the encoding function. The de Bruijn indices encoded in the input are discarded, and its original name (stored in an attribute) is restored.
If it receives a symbol that has no de Bruijn encoding information stored in an attribute, it returns the symbol untouched.
a symbol that was de Bruijn-encoded
a copy of the original Symbol that was encoded to produce the input
encodedIndices(symbol) → {Array.<number>}
This function takes a Symbol encoded by the encodeSymbol() function and returns the de Bruijn indices stored within its name.
a symbol that was de Bruijn-encoded
a pair of natural numbers, the de Bruijn indices of the input
encodeExpression(expression) → {Expression}
This function takes an input Expression and returns an output Expression that is the de Bruijn-encoded form of the input. The full list of guarantees this function provides, and the properties its output will have, is given in the documentation at the top of this module.
In summary, all of its BindingExpressions have been replaced with Applications with no bound symbols, and all formerly-bound symbols have been replaced with their encoded versions as de Bruijn indices, as computed by the encodeSymbol()) function.
This operation can be reversed by applying the decodeExpression() function.
the expression to be encoded
the encoded version, with the properties described above
encodeSymbol(symbol) → {Symbol}
This function takes an input Symbol and returns an output Symbol whose name encodes the de Bruijn index of the first symbol. Recall from the definition at the top of this module that, in this module, a de Bruijn index is a pair of natural numbers. Note that the context of the input Symbol (its ancestor chain, and whether it is bound by any of those ancestors) is what determines the result of this function.
The encoded symbol returned by this function has an attribute that stores the original name of this symbol, so that this encoding can be reversed by decodeSymbol(). For two important details about how symbol encoding coordinates with the Matching module, see the documentation at the top of this module.
the symbol to be encoded
a new symbol whose name encodes the de Bruijn indices of the input
equal(expression1, expression2) → {boolean}
See the documentation at the top of this module for why it is important to be
able to test two expressions for equivalence, ignoring the attributes that
may have been added during the de Bruijn encoding process that produced those
two expressions. This function does exactly that, using the
feature of the equals()
function in the MathConcept class.
the left-hand side of the equality test; this function asks if this is equal to
the right-hand side of the equality test; this function asks if this is equal to
whether the two Expressions are equal except for any attributes that were added as part of the de Bruijn encoding process