Lurch Deductive Engine



In many situations, it's useful to be able to create new symbols, which means symbols that have not already appeared in a given context. Consider the following example.

Say we have a mathematical expression like $\forall x,x>y$, and we wish to substitute some value for $y$, and we want to avoid variable capture. That is, perhaps we're substituting $y=x^2$, and we want to avoid the $x$ in $x^2$ becoming bound by the quantifier. So we need to perform $\alpha$-renaming on $\forall x,x>y$, using a new symbol that does not show up in any of these expressions so far. That is, the new symbol should not be any of $x,y,\forall,>,=,2$.

In that example, we would like to create one new symbol, where "new" means "does not appear in any of a chosen set of expressions." In other situations, we may need to create many new variables, such as when constructing an $n$-ary $\lambda$ expression and needing to name its parameters. In either case, a NewSymbolStream can solve the problem, as follows.

Construct a NewSymbolStream, passing as arguments to the constructor all the expressions containing "old" symbols, those that are not permitted to be created. Then ask for one new symbol with next(), or ask for many new symbols with nextN().


new NewSymbolStream(…args)

Construct an object that can produce new symbols. Provide as arguments any expressions whose symbols must be avoided when producing new symbols. This object guarantees that new symbols produced by calls to next() or nextN() will never yield a symbol that appears in any of the expressions given as arguments.


  • args any <repeatable>

    These are passed directly to the avoid() function; see its documentation for details.






This function instructs the stream to avoid producing any of the symbols appearing in the args list. Those arguments may be any MathConcept, in which case all descendants of it (including itself) that are Symbols will be avoided by this stream (i.e., never produced as output). The arguments may also be strings, in which case they are treated as the names of symbols that cannot be produced as output.

To be precise, if $A$ is any argument to this function, and $s$ is the name of any symbol appearing in $A$ (or $A$ is simply the string $s$) then this object guarantees that, for any $n$, calling nextN() on $n$ will produce an Array of Symbol instances none of which are named $s$.

Note that if you later change the expressions provided here, those changes are not tracked or noticed by this stream. The stream takes note of the symbols in the arguments at the time you call it, and does not check back later to see if the expressions have changed. You can update the stream using more calls to avoid().


  • args any <repeatable>

    Any combination of MathConcepts and JavaScript strings, which will be interpreted as the set of symbols that this stream is not allowed to produce, as defined above.



copy() → {NewSymbolStream}

Create a copy of this stream. It will yield the same set of symbols that this one yields, and from the point at which we make the copy, the two are then independent of one another. For instance, if this stream would next yield v10, v11, v12, ..., then a copy will also yield those same symbols next, but generating a symbol in one of the copies does not impact the internal state (and thus nor does it impact the future output) of the other copy.


  • NewSymbolStream

    a copy of this new symbol stream


next() → {Symbol}

Produce a single new symbol from this stream. The stream guarantees that it will not produce any of the symbols it was instructed to avoid, by all earlier calls to the avoid() function, and it guarantees that it will not produce any symbol it has produced before.

Of course, calls to avoid() must precede calls to this function if they are to be obeyed. That is, calling S.avoid(x) and then and then S.avoid(y) guarantees that the result of the call to next() will avoid x, but makes no guarantees about y, since it was not instructed to avoid y until after the call to next(). But later calls to next() will also avoid y.



  • Symbol

    a single Symbol instance whose name is guaranteed to satisfy the constraint described in the documentation for the avoid() function.


nextN(N) → {Array.<Symbol>}

Produce new symbols from this stream. The stream guarantees that it will not produce any of the symbols it was instructed to avoid, by calls to the avoid() function, and it guarantees that it will not produce any symbol it has produced before.


  • N integer

    the number of symbols to produce



  • Array.<Symbol>

    An array of length N containing all new symbols, produced by repeated calls to next().
